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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Yup. Confirmed by Justin and it stacks. D.
  2. Used Warstore - ordered Sunday night, dispatched Monday Morning. D.
  3. Mei Feng without a doubt. Up against shooting or casting crews 2 vent steams and to all attacks within 4. Paired with Emberling and Toshiro I have a mobile scrap marker placer and a summoner who can raise Komainu who are constructs that hand out burning. Played last 2 tournaments (10 games) with her exclusively. D.
  4. Waldgeists yes, Silurids for 7SS is a bit much when you can get 2 Gremlins for less. Maybe for a scheme runner. D.
  5. I used The Warstore to send my present to my giftee who is in US of A. Never use Wayland. D.
  6. I have the metal Necrotic machine (in bits) and it was Ht1. The new one should be properly sized now it's Ht2 D.
  7. In the UK (with a Battlefoam centre) the bag was £95 inc VAT, with 50% sale bag became £39 ex VAT + postage (£14) + VAT became £64. D.
  8. My tactic is activate TTB move interact drop marker dance of the heavens and flip/cheat eagle style to position up. Activate Tengu, Shooting Star to the marker then fly twice to where I need to be. TTB next turn should be reasonably close to either eagle style again or do another objective. Either way the Tegu is now catipulted up the board to run schemes. Personally i can't wait for Komainu to release as the artwork is beautiful. D.
  9. For scheme running I pair 1 each with a Tengu on each flank - had a tengu on each end obejctive turn 1 in Squatters rights with corner deployment. Flank deployment with Breakthrough was accomplished turn 1. Leave the TTB in place to Protect Holdings with Defensive and Df+1 To give my opponents a smile I will generally perform Dance of the Heavens with appropriate hand movements. D.
  10. Think we need Mary Berry to judge these digital cookies! So my thoughts: No for belles - cookie if I'm wrong No for doxies - cookie if I'm wrong Yes for Rogue Necro D.
  11. @Zfiend I'm gonna be the half-full kinda guy and hope against hope it includes either some doxies or the Rogue Necro. Few months to wait to see it though Digital cookie for the winner? D.
  12. Yeah I can't see Belles included, possibly Dead Doxies which would be nice. If it was: Molly Necotic Machine (2SS) Philip and Nanny (8SS) 3 crooligans (12SS) That's quite a sparse box but Kirai comes in at less and I think Levi is a similar costed box. Who knows, I'll be buying it regardless. D.
  13. I ordered the breach bag over the weekend simply to house the amount of extra stuff that is coming my way. I currently have 2 of their standard bags as well and am very happy with their foam. D.
  14. All the above are great but I've a table of Sarissa ones and they are lovely. Will probably get more from 4Ground too. D.
  15. Do Arcanists not already have all Wave 1 models released in plastic? D.
  16. And with focus they get at 28" range! Can't wait for mine to arrive - all 3 of them! Never will use more than 2 in a game however. D.
  17. So did anyone/everyone get every Gremlin release from Black Friday? Really looking forward to piglets, Merris and the pigapult. D.
  18. I'm looking forward to see what deals I can get from Battlefoam tomorrow - may finally be able to get storage for all my Zombicide stuff. D.
  19. Anyone know if the $300 includes postage? I'm at $274 in UK at the mo if anyone wants to jump on my order and help? D.
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