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Everything posted by Xango

  1. There is a spanish slang for pigs that i love, specially when you yell it when the stampede shows up... CHANCHOOOOOOOSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (the word is chanchos)
  2. Great poko, sounds like a great time!!!!
  3. well magno, we have only played: my wife Pandora, and me Zoraida and ramos against her, i have only managed to win 1 game, the thing is that overall i allways kill almost all her models, but the straegies and final balance, allways goes with pandora, in the forum people keep saying that she`s a weak box option, but imo, she`s a pain in the ass, so i agree with the sissors-paper-rock, but in the end the startegies and schemes play a huge rol and sometimes the win is in the last second, besides this, ramos and zoraida are really fun to play, so if you want to throw this crews to the newbs, they will have a hell of a time.
  4. Gob, don`t sweat, i was going to buy 1 crew, ended up buying 4, 3 months ago, now i have 3 more coming and in middle september i`m going for another 2. 1st was, tina, pandora, zoraida and ramos, colette, lady j and ophelia are on the way, and in middle sep. marcus and nicodem, also i want badly the new rat catcher hamelin.
  5. That rodeo pig is wonderful man, good job!!!!
  6. Hi guys, i`ve just played my first game with ramos and a question pop out, pandora`s sorrows keep paralyzing my steamborg, can i counter this effect with stoke of the brass aracnid??? thanks.
  7. omen, thanks a lot, i`m going to build the ones i can untill my book 2 arrives, again, thanks man.
  8. hi gobs, let`s see if i can help, i`m fairly new too and only really know the following crews: Pandora, nice looking box, it contains the character that i hate the most, baby kade, he is a nightmare, lots of wp duels, pandora is almost untouchable and almost the entire crew share spells, add a poltergeist to help channel pandora`s spells. Ramos, really fast and strong crew, has really nasty combos exploding the spyders, they can self explote 1 by 1 making 2 dg, or you can make ramos explode the whole bunch for devastating efects. and the crew that i like the most... Zoraida, she`s a beauty to play, she controls everything, your cards, opponents cards and you can cast obey to get control of opponent minions and do whatever you like with them, add a voodoo doll and zoraida does not need los or distance to cast her spells with conduit, hope this help, greetings.
  9. hi guys, i have warmachine menoth basic box plus a lancers box, and tons of necrons from wh40k, like 3000pts or so with everything except the monolith, this are all painted and assembled, and also have a new closed blister of stonebearers of the troollbloods from hordes, i do not have any special price and we can work it out if you have some malifaux you don`t want or need. Greetings.
  10. Hi guru forumites, i loved the idea of special terrain and have a good time building book 1 special t, can someone post wich are the special terrain for book 2 so i can start building it, thanks a lot.
  11. I do not know what the box will bring, but what i DO know... is that i want that box!!!!!!!
  12. have you played magic the gathering and saw how diferent the decks and the colors work. and now you want a big stompy green, tomorrow a control blue or a white defense, then a black sacrificing creatures, well, that`s malifaux with minis, every master has diferent characteristics, none one game is the same, and then you play another master that you don`t know and you get a lot of surprises so you rethink your strategies etc. add to that strategies and schemes, and you have a bomb of a game, hope i sell it to you, greetings.
  13. yeah, yeah, the errata, keep an open mind and jump that obstacle, besides that, all other aspect of this game is just great, card idea awesome, i have been a long time miniature player, here i go, wh40k, wh fantasy, wm, hordes, hybrid, firestorm armada, mage knight dungeons, mordheim, blood bowl, rezolution, space hulk, at-43, confrontation, hell dorado, and more. IMO the best systems right now, malifaux and infinity with their ARO`s, next i would probably say okko, only for the elemental dice that add strategy and fun to an ok game, the rest for me are in weird steps, i can not stand another game of any GW game (except blood bowl) the PP players have become agresive and intolerant, "play as it you have a pair"!!!!!! they yell now, i have always enjoyed magic tg and malifaux is like that but with minis, supported by great stories and background, again, a great, great game.
  14. when i first saw the minis without work (trimming, painting etc.) i thought they were rough, but after i painted them, the level of detail is great. The first confrontation minis were superb, but now they`re out, (NOTE: i`m grading this based solely to game miniatures!) for my taste, it goes like this in 2010, 1st place: infinity by corbus belly (almost as beautyful as the first confrontation) 2nd place: Okko (wonderful detailed miniatures, great game) 3rd place: indeed, malifaux, i like them more than gw, pp, etc.
  15. I`ll live under my gaming table chuckle.
  16. Hi and welcome, my wife is also dying for the Colette box, but we are still waiting for her to arrive, she`s playing pandora and rasputina, and we been playing a lot, she enjoys the game, so give it a try, greetings.
  17. Since malifaux is somehow settled in the wild west, some native americans are needed, there is a movie with tommy lee jones, "the missing" i think is the name, where a very nasty and terrifying witch doctor appears, some crew with this motto will be awesome.
  18. i just hate that damned kid!!!!!!!!
  19. Hi all, i have this pics of some of our first games, my intention was for batreps, but have tons of work right now, s i write them later, first pics result Zoraida 6 vp Pandora 1 vp, second pics was a fierce battle tied to 6vp`s. hey kid!!! are you lost??? :squint: 2nd game i never thought i could HATE someone, but that damned baby is a real pain in the &%$%&"·!!!!!!!!!
  20. Yes Meph i know, this is just crazy man, before christmas i will be homeless (but with tons of minis yeah!:elefant:
  21. Perdita was my first glance to the game, until i saw sommer, but then saw ophelia and decide she was my first option, then ramos, my wife liked zoraida and tina, but then she saw baby kade and she decided for pandora and she told me that because of my Magic the gathering playstyle i should get zoraida wich i did, so we order 4 crews, zoraida, ramos, tina and pandora, then she heard about marcus hiring all kinds of beasts and she want him (but not before Colette) im still waiting for ophelia with a dark intention of secretly ask for nicodem, then i decided that someone has to put order to our chaotic game table (lots of parties between arc and neverborn) so i decided for lady j, but then reading the book 2 spoilers i definetly want hamelin ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! where was i??????:blowup:
  22. Thanks guys, tonight i will play zoraida again, let`s see how it goes :peace:
  23. Thanks, i maybe use the imps as terror tots proxies
  24. hi again, any chance of the guys of wyrd to introduce the twisted minis into malifaux? i want the imps, the dire mushrooms and the dead piwate, or have somebody proxie something with this minis? thanks.
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