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  1. Hello all! I'm Mabs, a long time supporter (if not exactly player >.>) of Malifaux, and I've finally decided to take the plunge! I've yet to buy any models, but I have the 2E book and a Fate deck and am carefully eyeing up a potential Spawn Mother army. Which is a very odd choice for a first force, I realize, but I'm a fairly large Cthulhu fan, so a race of predatory fish people was FAR too fun to pass up. And now that Guppies can grow into their adult forms, all the more incentive! if there's any way to ally such an army with humans (ala Innsmouth) please do tell me. I'll cry tears of joy. If not? I'll just happily maul people with my fish-claws. :3 Pleasure to meet you all! Mabs
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