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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. My normal forum posts are made via mobile phone so I am not as diligent as I should be and I tend not to go back in to fix any errors if the meaning is clear. :facepalm: That won't be the case when posting a finished work.
  2. I think we were to start a new thread which details it is an Iron Quill 1 entry in the title.
  3. just reread the first post and noted there are no points for the usage of the mystery ingredients in the manner of theme for the IP. Would that fall under creativity or is it just to create a meaningful point of comparison between entries?
  4. Cheers, I'll draft it up and if there's an opportunity to Malifaux it up I will do so.
  5. Hello Dark Rat, welcome aboard and thanks for taking the time to help us all out here. Question, I have an idea for this one and although in my head it takes place in Malifaux there would be nothing explicit whatsoever. Is it back to the drawing board? I really wouldn't mind dropping that restriction, not just because it helps me but it also keeps things in line with the Iron Painter which is fairly open.
  6. Questions. Is the Henchman taking part in the league? Do you regularly beat him at Malifaux? *devil* In all seriousness though, this is a definite poor show. (Assuming there is no other side of the story)
  7. Pretty busy over those next few weeks but sure I will try to get something decent in for submission anyway. Great idea this Edonil.
  8. Updated so as to remove the Necromunda items which have now been received.
  9. I'll echo the sentiments of others in that it sounds like a good idea and happy to take part but probably not for a couple of months.
  10. Is no problem, don't worry about it, I was going to be doing some conversion work on them anyway. Thanks again.

  11. Welcome Rameses. Glad to see you have taken the plunge into the fine game of Malifaux and are enjoying it so far. I'm not sure if we have many halflings about these parts but no matter, you will find that all are friendly enough!
  12. A little sad this has come so soon after Zombiecide, as I think it looks good. Might be a last minute pledge for me if the stretch goals remain as good as they have been so far.
  13. Had a cracking day at this event. Thanks not only to my three opponents but to everyone who attended and made the day enjoyable. Hope I can get permission from the boss to attend the next one.
  14. Had two games with the Arcane in a zoraida crew today. Very nice but it really kicks in when you Avatar up as pre avatar there are only so many spells you want to cast given obey is a once per turn. Very keen to also run Sue in that crew with the Brutal effigy to heal him up post hurt though.
  15. Looks like it's going to be absolutely tremendous. Already feeling a slight pang of envy of the board you'll end up with.
  16. Not entirely sure what you are after, be it theme or colour. One thing that came to mind though, if you got alternate McMourning, is that he has some big claws, and Hoffman definitely has a touch of Professor X about him. Make Levi Magneto and you're away.
  17. My view Arcane - Definitely Brutal & Hodgepodge - About right Mysterious - Inconsistent Carrion - Really not sure
  18. So, the last weekend before the tournament and being laid low with a cold slowed things down a little. As such no Brutal Effigy or extra Waldgeist will be bought at this poit as won't have time to paint them. Sue has also, been messed up slightly so while I really wanted him done he may need some remedial attention. 4 Marionettes done. Pictured here with my Collodi proxy. Actual Collodi will be painted through the week. And rather more pleasingly, Tuco. Who has been the beneficiary of my first attempt at Blending (When I actually know how to do it), and whilst it is by no means perfect I am hugely satisfied with it and his trenchcoat in general. Will need to buy some cheap generic miniatures to get some practice at it.
  19. Thanks all. Don't know why I haven't tried this type of thread before. I am in discussions about Escher/Delaque mini's at the moment but will come back to you all shortly one way or another. @Stonedog: Probably looking for 10 pairs at this point. @Mako: Sorry, tempting as the Extreme Destroyer is, destroyers are the one thing I have an abundance of.
  20. Love it. You'll definitely be getting an order from myself.
  21. Thanks to Crooked Grin, Mad Donna is no longer required and has been removed. Added some horns from Beastmen or Chaos marines I'm looking for for a conversion project.
  22. This issue has come up in the past. I beleive Nathan is afraid of $$$$$$$$$$$$
  23. So, I'm guessing you mean C L O W N S? 3 great ones here http://www.tengumodels.co.uk/userimages/procart2.htm And if you don't mean $$$$$$$$$$$$ I'm concerned about just what exactly your crew idea is all about. And a few other options just in case. http://www.westwindproductions.co.uk...roducts_id=353 http://eurekamin.com.au/product_info...oducts_id=1872 Also, check out a range of miniatures called Disturbia. Although I am not sure the scale for them will be quite right.
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