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Everything posted by poulpox

  1. Hello! Yes Lacroix can shoot at the sorrow because he is a virtual Ht3 which is higher than the Ht 2 obstacle (Pandora); as mentioned in the thread, models do not have a shadow, so being right behind a model doesn't have any influence on the LoS. The only thing which could have stopped the gremlin from seeing the sorrow is another Ht 3 blocking model/terrain in the way. EDIT: furthermore the sorrow doesn't get any cover as models do not provide cover. It's dangerous to allow gremlins on hills and rooftops!
  2. Hello all! Something I've always wondered: +1 Fast grants a general AP, but specific AP cannot be combined with general APs. So if I have 1 general AP left as well as my Fast AP, can I combine both to do a (2) action, or should have I been more thoughtful and use my Fast action first instead of the (1) general AP, so that I have my 2 normal APs left to do a (2)? Thanks!
  3. Hello! I think everyone has been playing it as RAW so far (not nightmares); since Dreamer existed when they created the Widow they would likely have written the rule differently if they wanted Teddies to be nightmares upon summoning?
  4. Thanks for the update, I understand the idea now
  5. Sorry to be thick, but in the end how did you load the maps in VASSAL? Thanks! Thomas
  6. The only issue with typing is that it'll take much more time to write what actions you are performing, rather than "say and do". The skype installation process is very simple and straightforward, you just have to click a few buttons and you're ready to go, and it's free! The downfall of talking is that it's a little more "home invasive" ie maybe wives don't really like to be heard by the gamer community, I know mine isn't really found of having to be quiet for 3h!...
  7. Hi guys! 2 questions as I'm starting to use Shikome: . Hunting partner: does it last until end of turn or until the prey is dead? What if Shikome is killed, does hunting partner continue? (I'm guessing remains until prey is dead) . Shikome or Hunting Partner starts activation within melee range of prey, therefore gaining Fast. With the 1st action Shikome/HP kills prey, therefore losing Fast and other buffs. Now would the Shikome/HP have still her 2 general APs, having used Fast first, or since Fast generates general APs, would she lose 1 AP after the prey is dead as she loses her Fast buff? Basically can the Fast action be declared as a separate action (and could therefore be done first) or is it just an increased general AP pool (and you couldn't therefore say that you perform the Fast action first)? I'm guessing she should still have 2 APs since she gained her buff and used it while the prey was alive (otherwise it would mean she didn't gain the Fast at all when the prey was on the table), but the general AP aspect of Fast made us wonder? Thanks! T.
  8. Your skype seems not to exist? EDIT: nevermind my skype was messing about...
  9. Yes it's a pain, but I looked in Skype and I don't seem to see such an option as you need to create your own group list and add people as you go. I don't think people can request to belong to a particular group, or am i missing something?
  10. I like how your colors are vivid, it's very neat!
  11. Yes I agree, very nice! For the black I'm not sure whether the highlights are handmade or just reflection of the ambient light; if handmade they're great! If not handmade it could be worth to add a few strikes of greys to mimic the effect seen on the pic. Lovely stuff, and your board is awesome!
  12. The last pics were so bad I decided to retake them, I think it looks a bit better now
  13. Right I have to give this a go, so skype: poulpox1 Vassal: poulpox GMT I have some time in the day until the 4th of Jan, so happy to try, great if someone can invite me in the skype group! Thx!
  14. Man I love those times of holidays! I could finish my last few beasts and move on to 2013 project no1: Hamlin! Hope you like! I haven't finished the bases for Hamlin but I like it a lot so couldn't wait to post
  15. Hello! I've started stalking a couple of games as observer to see how it goes, but I've been very hesitant to click on things by fear of moving a piece or interfering with the game in some way, which I wouldn't really like people doing on my games. I just wanted to check whether the observer can interact with the game board or not, ie can i just click away during someone else's game to find info on models/terrain options without fear of it being seen or modifying the current board display for the gamers, or might this actually interact with the pieces as if I was playing (for instance by turning on the melee range of a model)? Thanks! Thomas
  16. It's in the v2 section with the other outcasts, however if you look carefully on his card, there is a small "v3" in one of the bottom right corners
  17. Levi's card should be v3 (it's the only card with such version). You can get it here: http://malifaux.com/Downloads.php in the outcast section
  18. Thanks Owen, very straight to the point and helpful videos, great help!
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