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Everything posted by wrabbit37

  1. Won't have to wait quite that long - you can have your hands on their preliminary designs and help mold them starting shortly after GenCon next month.
  2. Just like Malifaux! They get you in for cheap, and next thing you know you're completing your third faction and your wife is wondering what happened to the bank account.
  3. Spent a long time not really liking Infinity's aesthetics, but a buddy finally convinced me to try out the game (Gamers Lounge 75 goes through my first experiences). I was pleasantly surprised to the point where I sat down with a couple of locals and worked up a list of models that sound like they fit my playstyle and look appealing to me. I'll likely be giving it a few more tries, this time focusing on the ALEPH faction, and if I like it well enough, I'll be buying a crew. Like Malifaux, it seems cheap enough to buy into if you're just looking for a small subset of models to play with casually.
  4. Hasslefree Miniatures is a great place to go. I've picked up a few of them in the past. Here's one of my favorites - teenager with a knife. She has the right kind of creepy to look like a Student of Conflict for Pandora. http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=problem-child-alice~hfa027&category=miniatures~juveniles
  5. Got mine painted up yesterday. Putting him together was a challenge - mostly with the fiddly wires going around the back. One of them snapped in two but I was able to get close to gluing it back together. Needed tweezers to get it together. Second challenge: I couldn't remember quite which paints I used for my old Von Schill crew. I came close, I think. Third challenge: I didn't have any 40mm bases from my old style. Ah well - it's stone. Close enough. Anywho, here's a picture of how mine turned out.
  6. All the advice in here is spot on. One thing to remember about cheating is that you don't have to win every duel to win the game. Sometimes it's worth holding on to your cards and losing the duel. A couple of examples: My opponent toss a card to use Flurry. The first swing hits and severe will kill my model. Well, if I'm sure that I'll probably die to those other two hits afterwords, I don't find a real reason to cheat to survive the first hit. He's not going to be able to swing at anything else, so I'm already writing that model off. To flip it around, if I Flurry someone else and someone cheats to make me miss the first strike, often I'll let it go. I've got two more coming, so unless I need all three to work, I'm okay missing the first one. One thing I try to do with my cards is attack my opponent's hand. There are usually some clear divisions of cards in my hand: The awesome cards: RJ and Severes The okay cards: 5-10 range The crap: 1-4 Glad I have it, but wasting a space in my hand: BJ Cool for tricks: The right suit (whatever suit that is) Usually I'll count my awesome cards as a successful duel, my crap cards as fodder to help out with Relentless or avoiding Headshot, the Cool For Tricks as just that... good stuff for tricks. And the Okay cards are what I use to attack my opponent's hand. If my opponent flips low and I can beat him by tossing out a 5, I'll do it, just so he has to toss something higher. If my opponent has a cool trigger going off and I can beat it with an Okay card, often I'll do that instead of toss an Awesome card, because I'm leaching the suits he needs out of his hand if he goes for the trigger. If my stat is higher than his, a lot of times I'll calculate what number I need to throw to force him to throw a Severe card out of his hand, because I want him to have as few of those as possible, and I'd rather someone use a Severe card to hit me than use it to damage me. If I can toss a 10 and force him to toss a 12, that's a good deal for me. A lot of times I try not to push my opponent to the point where he's out of the duel. If one of my models can take three wounds or so in order to deprive my opponent of his one Severe card (or one of his Severe cards), that's awesome for me. Cards to cheat with are a very valuable resource. The more often you can put your opponent into those really tough situations where he's not sure if he should cheat or not, the better. Because at some point, he'll make a mistake there, and you can capitalize on that.
  7. My table would be: Guild Rifleman x3 Izamu Widow Weaver Chaos Warrior (Blood Bowl) x4 IKRPG Khador Rifleman I'm not even sure how all those rules would fit together.
  8. Good catch - I found the same thing when I was trying him out a couple days ago. "Wait... he's CB what?!" We checked the book, agreed that made more sense, and kept ********* at CB 6 for the Net Gun.
