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Big Ned

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Everything posted by Big Ned

  1. Interested folk had better get a shift on, otherwise they'll be disappointed.
  2. Yeah, My last tournament had a bunch of newcomers and a good few of the guys aren't exactly 'veterans' You'll be made more than welcome, and even your opponents will be more than happy to help out. The Malifaux community is far and away the friendliest I've ever come across.
  3. Glad to have you Paul Not many spaces left now folk. Book now to avoid disappointment
  4. Thanks guys. I'll probably be a bit more bold with the freehand on the other 2 Oiran.
  5. I've added another showgirl to my Colette crew. This time an Oiran I'm really happy how she's turned out, especially one of my first forays into freehand which wasn't letter-based
  6. Maybe make the sword look a little more bashed up. Other than that I really can't suggest anything That is a really nice paint job, the natural colours look brilliant and the highlighting is just right, not too subtle, not too garish
  7. There has been an amendment the to the rules pack regarding crew selection. The section now reads:- At the start of the day, each player should notify the TO which single faction they will be using for the event. That faction is then fixed for all four rounds. In each round, dual-faction models may be hired according to the normal rules if they are available to be hired by the player’s nominated faction, and out-of-faction hiring is permitted as per individual specific model abilities (such as the Mercenary characteristic.) Alternatively, players may register to use a fixed duel-faction master for the event. At the beginning of each round the player may select one eligible faction to hire from for that master. I hope that makes sense to everyone.
  8. Awesome mate. Let's hear it for understanding wives.
  9. I'm delighted to announce our latest sponsor. Cut it Custom They make some fantastic custom card and counter boxes for board and miniature games. You can get embossed stencils or vinyls on the cases too. http://cutitcustom.co.uk
  10. Thank you. I love Marcus, he's become my favourite Arcanist master in M2E. Really flexible and can fulfill a lot of roles the crew might need.
  11. Here's another beast for your approval The ever-lovin' rude gestering Cojo!
  12. Very well done. I really enjoyed that.
  13. It's a Chibi LeChuck! I love it!
  14. We have our first sponsor. A big thank you to (Vince Usher) Vinush fir donating two of his brilliant laser-cut counter sets for the raffle.
  15. Here's my Blessed of December proxy. It's a Heresy miniatures snow troll.
  16. The votes have been counted and 'Not a Bad Thing' will be a fixed faction event The rules pack is not also available for download
  17. I'm loving the 'dapper Killjoy Good work
  18. Hi Mabs, And I'm Nate, the Henchman for the Sunderland/Durham area. I'll pretty much echo what Greg said. Welcome to Malifaux
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