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Everything posted by rainborg

  1. Hey ill be there but i have to work later that afternoon so i wont be bringing my stuff, But next Sat i believe thats to long gaming day i plan on being there. :dreamer :daydream

  2. puppet dolls!! puppet dolls!!! puppet dolls!!!!!! ooh ooh a alp thats a real pillow...just like the puppet art :dreamer :daydream
  3. yea that sounds cool with me.

  4. thanks for the invite. i'll see if im free that weekend to come and have some fun.. :dreamer :daydream

  5. interesting as i was looking at using them with Ole Lady Z. Didn't think about using them with Pandora
  6. How about wooden buttons that the puppets would sit in? :dreamer :daydream
  7. Hey Ratty are you planning on making some puppet wars markers?
  8. yea the child playroom theme for puppet wars for the win hey you could take a look at some of the toy story movies to get some ideas also! :dreamer :daydream
  9. hey just got your VM but im working today next sat though plan on it. did you get you gencon stuff in yet??

  10. Im banning Teddy bears in a five mile radius from my house cool paint job :dreamer
  11. Hey Thanks for the vids on Puppet Wars, Really looking forward to getting my hands on this as well :dreamer :alps
  12. Pretty cool, but he missed that left turn at albuquerque!!!! :dreamer :daydream
  13. Some super glue got on the tip of the straw i was using as a dropper from a bottle of zip kicker and I put it back in the bottle .....Yea instant paperweight
  14. oh ok thanks, so how long have you been playing?

  15. ooh! ooh! me! me!!! pick me!!! well the fact that im a neverborn player is on of the perks of the puppets for Old Lady Z and Collodi . I mean who needs any other reason :puppet ok also that you can get some boardgamers into the world of Malifaux as well....consider puppet wars as the gateway soulstone into bigger meaner stuff on the other side of the breach!!!! :stitched
  16. hey whats up? how far is holly springs is from fayetteville?

  17. As a Henchman i want to welcome you to the wyrdness that is malifaux. ive jsut recently moved to Nc myself Fayetteville to be exact. glad to see another player here in NC maybe we can get together for a game. :dreamer
  18. ok now add a doppelganger and have her and old milk juggs pop out more wicked doll for collodi :zoraida :marionette:marionette:marionette:marionette
  19. I enjoy using kidnap in my games but lately since most of the people i play against figure that im going to use it. I just switch to another scheme > just to throw them off. :dreamer
  20. Also keep in mind you guys are just starting so there's a slight learning curve to learn. Afterwards once you understand the basics of the game and Pandora then you will enjoy her and her crew. get a few more games in with her after you get a hang on the rules and her rules :dreamer
  21. Oddly enough Augusta had a minor league hockey team and i had a chance to attend a game it was fun but the ref wouldn't let the guys get into a fight but being im from Detroit...It's the Redwings baby!!! win or lose on a sad note though the south dont have any major networks that would have hockey games in its line up.
  22. Yes I agree also, if your looking to just playing the game then the rules manual will be just fine, if on the other hand your wanting some background info as well then book 1 & 2. Hope this helps :dreamer
  23. cool looking forward to the development of the book
  24. im jealousy with envy..no wait that's the next level down very cool very #$%@ cool!
  25. love the direction your going with the sewer terrain
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