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Everything posted by Aldyhide

  1. Oooh, oooh. The Guild needs a Lawyer too.
  2. I'd like to see some faeries for the NB. (Eeeeevilll faeries!) Perhaps a more Malifaux-esque take on La Belle Dame Sans Merci for a master. With macabre versions of characters from Brother's Grimm fairy tales as minions. A Corrupt religious leader would be nice for the guild, or pehaps the outcasts. Zoraida needs an apprentice too.
  3. That thing is adorable. I'm sure Baron Samedi is pleased.
  4. You have a good point. I'll see what I can do. There, I think I fixed it, now you can actually see it. Thank you for telling me.
  5. Poor Hank. First he gets his legs and manly bits cut off, and then the rest of him is just disposed of as well.
  6. So, I got an account on photo-bucket today. They're... helpful. Here's the first of my four shots o' the big ol' muck monster. These ones are a bit more detailed than my shots of Zora, but not much. Once again, feedback and other assorted critique is appreciated. This one's a bird-eye view, so you can see what I did with his crystal backne. I decided on yellow cause I really didn't want to use another earth tone on him. (anything between red and green) Next up is a shot of him from behind. I'm thinking of snipping of that sprig coming out of his leg, its just irritating to me. And lastly for a close up of his dolly.
  7. I have to agree with shekbo. Running with only dogs causes you lose a lot of versatility that you would have if you were using Crookedies, Punks or even Belles.
  8. Neat idea for the electrical creation. I'm quite curious about what happened to the Steamborgs upper half.
  9. I finally got started painting old Zbags. Getting the pictures taken was probably the most irritating experience I've ever had, likely because my camera isn't that high quality, so some of the details are a bit blurred. These two are my best front and back shots of the cougar. As you can see my approach to her painting was a bit...different. SO much green. O_O Her hair is what really bugs me about this model, you just don't see it. So if any of you painting sages have any advice or tips that wold help, please; operators are standing by. By the way, her feet are brown not because she has hooves, or highly fashionable Neverborn heels. She actually has wooden legs...and iron teeth. She also lives in a house that walks on chicken legs that has no doors. She's not finished yet, so all feedback is appreciated. I'll be keeping you people posted, as I still need to take some shots of my finished Bad Juju; and of course upload them too. Then onto the Silurids.
  10. Nice short story. I've always wondered what exactly happens when Pandy opens that box of hers.
  11. She'll probably get some sort of Voodoo army, or maybe evil faeries.
  12. Remember, VP is what decides who wins the game, not killing other models. (Unless you have slaughter, but then you're screwed anyway.) So, as long as you avoid Lilith and focus on your schemes. you'll be pretty much set. Look out for transposition, and if you absolutely HAVE to go through Lilith, try using attacks or spells that don't let her use that Df of hers. A good one is the cerberus' roar. Since its Rst: Wp, and though Lilith's Wp is 6, it is still beatable. Also, you can turn Myranda into the Cerberus', or copy roar from it and keep Myranda's Good Ca of 6(tomes).
  13. I don't mean to offend, but the Gamins sort of blend into their bases. If I look at the separate parts individually they look great. (Nice drybrush on the textured base by the way.) I would suggest making the Gamins a little less, um grey.
  14. Love the purple frill on your Silurids.
  15. That's a new use of repulsive, I guess I'll have to try that.
  16. Nice job with Johan's skin and....piercings?
  17. Yes, matte is probably your best bet. I too made a similar mistake on my Bete Noire, who shortly became known as bete rouge. In other news, retarder gel does not work on models like it does for paintings.
  18. Candy looks really cool. I like the Doppelganger's Base too. Hmmmm....that gives me an idea for my candy which I'll be painting tomorrow. I'm still pretty sure I'll make her look like either; one of the creepy twins from The Shining. or Samara from the Ring.
  19. Thank you for the advice; I'll be playing with Seamus , since he's the Resser that I own. I really get your comment on the soulstone dilemma. Anywho, thanks for pointing out that they have arachnid. Good news for me since my friend really likes to toss those stupid ice walls up in front of my objectives.
  20. The leap ignores intervening terrain correct? Even with out that, they seem pretty fast. Thank you goblyn.
  21. Most likely. From the looks of her she'll probably be resurrectionist too. -glee-
  22. I was looking at my trusty rulebook the other day and I decided to just take a look at the Necropunks entry. My curiosity was piqued when I noticed that they do not have the insignificant characteristic. I'm now considering trying them out in my next game but I'm unsure as the Dogs are 1 cheaper and can also be significant, if you have two together. So I'm wondering; has anyone used he Necropunks? In what way could they be better than the doggies? Worse? Please, don't delay; operators are standing by.
  23. Facepalm @ self. Oh, right I forgot about that. Yeah, I'd definitely go with either candy or the doppelganger then. I myself lean toward Candy. Range (sort of) and healing flips anyone? Thanks for pointing that out Rath.
  24. Hrmm...You do raise quite the solid point there. I just couldn't really find some thing to fill 6 ss that would be left. Another Waldgeist is just plain redundant. A young neph is probably weaker than Kade. Hmmm...Candy is too expensive. Tots perhaps?
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