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Everything posted by Talos

  1. I played two 25ss games last week with this crew. First game was against a Lady Justice crew, I lost pretty badly by the end of turn two I only had my master left. I was able to summon a witchling stalker and fight on for a turn but by turn 4 it was over. Second game was against a Neverborn Zorida crew, was a close game I had 3 models left against his one at the end. But I lost due to objections as I did not plant enough evidence, his crew was very fast and able to get to all the points first. Finally had a chance to look at the new book and there are some awesome new guild units in there. I decided to try and create a proxy for the lawyer In the artwork they are creepy and wear masks, I found this dark age model in my bits box that look liked it would fit. I cut off his sword and gave him a scroll to look like a contract as they dont have a melee weapon. He is just a proxy so painted him quite quick, but he will do till there is a official model. I have started work on a Austringer and some guild guard
  2. The thing I dont understand about book two fluff. (spoilers) Is that at the end Nicodem is in his tower getting attacked by Guild and Hamlin but why dont the guild recognise him. I know lady J is blind but the judge is there and a number of guild officers. So why dont they recognise that the state undertaker is in fact a resser ? That bit really annoyed me. I know there could be the argument that they dont see him as they are to busy trying to kill Hamlin's creatures but someone must have seen his top hat. I dont mind if they kill lady J but I would like there to be a reason to kill her not just for the shock factor. Out of all the characters I hope the new Hamlin dies as I really did not like him and thought he ruined the great book 2 fluff.
  3. Added the first Pin to London.The gaming club I go to, to play Malifaux. Meets every Tuesday and we always have at least two Malifaux games going on a night. There is only one LGS I know of in London and it is very small and there is no point going there to try and get a game. I am jealous of all the LGS you guys have in the states.
  4. I am new to the game and for me a 25ss game takes about an hour and a half. That includes me asking questions and having to look up rules. Playing my first 30ss game soon so shall see how long that takes.
  5. I brought Nicodem's book set but found out he does not really match my style. So I am looking to trade him. All the models but Nicodem are still metal. Nicodem has been sprayed white and had one light coat of black wash put on his coat. All the models are still unmade. I am looking to trade it for another box set or some guild. I would take: Ramos box set Leveticus box set Viktoria box set Another models would trade for: Peacekeeper Guild Guard Guild Austringer Judge Governor's Proxy Ronin
  6. Advertising on forums is useful. That is how I found my current club. Its all about getting your name out there.
  7. Does anybody play Malifaux in Southampton Uk. I go to uni there and I have one year left. So far I have been unlucky with my wargaming at uni. I dont have the room to bring a w40k army and the GW is awful. I cant find any good active gaming clubs. So it looks like I can only play malifaux in my holidays back in london which is disappointing.
  8. Thank you for this. Hope more is added to it . Lucius and the lawyer where the units that really stood out of me from book two. I love the guild and these models look like they will be great fun to play. The artwork also looks great so hopeful the models will be awesome. I am looking forward to playing him. I like the thought of using Ryle as he seems like he could do alot of damage but not being able to target him for friendly spells is a bit annoying. I just feel the crew needs a heavy hitter or a threat to take pressure of Lucius or your lawyer. Anybody know any Good poxys for Lucius and the Lawyer.
  9. I hope that is not true. I really dislike the idea of bring out all the characters but in mounted versions. It seems pointless and gets rid of the unique factor of the riders. I cant wait for the new models. I loved Rising powers but its sad to think I wont be able to use any of the new guild in my crew for a while till there models. I dont like the idea of proxys and I cant find any non-wyrd models which fit in the style. All the other factions got new box sets (not neverborn but out soon) but not the guild. Not complaining just wish I could use the lawyer the artwork and rules are awesome.
  10. I am having some trouble uploading photos . If I do them in bulk it gives me Http errors if I upload them one at a time they work but then it says my Gallery has no pictures in it.
  11. I have decided to have a go with a blog. I have never done anything like this before. So here it is so far, need to upload photos later. Only problem is you have to upload from your pc all my Malifaux photos are on Photobucket and I got rid of the ones on my PC and Camera memory card. So will have to redownload them from photobucket. Right now I am finding the layout a bit annoying. Not sure why but there is something I dont like about the look of the whole thing. I dont know if I will keep up with this, but it may be fun. Is there any way to tell if people have actually viewed your blog ?
  12. I just wish Bete Noir did not have the worst model in the Line. The face and pose on that model is so awful, I just cant field her. For my guild my fav would be the Witclings I like the models and they are great shock troops.
  13. I have finished Sonnia. I think I kind of rushed her and after looking at the photos somethings havent really show up. The ruffles on her sleeves are actually purple in real life but I think I need to highlight them again as they did not even show up.I was going to do her shirt as white but could not get it to look right so went with black think it blends in a bit much. Doesnt help one my lamp bulbs has gone so dont have much light. I cant get her face to look right, I think its the eyes I cant do them. But still this means I can actually field a 25 SoulStone crew fully painted which is great.
  14. I have finished my Sonnia Criid Box set and I am looking to expand my Guild crew. I like Lady J but I am looking for a model that is a bit more dynamic. So does anybody have an good ideas. I am looking for something that will fit the scale and theme. I can greenstuff on a blindfold for the model so that is not a problem. Any help would be great.
  15. I got my bases from IronHalo today. Great bases and nice and cheap. I have enough to base my witch hunter starter set. I have done some more work on Samuel pretty happy with the results. I have started on Sonnia should have her done tomorrow, which means my whole starter set is done. This means I can buy something new for my guild as I promised my self I would only buy something after everything was painted. Thinking of either a Peacekeeper or some Death Marshals. Here is Samuel and my 3 witchlings painted and based.
  16. my LGS has a two models from Wyrd for Malifaux up for pre-order . One is called Capitan Leon and the other is called the Queen of Shadows. I guess these are wrong or have been misnamed. According to the pricing they are less than a crew ( thought it could have been the two new sets but misnamed as Queen of Shadows could easily be that new resser lady) but more than a single model so not sure what they are.
  17. Congrats on getting 50+ models done. They look great, I like Killjoy and teddy.
  18. Thanks for the kind words guys. I think I am already addicted to this game I have not even had my first game yet. Going to pick up a few more models tomorrow, thinking Lady J boxset and the governers poxy plus some base insets to finish these guys. The thing I love about this game is the scale if I what to change my style of play I only need to buy one model or two. If In Gw WFB I want to try something new or try a new unit I need to buy and paint around 30 guys. I did my last witchlings last night and I could not get there purple to come out as well as the first one but still pretty happy with them. I feel the swords let them down but I just could not get a effect I liked. The Student of conflict needs its sword finished but otherwise I am happy with it. Sorry picture is a little dark
  19. Thanks for the reply. Right now all my Witchlings will be painted this way. I have no idea how I going to paint Sonnia or Sameal yet. I could use purple to tie Sonnia with the witchlings but not sure on Sameal. Oh yes I seem to have missed some green on the hood, think that was left from when I tried to do some lighting on the hood from the eyes but could not get it to work. Need to clean that up. Also not happy with the red on the sword handle, it does actually have a few highlights on it, I also have trouble taking pictures of red.
  20. Due to having my first Malifaux game on Tuesday I thought it would be good to start painting my crew. I brought the witch hunter crew as I liked the witchlings. So I thought my first model would be a witchling, I was surprised at the amount of mould lines on all the miniatures, much worse than any other models I have brought before. I do like the official scheme but decided to try something different. So far I have spent about an hour on it and I am happy so far. I just need to do the sword, so what is the best way to do the sword. I liked the magic rusted look but I cant get it to work.
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