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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Hey eric will your black joker puppet get a model for the game? Allways wanted to have you guys make that in to a model.
  2. Very cool of you. Feal free to ignore the crush every one view of mine. I play a lot of fun games but look at the rules from a very min max view point because I enjoy tournaments.
  3. Personaly I hope they remove all 3 pointers in the next book. I have found that the game has basicly went every one did not announce and then some one got smart and said hey I am going this. Now every one announces both every game and now its getting to the point where every one takes a 3 pointer to keep up.
  4. Ya wod is right on this one. Very easy to cost him 3 points on that one. Live and learn but sounds like this should have been your game.
  5. WuWu well played. Hamlin is a rock. You let him bunch up and do what he was gona do and you did your thing. Even ending a draw its about all you can do vs him. I am curious why you did not call body guard as well. Given that you got 3 vp for one and managed to max your score unless he had a 3vp goal it sounds like you would have won this.
  6. There are so many ways to attack first turn there is no normal standard way of doing so. Even going after objectives. Keep in mind my local playgroup is a lot of perdita/austringers/nino and Dreamer crews. Here are some recent first turns I can remember. Not saying every game goes this way but I think of this as normal. First round of last tournament I played in I had managed to grab the treasure and had it back in my deployment zone turn 1 using alice, ashes and dust and 2 spa. I burned out his activations and then moved up the 2 spa for 9 inches. A&D was placed in base contact with the far one putting me right in contact with the treasure. Picked it up for 2 and moved back 4 inches. Reactivation saw it move back 3 more times and then killed itself next turn I just had to pick it back up and stay alive. Last local game in the area I saw was 2 dreamer crews. one moved forward 7 inches. Second guy moved forward placed out his daydreams one of those summoned teddy who killed dreamer unleashing all his models. There was 5 models out of 12 dead first turn of the game. Second turn it was called when one player had 6 vp and other guy had next to no chance to get the treasure. Kirai game I waited out till he moved forward with his entire crew. I then summoned a shikomi and finished the first turn with 5 vp for betrayed by spirits and deliver the message. Game was over 1 turn.
  7. You must play with a far different meta game then i do. I find it rare when first turn does not end up in dead models or objectives done. Hell I consiter it normal when a game is basicly over by turn 3.
  8. You cant go toe to toe with hamlin. Sounds like he had a lot of models to attack when he finaly caught you. Spread out so that his i finaly caught you means he can only go after 1 or 2 models. Sounds like you did ok but few points. Black blood models are very bad option vs him I think you figured this out tho. Hamlin rat crews require they function in one big bubble and its not all that fast. They cant be everywhere at once. For this mission you only need to get 3 counters. He cant realy hold down more then 2 at a time and you basicly have 2 stupid easy VP being neverborn just pick 3 rats. Dont have to try and get them all just more points then him. Try and Keap 2 counters activated and then jump in for 3rd with pandora at the end.
  9. tadaka


    Lol if you read that thread you will see why I remember it so. I have a bad habit of getting under others skin online. Funny thing is most people who know me think of me as a very nice guy
  10. Any one try these and have any thoughts. Looks like an intresting idea on paper.
  11. tadaka


    You can cast Dementia on Pandora and this gives her a ton of relatively easy Wp Duels to fuel up Fading Memory and thus makes her insanely mobile. Just remember it's only her Totem that can cast it, she cannot target herself with the attack. Dispose of the Totem and that trick is gone. Ropar rules man just so its covered. Sketch put out in this thread that models can target themselves with spells. As long as they are not strikes. http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=16744&highlight=target+model&page=2 This means that pandora can put the spell on herself her totem need not cast it. Unless there has been a change to this that we should be aware of. I am with wod on this one personaly I hope it gets changed.
  12. Lol this is probably the worst match up ever. Take a ton of wicked dolls and burn actions untill he runs out. Most marcus crews are pritty small and colladi crews can be very large. When he runs out of activations just use the marionetts to land on the target of your choice then 0 action the wicked dolls on top of colladi. The shear number off attacks you can pull off and marcus low defense crew makes this a slaugher. Collodi is crazy good vs low model count low D crews. You can field 14 models in a 30 point game models half of them moving to the target for 0 actions they all have fast and 2 or 3 will have +1 attack as well. Even with there crap attack they will swarm a marcus crew in to oblivion. For the other guy spread out to all heck to avoid the crap storm it will force him to pick of the models at the edges as you try and rush to objectives gl.
  13. tadaka