  9. Awesome, thanks! Should we go with the books in the meantime?
  10. I was looking over the cards for the Guild Relic Hunters box and noticed a few things that were different from the book. I know there were some issues with the cards from the Resser box, so I figured I'd check on these ones too. 1. Lucas Mounted - the Net Gun shows 1*/2*/2* for damage, but never indicates on the card what the * is for. The information about the Net Gun talks about it dropping a 50mm base and giving a DF->13 flip to anything touched by the net or gain Slow. The book shows the profile of the gun being 1+slow/2+slow/2+paralyze. I assume the *'s are supposed to link up to the book's damage profile, but it doesn't say that anywhere I can find on the card. 2. Wastrels - the speed indicated on the card is 6/8 but the speed in the book is 4/6. I assume the 4/6 is correct since otherwise these guys are running around as fast as dogs.
  11. Ha! That's a bit of my fault. When we were testing him, I couldn't remember his name for the life of me, so I kept calling him $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Dan got particularly angry with me about it after a few times, insisting that his name was very easy to remember, and that I was making it harder by calling him $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ instead of McCabe. The more it angered Dan, the more I called him his wrong name, until he finally threw in the towel and realized that I had been right all along - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is just a better name! I kept calling him that through testing and now it's just stuck for me.
  12. Can you explain this one to me a little? I don't have my book in front of me, so I can't see the exact wording, but I thought it meant they could be targeted by spells that target constructs, not that they could not be targeted by spells that do not specifically target constructs.
  13. We tend to be shallow on blast templates. Terror models depend on who the opponent is, though of late we've have not seen a lot of Resser or NB terror crews out there. I think we do tend to use more lone-wolf style models, though. There tends to be a higher value placed on models that can get the job done without too much assistance required from other models.
  14. I am not an Archanist player, so I have no real frame of reference here. My local playgroup does not seem to like the Rail Workers, but I've heard from other places that they have some good value. The argument against them tends to be in comparing them to Large Steampunk Arachnids where my playgroup feels the bugs come out ahead. Anyone want to give me some idea as to why the Rail Workers come out ahead? Not really looking for a big debate on the Rail Workers - just trying to see where my group may not be seeing their value.
  15. Gencon's a strange animal. People go for all different reasons. Some go to play one game the whole time, and others go to sample a bunch of different things. Those that are there for only Malifaux could play tournaments pretty much all day every day, and those that were there to try a bunch of different things were able to drop in for a single tournament. I think the conventions like Adepticon, Templecon, NoVA Open, etc. cater more to the crowds that want to do a single game all weekend.
  16. I have liked bringing in a 10T Archer - if you go with two Beckoners (I'm not convinced two are a must, but they certainly are helpful) and an Archer you have a very solid ranged crew at your disposal. Beckoners can spread Brilliance and on models with higher wounds, the Archers can finish them off to bring Huggy back. Another boon for the Archers is their arrow that gives slow to non-living models. With as many construct, undead, spirit, nightmare, soulless, etc. crews as there are out there, you run a good chance of being able to use the Archer as a control piece as well. If you're running Huggy, one thing you can do early on (if you draw the mask you need) is have Huggy use his spell to turn your Archer (or Yamaziko, or whoever) into a Brilliant model straight away. Lets you use them to help Huggy too. A know where you're coming from with Graves - I've actually stopped using Graves and Tannen for a while because, while they look great on paper, they're not performing as well on the table yet. I don't have Kang, so I can't try him out. Yamaziko's got some nice damage and with Spark of Youth and then Invigorating herself afterwords, she tends to come out okay as a melee hitter. No Depleted, no Illuminated. Can you go into more detail as to why? You mentioned the Illuminated being a bit lack-luster, but I'm curious to hear more.
  17. I like things that are harder to find. I can grab models from anywhere, but things like token packs, unique fate decks, cool-looking poker chips for soulstones, scheme decks, interesting tape measures, etc.
