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Everything posted by Lorenz

  1. interesting tactic I would say... giving you at least 6 blood tokens but being that you can get 6 blood tokens out of it I would put in terror tots instead of the young nephlim
  2. wow that looks awesome how did you make the wood grain effect
  3. hello I would like to put my two cents in on this topic. I admit I got a little lost as to who was on what side of the conversation but it did seem like everyone is agreeing with each other. my understanding is this when it comes to the way abilities work like drain blood and quick draw, to name some examples that have been talked of previously, is this. they are (0) action abilities since each model is only allowed one (0) action per activation to spend it stands to reason that you are only able to get one blood counter. the same is with Quick Draw when you spend a (0) action to activate quick draw it lasts until you make a quick draw strike or until the start closing phase you have kind of a held action that can only be used for a quick draw strike. the same goes for smell fear, by activating the ability you get a held action that can only be used when the conditions of smell fear are met. drain blood is a (0) action so if you were to spend your (0) action before using drain blood you also would not be able to activate the ability unless you also had (+1) instinctual (allows a second (0) action). ok so Obey allows your model to activate another model and spend a (1) action or charge. once you have used that action the obey is over. think of it as the model has regained its faculties. either way it is your activation not the model being obeyed. since the model has to spend a (0) action to use drain blood then it can not be done during obey since you have no (0) actions to spend. I hope this clears it up for people to wrap up each model has one (0) action per activation to spend and two APs these AP can not be spent as (0) actions otherwise you would just have three AP and no (0) actions. once you spend these actions they are gone until the model activates/reactivates again. thanks for reading I hope it was helpful
  4. well what are you looking to have as your list. if you are looking to play a lillith list you will need the extra tots to make it a little bit more balanced for different strategies like claim jump and recon and slaughter and so on... also remember they are cheep and get bigger with the right combo of actions
  5. I like Taylor she looks good
  6. so it does I was looking at the book when I came up with this question my bad
  7. can Myranda shape change into Marcus he is a beast he 8 or less SS and he does not have the unique trait (did I open a can of worms)
  8. hello I am interested in becoming a Henchman in southern NH at Adler Hobby and Metro West MA at The Whiz I have already applied and I was wondering if you had any advice you could throw my way to help me, one become a henchman, and two increase the fan base. I played at a tournament in Mass north of Boston and I met one of the henchman there who was very knowledgeable and ran a great event but I did not catch his name but ever since then I was hooked on the idea. this is my favorite minis game I have played and I really wanna get more people interested (so I have more people to play with) anyway I am going to try and make it to the event you are running at the end of the month. I hope to converse more with you before then thanks

  9. ok so today I went by the game store The Whiz in Westborough www.whiznet.com to check it out and see if it was a suitable place to meet some gamers of Malifaux. I will be back again on Wednesday next week july 7th. I am looking to meet any players that are interested in the area. I am looking for new players and seasoned gamers so come and bring your friends. I have talked to the store and they would enjoy getting some people in and increasing the interest so that we can run a tournament in the future. this is a very large gaming area and them can put upwards of 11 tables of players so please let me know what you think. keep in mind this store just started to rekindle a group of gamers who have played in the past and so with a little effort there could be a large group of people to play in this area please help support the game and come visit. the more that come the better the chance you can get more games in. please look at their website it shows how to get to the store and also what day and time they are expecting players. if anyone is interested please reply on this post so I have an idea of players from the forum that are interested so I can keep the store informed to make sure enough tables are set up
  10. ok so I went by the game store The Whiz in Westborough www.whiznet.com and I will be back again on Wednesday next week july 7th and I am looking to meet any players that are interested in the area. I am looking for new players and seasoned gamers so come and bring your friends. I have talked to the store and they would enjoy getting some people in and increasing the interest so that we can run a tournament in the future. so please let me know what you think.
  11. great I will have to check it out
  12. to be honest these all sound like good ways to go but if you are just starting out Ramos is a strong simple army one steamborg, two swarm, all out of the box. I also recommend these boosters... a swarm, an electrical creation, brass arachnid and some small bases (to make the swarm into three spiders) it would not hurt to eventually pick up one more swarm for the spiders... that is a good start to a new Ramos army after that adding Joss, Johan, Rusty Alyce, and some steam punks (for aylce) dont forget when you swarm it counts as summoning meaning it gets slow for that turn
  13. awesome where do you play cause I live in Franklin and play in NH cause all my buddies are there
  14. hey man this is Brett

  15. thanks I am going to get a better camera and take closer shots... side note fur and scales WAY EASIER then skin and clothing
  16. quick note to anyone in the area I will be at Gencon if anyone else will be there let me know maybe we can meet and play a game
  17. ok guys I am just trying to find everyone in and around the southern NH area. I play at a great store in southern NH called Adler Hobby. there are actually I think around 11 players that I know of and generally we get together on Tuesdays. I have personally seen to it that a group of people from Maine have started to get interested in the game so if you live in Maine maybe I can get you all together... but anyway southern NH we are always looking for more players there is currently 4 tables running at a time and room for 2 more if it gets really crazy in there. my goal is to try and get a tournament going there soon. I have talked to the store and they are willing to hold it if there are enough players interested. I am not a henchman "yet" but the store wants to see a big interest so please message me back if you are in the area and would be interested in an event in the next month or two.
  18. wow Pandora's crew just creeps me out I love it
  19. hmm how do I get these pictures to just show up like everyone else
  20. so I have never before painted anything so I hope you like
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