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Everything posted by Griffsnog

  1. ROFL Having a BA in Criminal Justice and having extensively studied sociopathic behavior I suggest you see a therapist. I like skateboarding, riding my bicycle and motorbike with my GF. Also like throwing yoyos, search team chubby lovin on YouTube to see what I mean (no I'm not on the team). I also enjoy spin tops. I prefer Deadlands to D&D I've got a game running with my little brother and his friends right now we and we just stumbled into a nest of vampires. I also spend 8 months out of the year on my Halloween costume, last year I was Dr. Horrible. I play upright bass but am a one man band right now. I have been trying to exercise regularly and lately improving my financial position has also taken up quite a bit of time.
  2. Do NOT use terpenoid just don't I won't even go into it. you should never be putting paint farthur up than half way up the bristles. You should never be getting paint up into the ferrul EVER. This is why I do not ever lend out my brushes as they are worth their weight in gold. Just use any brush cleaner you want make sure you clean them after at least every other use. The best thing to do is clean them with REAL shampoo. Even if your using synthetic brushes. You can condition them once a month. Or just get a 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner. Go to the dollar store or something. You can use brush cleaners and I do while I'm working with them but afterwards they get a gentle shampooing. If you take care of your brushes you will never ever ever need to clean out the ferrul. If you do need to clean it out it's time to get a new brush. Then there is whole subject on changing water. I do it constantly. One of my friends never changes his water and has his reasons. I dislike dirty water but then again he puts golden daemon winners to shame. So I could be wrong there. I paranoid about keeping my water and brushes clean though. On storage they get stuck to on the inside of the tool chest I use to keep my paint in. I have a few strips of blue tac on the lid and I just press them into it. If you want you can get a brush cleaner and just not put any solution in it.'if you dont want to buy one just get a medium spring and glue two sticks to the and and cram it in some styrofoam. Then you can push the brushes into the spaces and they will hang there.
  3. I have a few GW brushes red and orange ends as well as a handful of prisms Olof brushes which are junkies that went bad fast. I primarily have W&N Galeria brushes. They work fine for me and some I've had for a few years even. I treat my brushes like gold though. They get cleaned after each use and bi-monthly they get washed and conditioned in Paul mitchel shampoo(girlfriend is a cosmetologist). As for the wet pallet. Parchment paper on top of a wet paper towel on top of a plastic plate or GLAD Tupperware lid works just fine and is cheap.
  4. What did you use for the corpse counters? I like them and plan on doing counters like that I just don't want to buy a whole box of GW zombies if I can help it. On another note It would be cool if there were some base inserts that could be used as scrap and corpse counters etc....
  5. This is GOOOoOoOd stuff. I'm wishin' I had the time/money/skill to do any of that.
  6. Any updates on this? I have been considering a spooky mansion myself.
  7. I want two! That should be the GenCon special edition box set. Alternate Village People sculpts lol.
  8. Scorpion miniatures makes a Doc Holiday, they also have some good gunslinger models in their "tombstone" sets. Reaper also makes a Doc Holiday in the Chronos line. They style definately isn't malifaux but they are two fistin' smokewagon totin varmits.
  9. Sewers are always nice, you can fit catacombs in as well as well as caves, frozen sewers, hideouts, squatter shacks and workshops. Gremlins are little buggers and as far as those who bugger are concerned they get Ito everything so I don't see why they couldn't be bugging around in sewers.
  10. Says the furry lol. Is there seriously a Klingon language? if so does it count as a "foreign language" on a job application? It should also be of note that the word "Klingon" is not recognized as a typo where as
  11. I would rather have to deal with errata and changes than play with broken rules for 4-12 years like some companies would have us do. I've been gaming a long time and the most valuable thing I have learned is to let odd rulings go, write them down and resolve them later. Actually it's not to play with asshats but the former seemed more diplomatic. The goal is to have fun for the most part I largely ignore wreaths as I'm an RAI kind of guy. Just remember if it's too good to be true it probably is n
  12. That's down right amazing and beats the living hell out of my crappy plasti-card gremlin shack with tesla-coil powered filtration.
  13. I've only played a few games but I don't think I've eve held any cards into the next round. What about having the TO fish those cards out of the deck that has been switched?
  14. TOs could have players switch decks each turn so that way if there was a cheatin deck the players would each get a turn with it. I own three decks but they are al different colors.
  15. You have got great tequnique, and you obviously have talent. I really like the siroccos crew. Two things though, Your greens on the McMour ing crew seem a little flat, try adding a bit of ligh blue or yellow on the final highlight. Also the bases on the Zorridia and McMorning crew are too similar to the colors used in your pallet. I would consider re-basin the Mcmornng crew on a neutral brown/tan with spots or light green statism grass. As for Zorridia I would reccomend whatever you used on the dreamer's crew basses with light brown or the black static grass. They will help contrast the models and make them stand out against the bases. Other than that you did a great job keep em coming.
  16. That's some prime stuff, I love the table it reminds me of the granite dells in Prescott Arizona. Those counters are neat too n
  17. lol, poor chapterhouse. I hope they get some good legal counsel.
  18. I hope one of the Terraclips is an off-topic train.
  19. Eric were you a butcher at some point? I was and that is the only reason I can think of that someone would know this, unless they were a serial killer...
  20. this one is lame http://www.frpgames.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=51632&ref=goog this one is better http://www.recreationalconflict.com/ There's a chuck wagon as well as some pack mules under the colonial section in the equipment/cannon section.
  21. Welcome and the thread the hippie linked to is a good resource, as is the local events section. I believe it is also against forum rules to feed him as he is kind of creepy.
  22. Why do I always have to work when there's cool stuff going on?
  23. I'm pretty sure the rules allow you to cheat as long as your not caught. There area fee people I know who have been banned from banker duty for life. I even had a monopoly game for gameboy that let you cheat by charging extra rent for example m
  24. I got at least a kilo of pewter for Christmas. I got a lady J box set, the hooded rider, two nicodeem boxes (One got turned into the rising powers book), mindless zombies, canine remains and a handful of other western style minis including bat masterson, wild bill, calamity Jane and a bunch of apache on horses. I seriously made out like a bandit but I guess that's what a large family is for. My girlfriend's birthday is on January 18th and I got her a purple fate deck, rasputina box, a sabertooth and if it comes in time a hoarder pride. Oh and half a dozn ice markers from GF9.
  25. I've heard LOTS of GOOD things. I want to try it but I can't afford another game time and walls wise.
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