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Everything posted by Bigmike

  1. My factions just wanted to get along..then my friend dropped a Nightmare LCB on my table for Christmas...No ones getting out alive now....
  2. This has been some impressive stuff. Great work.
  3. I only think she is worth it in crews that she doesn't cost extra points to be taken in.
  4. I usually play a pretty elite Levi list, Rusty,Ryle,ect. things that are good at dropping dmg by themselves so levi can pop around and finish everything off, or drop what they didn't. As for protecting waifs. other than the few things listed you shouldn't run into much trouble keeping at least one of them alive as long as you place them in strategic locations. With the lists of his I like to run you never out activate anyone, but you drop things with frightening speed.
  5. This came up on a thread and i wanted a RM confirmation on it. If a nurse gives a master reactivate, and the master uses it to manifest, does the avatar still have to be sacrificed or no.everyone seemed to lean to no but no RM posted on this. Please confirm for me
  6. to comment on the necrotic machine thing, it was at gencon and i was suprised how big it actually was. Its impressive for a totem
  7. While your probably right i just really want a RM answer on this so the lgs guys cant go...."I dont think so"... know what i mean
  8. I had thought of this before and actually hum it to myself when i play Hamelin lol. But as far as peaceful man.....there is not one yet. But id have to say that a master thats tatics were to do nothing but stop conflict would be awesome
  9. One of the things that drew me to the game was the fact that everything was character and story driven. My first love was the vikies, than i read the fluff and went UNDEAD HOOKERS OMG WTF MUST HAVE. Seamus became a favorite, but the thing i love most is playing a crew and thinking of the story that is going with it, so i guess in short im saying that im the dirtiest slut there is because i play almost every master lol
  10. Im not a huge fan of brawls but once in a while i really want to do one. On that note, i think in order to make them worth it(worth their time that is) you need to be good enough with your crew that you dont have to look at your cards to know what they do or at least only glance at them. If you are that good with the crews than you can keep the time down to something reasonable.
  11. Almost every time when i bring her she earns her points back plus some. In addition nothing is more amusing that watching your opponent who has used a tone of his good cards killing your stuff having to soulstone 3 times against bete to avoid being paralyzed.
  12. I love the concept of this, and it brings to question that have we gotten a for sure ruling that manifesting removes the requirement to sac yourself? I was thinking it might was was not sure because i didnt think it was an effect but the result of an effect. if it works though i see myself bringing 1 nurse with every crew that can take one again bravo on the creation. though it may not be perfect it still looks awesome.
  13. i agree with the above plus i like ryle
  14. I would like to point out that the original question is answered on page 33 under specific action points. the +1 is added to the models ap at the beginning of the activation. the +1 can only be spent on that action. you may however pass that action. Since you can do your ap in any order you save that one for last. In addition slow forces you to forfeit one of your general ap.(pg 34). these pages are in the rules manual if you are wondering
  15. I play hamelin once in a while because i think his fluff is awesome. If you show up with him just to annoy everyone they are gonna be mad and not like playing you. If they know you think he is cool and are playing him for that, I found most the ones I know want to play against him to learn to beat him. So I think im leaning with HAVE FUN!:top:
  16. I would assume no since it doesn't increase your stat but instead effects your twist.
  17. hey, as far as i know Hastur is the main place that carries it in stock, however in orem there is blakfyre games that will order it in by the next thursday. im down in orem so i sadly have to make the trip to slc sometimes when i want something right away.
  18. my comparison was more along the lines of gangs of new york with dbz which was the comparison made. i was comparing dbz to trigun.
  19. @ Jonas I understand your arguments about Perdita, i wish to say that you are correct that she doesn't fit with her original theme, however. She is the avatar of revelation, Definition B does it the most justice:Something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized. With this in mind as well as the ability: We are all monsters (paraphrase, no book in front of me)It seems to me that she has realized something that she has not known before now and has possible shaken her faith and preveious outlook on the world. This possibly shocking knowledge might cause her to make harsh, strange, dramatic, or even uncharacteristically wrong choices. I now jump to Mcmornings fluff. (whos avatar form is less of an avatar and more of a better mad scientist form) He was actually able to take in all of the knowledge of the voices in his head and understand them due to his fractured psychosis. If a sane person were to recieve a dramatic amount of information as well as an "epic" amount of power then there is no telling what dementia is struggling in her head. I want to state that i do enjoy the avatars in the fluff, I think they are a better addition than just an variant choice of models to field. Part of the reason i play this game is because it is not just a variant warmachine. I also want to comment on your comparison to gangs of new york. The two genres you are meshing in that analogy is what makes it so absurd. now if you analogy were that if vash in trigun went super saiyan i could agree that it is a good analogy. but than again he does kinda do that and blows up part of the moon....and the story worked. I apologize if any of this seemed hostile, that was not my intention, you simply created a debate that contained things that i (possibly greatly) disagreed on, so i came to debate. Though nine pages is too much for me to quote as i do disagree with some people debating with you.
  20. I like them. I have a lot to say about it but you requested no spoiler, and since all of the avatar stuff is new.....im pretty sure it would be all spoilers. so yea i like them.
  21. :clap:. yea i watched his last game he is pretty good, im really sad i didnt get to play him...
  22. I was going to make this thread when i got home but here it is. Zee you were awesome under pressure with all o us ganging up on you. You made the tournaments fun and kept the pace going. The Prizes were great this year (especially carver * hug my carver* ) you all were good people. Also wanted to add that the players in the tournaments that i went to were really cool, thanks everyone from Thursdays 4pm tourny and the sat 8 pm story tourny.
  23. I had an epic game against lobosteel(I believe) he played raspy while i had a full on korps list, 2 turns in a row on the killing shot to raspy i flipped the black joker><. fun opponent. pulled out a victory do to a deadly play mistake :help:
  24. minimum of 1 a week but i try for 3. When school starts back up ill be at 1 a week for sure.
  25. Pandora Dreamer Pandora .......I really Fing HATE Pandora
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