    Yes she can. Some players are hopeing this will change with the new book but for now she can. I dont think this change will happen. From what I understand the point of the book is to add in the current changes and make the rules clear. I am sure some changes will happen for example the current ROE is gone in the new book I dont think they plan on changing how the game works much.
  14. I would not discount him as a solid model. An often over looked thing is even if the trapper is a better model given that you are looking at colette you may want to pick up a m&su special forces model. Hans will not prevent takeing another special forces model where as a trapper would.
  15. Knowing he has a crap hand is never valid. He can draw more cards by sacing rats and gets a card every turn from his totem unless you have killed it. You also never know what he started with. To use a poker term he could slow play you acting like he has crap and when the time is right slam you with an unexpected hand. Only time you know a players hand sucks is when he has 0 cards or you have the ability to look at them. The only thing valid about this tactic is trying to stockpile a hoard of high cards for a all at once go for the gold in the end. Problem with doing so is that your keeping high cards in your hand and not in your deck. Hell a better tactic would probably be ditch all the high cards you pull and keep the crap if you want to control his hand. Makes your odds of pulling solid cards better every turn.
  16. -The two armies I'm getting are Colette and Lady Justice. Colette is just a beautiful set of models, and, I'm an Eldar player if you know what I mean - if I don't go for a crazy manipulation army, I'm not being myself. Both of those sets play well out of the box. You will want to pick up doves first imho. Nothing wrong with going colette as a first set as long as you know your looking at a complex master and you may get your butt handed to you a few times as you learn it. Also keep in mind your first few games are going to take a bit so I would keep a few hours open for them. -Rulebooks. I'm waiting, impatiently, for that new 15 dollar rulebook to come out. Or, is it absolutely necessary to get the thicker ones, especially for trying to set up a Malifaux group? I would just wait it comes out this month. The Larger rule book has a lot of great fluff and stats for models you dont have. Nice thing is most of the stats are available on wyrd site as a PDF. Cards will have the current rules for these crews as long as lady J set gets v2 cards if not your local henchman or wyrd can replace them. -I have one fate deck so far, and I'm going to pick up a tube of plastic soul stones for my table at the house. Will I need more than 30 counters? Any other types at all? 30 is plenty. This game has a ton of different counters. I would look for a post by ratty his sig has a link to a amazing page with counters for everything you can imagine to print up. EDIT Link for rattys page http://nezumi.me.uk/Malifaux/ Rat man again thanks for the wonderfull page -Terrain... how much should I build or prepare for a 3x3 table, at the minimum? I'm not clear how much should be covered, how much should be area terrain, etc. Book one said about half the table should have some sort of terrain. So about a foot and a half sq would be good. Thank you kindly for all of the support ahead of time - I'm really excited about the game, but I feel like a caffeinated toddler who has been left to their own devices at the moment - need a way to devote this energy productively
  17. Sand you so remind me of Jay from Jay and Silent bob in that picture.
  18. I think you mean he can draw them from the discard pile. yes players should keep this in mind when deciding when to cheat but going in with the idea I am just not going to use cards VS him is only going to make hamlin harder to beat. If he has a 13 or a red joker in discard ya don't cheat but hey if you would have cheated and he has a 4 sitting there use the card and move on.
  19. I find the idea of not cheating vs Hamlin funny. People think about this all wrong. How often do you discard a crap card at end end of the turn? The only time your giving him a card is when your getting a use out of it. Roughly half the cards in the deck suck so if you play some thing he is only getting a useful card half the time you win. People act like every time you play a card he gets a 13 or some thing. You are much better off just playing your hand.
  20. Was just a point of makeing sure you playing it right. If thats how you got them cool it was just some thing that stuck out in my mind as that is a hell of a lot of rats. Another thing to keep in mind you should never know that your playing a terrifying crew. Rules of the game means that all you should know is that your face a faction when you pick your crew. When looking at game balance you have to keep this in mind. Personly I dont like it I think masters should be balanced by masters. Avoiding rats because your other half is playing neverborn could suck. Every faction can play the terrifying game vs you even guild can slap out the peacekeeper, killjoy or ex. The only way to avoid it is not play rats at all. As far as not killing them that is meaningless for kirai. Personaly when I go after hamlin when he makes one insignificant I just wait till toward the end of turn and use the insignificant one as a sac for the new one.
  21. A point of note given that he had 14 rats. Make sure hamlin is not getting rats of shisin they auto sac when they die if kirai did not use her 0 action to change that.
  22. Terror spam works very well vs Hamlin. Even if catchers kill them new models must take tests. God help you if the other guy has mutiple 2 or 3 inch terror causing models. For example dreamer. You will want to cry when an an alip bomb hits you and he makes all nightmares have terror. You cant spread out and he will jack you up if you stay lumped up. Rat catchers insta gib from alips is not fun at all.
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