  18. I have been running Jakob as 10T with the 10T Archers to back him up. Between a Beckoner or two, and two 10T Archers, I have had a very strong ranged aspect to a Jakob crew and it's done wonders at keeping my opponent from being able to threaten me much. I can send the HD out to kill off something big, have it die, then zap an opposing model with a Beckoner and kill it with a 10T Archer to drop the HD back into play in my opponent's lines, sometimes getting some things to flee along with it rising. I also thing that the Torakage hitting the shelves eventually will bring a lot of the masters into the 10T fold rather than being used with their other factions.
  19. It's like your prophetic or something, we'll be talking about that after we review book 4. Keep an eye out for it in the next several episodes.
  20. Bumping this back up to the top - we're getting ready for more recording this weekend and figure it would be good to pull in some more Rapid Fire questions. Let us know if you have any you'd like answered.
  21. Stitched Togethers can be taken with Jakob whether he's 10T or NB. I think Jakob may turn out to be an interesting call for a Grow List at some point, though it might be slower to grow than other ones. His hand should be good enough to get the cards you need to grow. Just have to get closer to the enemy to start building up that hand. I'm looking forward to trying a Jakob list with almost none of the new Brilliant stuff. Just a Beckoner to spread Brilliance to help Huggy, and then a bunch of other strong Neverborn models to take advantage of the bigger hand Jakob will provide.
  22. You'll have to make sure to get Brilliance on Huggy first - a Beckoner can do that for you. He doesn't naturally come with Brilliance so the Sorrow couldn't cast to Reactivate him. Another option for Sorrows is to attach one to Mr. Lynch so you can cast another Dead Man's Hand. Not necessarily the best idea because it will start wounding Jakob if you're not careful, but it's an option.
  23. Hecks no, I don't want him! He starts to leak if you keep him around for a while. Other knowledge bombs... let's see. I've got three games in with the crew so far, using this as my list each time: Jakob, Huggy, Beckoner, Graves, Tannen, Depleted x2, 6 stones (30 stone matches) Jakob can die pretty easily. In every game, without tossing him out to the front, I have felt like I needed all my stones just to keep Jakob around. I'm actually feeling pretty light with only 6 stones and want to retool things a bit to get more stones in the list. Huggy can die pretty easily too, but that's okay. I've used him like a cruise missile and sent him barreling into my enemy. He'll kill stuff pretty quick if you give him the chance (if you want two hits on your enemy, just Heed My Voice them to walk into melee with you, then attack twice). Usually if he's got wounds still around when he starts his activation, he's going to be healed up pretty nicely at the end of it. I like keeping a Depleted near him to suck wounds away, but an Illuminated will do the trick too. Graves hits like a ton of bricks and dies pretty quick to anyone making an effort. Still, for 7 points he brings nice movement utility with Bar's Closed and he can put out a beating on anyone not giving him the time of day. Tannen is a blast, but I'm not convinced he's going to make my list all the time. Six stones is a lot for a guy who's primary function is to keep Cooler going. I have used him to stop my opponent from drawing cards when I use Dead Man's Hand, which is a nice trick, and once he stabbed an enemy in the face with his knife which shocked everyone at the table. But overall I'm not completely sold on him yet. One game he was awesome, one game he was irrelevant, and one game he was average. Beckoners I really like - they've been mentioned earlier in this thread, but having a model that can easily spread Brilliance from 12" away is nice. If you need some ranged damage, they're not bad either. Coming in with an effective attack of 6 for the first shot will usually land weak damage and give Brilliance. Then put up Know My Client to pop them to an effective 8 combat and shoot again. By now you can usually cheat and can drop in a moderate or severe for another 3-4 wounds. Not too bad for a NB model at ranged. Depleted are another model I'm not sold on yet either. At least not in mass quantities. They die quickly, despite their armor, wounds, and Hard to Kill. Their primary function for me has been keeping Huggy alive.
  24. Just a couple clarifications. Cannot Come Hither a Depleted anyway. They are Immune to Influence. Can't Come Hither Mr. Tannen for the same reason. Depleted don't have Regen 1. They have Armor +1. Illuminated have Regen, though, so they're a good model to sap wounds from.
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