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Everything posted by Mach_5

  1. Yes, she can! Models generally get 2 Ap per turn to spend on actions, so that's 2 castings of December's Curse. Rasputina also has the ability +1 Casting Expert, which gives her an additional Ap to use for casting spells, bring her up to 3 castings per turn. Also note she has a trigger on her Ca that will allow her to cast a spell again at the same target if she has a Mask in her casting total, so in fact she could potentially cast it more than 3 times in a turn.
  2. Arise has been clarified to only affect counters on the table (its a Pulse so does not affect the caster or his carried counters). You cannot cheat the flip to summon mindless zombies with Nicodem's Avatar. Mortimers ability specifically allows you to cheat the flip, Nicodem's Avatar does not.
  3. Bah, don't let that stop you! I know of at least one person comin that hasn't played at all and is borrowing a crew to play. It should be a fun time for all and for a good cause to boot! Stop by anyway if you're free, there's a ton of prize support being raffled off at the end (open to anyone) with proceeds going to the Vancouver food bank. ---------- Post added at 06:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 PM ---------- If it'll change your mind I've got a number of spare crews you're welcome to borrow for the event. Plus since the friekorps are mercenaries you could include your models with any of them. Let me know!
  4. Could be we've met! I'm Mark. Are you coming to the Malifood tournament over at Connections on Sunday?
  5. Welcome! Are you in BC or the 'other' Vancouver?
  6. The target must be killed in order to be replaced by a flame template ("If target model is killed, replace it with one 50mm marker."). So the replace doesn't happen if the model is not killed. Further, as Subötai quoted from the FAQ, the timing of Slow to Die isn't exactly as shown in the book. "If a model with Slow to Die suffers an effect that would kill it (eg. Headshot) or has its Wounds reduced to 0, its death is postponed and it may immediately perform a (1) Action." Note that "it's death is postponed". If it gets killed, then before it is killed it performs a (1) action. If it heals, it is not killed an no effects that result from it being killed would happen (ie he would not be replaced by the marker).
  7. A little more progress on the young. I'm liking the grey legs now. There's a local Malifood tournament coming up this weekend so I'll be getting these guys done and finishing the bases for everything complete thus far... look for some finished photos soon!
  8. I believe Csonti/Ausplosions have it right.
  9. Turbodog: You are correct, the point being that it can die over and over again and if it doesn't get killed after it has activated then it won't get Reactivate at all and will only activate once that turn before being sacrificed at the end of the turn. pixelant: Generally speaking, there's no reason a model can't gain Reactivate before it has activated in a turn. Unless I'm mistaken Precious can give a model who has not yet activated Reactivate, and that model will be able to activate twice (once normally and a second time thanks to Reactivate). It does not happen with the Stitched because Does Not Die specifically doesn't give Reactivate if the Stitched hasn't already activated.
  10. Yes. Every time the Stitched would be killed by being reduced to 0 wounds, Does Not Die kicks in. If this happens before the Stitched has activated (see above) then it does not gain Reactivate. He might die multiple times before he has activated and each time Does Not Die will not give it Reactivate. If he is killed during his first activation or at any point after that, then Does Not Die will give Reactivate, even if the stitched had already been killed earlier in the turn before he had activated.
  11. Soon! Three steps forward, two steps back... my son got a hold of "Thomas" last week and managed to break him in two, snapping the leg that holds him to the base. Should be a quick fix thankfully.
  12. I'd say pick up the Lost Love anyway, then at least you have the official stat card. You can paint up both and when people don't mind you using a proxy, you can bring it out. If your opponent has an issue with it for some reason or if you're going to attend a tournament that doesn't allow them, you can bring out the official model.
  13. In my area using proxies for models has never been a big deal as long as the model you are using looks like the model it replaces. I'm always up-front about any proxies I have and let my opponents know before the game and remind them throughout the game if necessary. You should check with your own local group to see if anyone minds. As for tournaments, its up to the tournament organizer. Again, in my area its never been an issue, but I don't think you can bring proxies to Gencon, for example.
  14. To answer the question, I'd probably look at different spirit/banshee models from various ranges. Here's a few I found, but I'm sure there's more out there: From Reaper: or GW
  15. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
  16. I've got my Rail Crew based and primed. Hurray! Hopefully I can be strong and finish up my Lilith crew before diving into these. I'm planning to pick up more Ten Thunders over time and will be using these 'Asian Garden' bases throughout, which is why I went without rail-themed bases. As Mei Feng's exploding wood doesn't really fit the basing theme I made up a stone lantern for her to perch on (karate kid-style). If you are wondering I managed to get a small pin into the bottom of her foot! She's quite sturdy now. (click to zoom)
  17. You see what happens when you leave us alone? http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=rDDP31_XJ98&feature=endscreen
  18. Here's one way... http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?33641-Cult-of-December-(Finally!)&p=455836&viewfull=1#post455836.
  19. Perhaps this question in the FAQ is grounds for some kind of precedent without a rules marshall response?
  20. Price of Progress lets Mei draw a card when killing enemies with a "melee attack" (not "melee Strike"), so yes she can draw a card after killing a model with a melee attack spell!
  21. I'm assuming he knows that and its just faster to say that than "friendly rail workers or friendly constructs ..." every time it comes up.
  22. Exactly. Plus it helps gain an activation advantage so you can wait for your opponent to move his whole crew up into range before raspy has to activate!
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