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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. I know how you feel. There are a lot of ways to play the game if the crew your fighting or the mission is not fun find a new game. As for a tournament you have to decide are you playing for chalange or fun. If its chalange suck it up and game. If its for fun decide if one bad round is going to ruin it for you.
  2. Bah you texans dont know anything. Lol
  3. I know card trumps book as general rule but i thought the drowned came in a 3 pack. Card from dead justice says rare 2 is it right?
  4. Well done i got a few good lol out of those. Harmless one is the best
  5. I would love an offical saying what is actualy out this month and next
  6. Are we still looking at a new henchman release this month some web stores are now showing both oct. Any one know the down low.
  7. Other then a few masters i think that they are mostly a fun option. So if you like the look and sounds like you would enjoy it then pick him up
  8. Well i would say all but guessing you have limits. Lady j is a great starter box and people tend to love her style so that would probably be a good option. Then probably hoffman as a second set being as steampunk stuff is popular. For blisters pick up the ex and a peacekeeper. Both are great first choices for those 2 crews to expand in to. What a lot of stores do is when some one wants some thing take an order and get an extra copy or 2. Onems
  9. I know i plan on getting them if for no other reason then you can take them and the peacekeeper
  10. L clips are with out a doubt one of the largest downsides to the product.
  11. Omfg i agree with q about something. I found that 25 and 30 point games play far better . I would love to see more tournaments run in this lower range a lot of the realy powerful combos are kept in check by a slightly lower point total
  12. Papa works better then you might think in a hoffman crew. As long as you keep him close to hoffman you can prevent him from going nova on your crew. Once you are ready you move him out and boom. Not sure its some thing i would take a lot but its fun.
  13. I have not had a chance to test yet but looks like a great way to make tons of shisin for kirai every turn. Make some zombies kill zombies he grabs counters repeat every turn ad kirai summons out shikomi
  14. Wow just wow. Have you even tried any of these models?
  15. Who ever wins just remember you only won becauae i cant go. Sigh wish i could do gencon one of these years. Stupid bills and responsabilities
  16. I find that the exc can actualy work well with hoff. Guardian can protect him and give him some armor till he gets where he needs to be. May want to think about him as a good hoff non construct model
  17. I so wish the soulstone miner would come out been waiting all year for the fun of a model who can bury each turn
  18. This has come up a number of times if it was just yep thats right rat would have said so by now. Im sure they are working on how they want to work this one
  19. Just meant that you could use reactivate again the next turn
  20. Model gets reactivate and uses them both. He then gets buryed and comes back out the next turn is it able to reactivate 2 x in that turn as well as reactivate did not were off as it was not in play at the end of turn.
  21. Do riders mounted combat movement count as a "movement action". The only point i can find in the book is the generic move actions charge and walk.
  22. Thats why hoffman is so perfect for them if targeting an activated model that thing will be shooting at a 6 and a + flip lot of models are going to be standing around doing jack vs that
  23. Personaly i am way excited for them. Solid defense stat + armor means it will survive. Got nice movment and its gun rocks. Never thought i would want the masked guild freak but him hoffman and a couple of these suckers sound like one hell of a nasty crew. Only real downside on it is no warden for ramos and its combat is on the lowside. The low combat has a built in + and the number of shots one of them can put out with hoff luc combo is just scarry
  24. Have they said oct for molly? If so have they given a month for kerris
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