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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Pandora would be the one I would rank as 4th most complex. Nothing wrong with any of them just not the masters I would recomend for a new player is all
  2. Ug how I wish I could move some of my old gw stuff for malifaux
  3. You never need to take them at the start of the game but you will end up needing at least 1 or 2 as he summons them as a side effect to a lot of his spells. That being said I have played many a game where I never made a single one. You could also all ways proxy in for them.
  4. I would not recomend any of those crews for a new player. They are all great options for the type of crew your looking for but are also probably 3 of the top 4 most complex masters in the game. You may want to look at marcus. He is a simple master to learn the game but has a lot of intresting trick plays avilable to his crews. Such as tiger being able to make like a 20 inch move and still get to attack out of no where. He is not the most powerfull master and will take time but is in my opinion a better starting point. Also if you pick up the new shikome coming out this month it will give you a start for Kirai down the road as no one sticks with just one master.
  5. Thats an odd option given the game. She cant obey much of any thing and the doll cant bind to a master. So I got to ask why take that?
  6. I have never sceen a game yet that did not have this in some form or another. Its not that strange. I have said many a time levi needs a nurf but he is by far my top master.
  7. Well I think half of my list needs to happen at some point. Ham flat out has major rules issues. Dreamer has to have some changes or faq on how he works there are posts after posts on these two. Perdita I think will sooner or later get changed. She is one of the top power masters and like others before her could use a little work. Austringer is total wish list. I dont think austringer will be changed but I hope. Movement thing is a total wish list other then Collodi that guy is just fricking crazy to fight. As a side note the current errata changed about 75% of the models in the game even if it was to just clean up wording.
  8. Just curious because i dont play them or play vs them well ever. Is it lure you think is OP on them or the whole model. I know Lure can be a very powerfull tool but other then that I dont think they look all that uber. That being said I think they are going to get a rare number(just my guess)
  9. Hum ill bite I have a wish list (Note this is my wish list so it is ok for it to be wrong in the rest of the worlds eyes Dreamer gets some love so we can figure out how the heck he actualy works. (see replace threads, activations mid other models activations). A whole new version of the rule of equivilency I think its far 2 complex atm and leads to a lot of how does this work questions. Hamelin revamp this guy has issues. Movement cuddles. I personaly would like to see first turn alpha strikes go the way of the dodo. In my opinion there are a couple of models in the game that are just to fast. No one should get hit before they can even start the game. Collodi, dreamer,kirai, Guild austringer nurf. I love the flavor idea on this guy I hate how it works in games. Not that I think hes crazy OP I just hate how IMHO it makes positioning less important in the game. (Im sure others will disagree but this is my wish list) O and no change to the waif v1 rules. Edit I am sure this will get some one grumpy with me. A nurf to Perdita. I think she a little to far ahead of the other guild masters who I find to be well balanced. And to be fair even tho I know he got some Levi nurfs were on my list he was OP. So far I like the v3 rules.
  10. Eh like i said I am sure next time he will crush me it was just things went my way for once and it felt good
  11. Lol i saw him post it old dog and i followed along I am a sheep. I was not trying to link them in any way other then the people who came up with them need mental help. And for the record I liked old boy just wished I never saw it due to ending. The other one sigh. What sucks the big one is Centipede was listed as segment one or some thing like that. What is scary is the movie made money. That means sooner or later they will make part 2. That gives me 2 options. Subject myself to the other half or wonder for the rest of my life how in the hell they came up with a second half that is any thing but the girl going to spend her life in a mental ward.
  12. As others have said Old dog and human centipede. I swear the 2 people who came up with those 2 movies should be locked away. Thing is I like strange movies but those 2 left scars. As a side note I think I am the only person alive who has enjoyed all the M. night movies. Not the best things I have ever sceen but I dont think any of them was so bad that I could not just go that was kind of cool at the end.
  13. Understood. Personaly I dont often have some one run me out of activations I tend to play crews with high model count. Like I said tho depends on the crew your fighting. I have noticed more and more alpha striking action going on with crews. I kind of wonder if wyrd should tone down movement some. lots of alpha striking crews kind of mess with the movement being a vital roll in the game.
  14. Intresting I guess I just thought of it as more of a dreamer sort of alpha strke where you get attacked by mutiple models turn one. I am sure this tactic would be an intresting trick vs some crews. I think others would just eat the spirit you summon out before it could act. O well I guess thats some thing that would depend on the game. Thanks for the info.
  15. Never did understand how people got to the other side of the table with kirai crew first turn. i know she can warp over 18 inches but bringing the crew with her was a bit lost on me
  16. That one is about what our boards look like Well minus gingerbread houses. I think they sell those at like wall mart I might grab a couple
  17. Any thing but guild I dont play guild myself so im not the best person to answer that.
  18. Very intresting. Personaly I never liked the example pic in the book. Mainly just because the one huge forrest accounted for so much of the terrain. This is probably a little under what I normaly see so sounds like my local playgroup is playing with a pritty good amount. I think more forest would help. I like the idea they effect both movement and los but other models interact with them well. Things like hunter and waldgeist.
  19. On another post this pic was posted. Now I am just curious how every one else feals about how much terrain is on the board. Its not a bash that they used to much or to little I am just currious what the board thinks about the amount of terrain. Lalochezia thanks for the pic
  20. Sure I can do that. League game so was more competitive then most of our games. Lets see Him Dreamer, 2 insidious madness, 3 daydreams, Squid face, Stitched together. Me Levi, Canine remains. 8 spa (Note this is very much not my standard list I was playing some thing he was not used to as we play a LOT) My goal was escape and survive, His was supply wagon. Escape and survive was a part of why I took 8spa. By spending all points on models that are insignificant I forced him to have to kill levi to prevent me from getting my escape and survive. All or nothing for the most part I was getting 8 or nothing this game. I announced kill protegee and body guard. He announced hold out and one hidden. 1st turn He won first action and gave dreamer flight and ran him out to just shy of mid field. He then dropped the 2 maddness and 3 daydreams on the field. The madness were right beside him and 3 daydream. One was a little forward and placed behind a building. One was placed a full 6 inches in advance as bait. 3rd one was placed close to the one behind the building but able to be viewed. First turn I killed my dog and Levi made a waif from the corpse. This let me put a waif 6 inches out and still had one back in deployment. I then burned out activations so every thing he had one table had acted. I used one set of spa to make a desolation engine and kill the bait dream. Knowing any thing he put out would get eaten by the other desolation engine. I charged with the second desolation engine and pulled up beside the out in open daydream killing him and making a spa and then killing the one behind the wall I could now just barely see. Both landed me a SAP. He then brought out squid face and stitched. They wounded but was not able to kill the engine. Squid face did land 2 eye ball counters however. 2nd turn was very ugly on both sides. I got the first action and killed off squid face. Dreamer then activated became the big lord chomp and ate the desolation engine. I placed out my 2 spa so 4 available there.. Knowing that the 4 spa was going to be another engine this turn he made a daydream with chomp and used it to put chomp away before he got desolated. My action saw the reform of the engine and I was able to kill off one of the insanity and wound the stitched. He then again killed off the desolation engine. I was able to bring up second desolation and kill the stitched but giving him the second activation. Second desolation engine died again giving me 4 spa. 3rd. Again he smoked the desolation engine with chomp. Again he put away chomp with the remaining daydream. He also took out a spa. He lost one of the madness to levi and another to the spa left behind. Levi made a 4th spa with this and voltron came back. Voltron killed the day dream. With one action left I decided to pull the engine back so if chomp killed him levi could go after chomp. Other guy had burned thought his ss by this point. 4th. With nothing but dreamer and chomp available. Chomp ate the desolation engine and then levi killed off chomp. We called it at this point being as I managed to slap the wagon wounding it and he could not get his 4 points. 4t
  21. You do know what the best thing about Koala bears is right? THE MEAT IS DELICIOUS
  22. Hey wait a moment we are about to see the new errata. That means its time for me to ask when the next next errata is coming out. Damn it wyrd you have not even put out this errata and we have to wait for the next one come on. (Just a jk if you could not tell)
  23. Managed to beat dreamer for once with levi. Using version 3 rules none the less. Apparently levi needed cuddled so I could kill dreamer. O well next time I am sure I will get my arse handed to me again. This one was crazy close.
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