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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. The Terraclips terrain had better be pretty strong....
  2. It's Collette and Chompy for me in the first instance. Kirai will follow at some point. I actually really like the Ophelia set but not a gremlin player.
  3. Simple question for everyone out there. Which of the new masters will you, or are you planning on buying first?
  4. I believe we have spoken before but good day to you sir, nonetheless. Glad you jumped in, the water's lovely here.
  5. I must admit I am very excited about the Terraclips terrain. I had continually put off buying or (attempting) sculpting decent wargaming terrain but this is a definate purchase. Given the amount of good stuff being released by Wyrd for Gencon it has made up my mind to finally sell off the last remaining vestiges of my GW stuff.
  6. I don't know what it is inside the US, the international shipping is a very reasonable flat rate. Sorry for de-railing the thread on this point. Back on topic, I take it the Bad dreams box set due in October will flesh out Lord Chompy bits minions?
  7. If the nightmare version is available over the WebStore during Gencon, will there be an increase in international postage. I know it is a flat rate as it stands but with the amount of stuff I am hoping to order it would feel like I was ripping you off....
  8. The next figs I would like to see are the Bad Dreams Box Set due in October. Decided to stop trying to think of my own ideas because they simply never stack up to the awesome that is actually released.
  9. +1 for an expansive train station. I will certainly be buying a couple of the original packs and certainly hope there is enough support to enable further packs to be developed.
  10. Agree with most of the comments in this thread. I have no Arcanist master - despite having a soft spot for Tina - but Colette is a must buy for me, stunning models, and I am intrigued by how the mannequins will work.
  11. Sonnia is perfectly usable for a beginner . She is primarily a casting master but samuel who comes with her starter set can really bring the pain from his combat abilities. Not sure how Jack Daw would play with her as I haven't used him. The Scales of Justice on the other hand would not be a good buy with Sonnia as it is Lady Justice's totem. The Governor's Proxy or the purifying flame are totems that could be used by Sonnia. As for expanding it with other models, you can't go too far wrong. Lots of lovely guild models like : Guild Guard Austringers Peacekeeper Executioner All of which should be off assistance. The Outcasts also have a great selection of Mercenaries. Would generally recommend playing a few games just with the starter - I still enjoy 25 pt games even though I have a larger selection of mini's - and after that just see what mini's you like and the direction you want to head in. OR of course you could just jump in with Levi. He would be tricky, but you learn as you play right? :bounce:
  12. Here is my entry. It is just directly lifted from the other thread, I don't know how to quote from a different thread. It was the first summer after the re-colonisation of Malifaux and after the initial fear this brought, a wave of optimism was sweeping through the human inhabitants of the city. A summer celebration was planned, a festival for all those who had ventured through the breach. Everyone looked forward to the carefree weekend ahead, even the Guild seemed more relaxed in their ways than normal. Little did they know that the great musician Jimmy E. Quinox - booked to headline the event - had diverted much of his great wealth and influence in mastering the dark arts of necromancy, and now all would gather to see his finest symphony... Jimmy E.Quinox :thrasher: Reserrectionist Master Wk/Ch HT WP CA DF WD 4/6 2 6 7:crows 5 10 Totem : Undead Groupie Minions : Great Unwashed Young Hipsters Coffin Roadies Abilities Hard to Wound 1 Undead Master - Can hire undead from all factions for no additional cost. Casting Expert (+1) Wall of sound - When enemy models charge Jimmy they must pass a willpower 12 test, which can be cheated. If failed, model receives paralysed. Triggers (:crows:masks)Surge (:crows:crows)Bleeding Eardrums : Models damaged by a Screaming Riff attack receive slow. Axe Base Rg 1: () Cb:6 2/3/4 Screaming Riff Rg 10" Cb:5:crows 1/2:blast/5:blast:blast Spells Medicinal Purposes? (1) Ca 14/RST -/Rg 6 Flip a fate card. Target friendly model receives following benefit. Till start closing phase. Red joker : [+] on Cb and Dg flips. Severe : Model receives fast + Eat your fill ability Moderate : Model receives fast Weak : Model receives +2cb Black joker : Model receives paralysed. Solo (1) As per Nicodems decay but 1/2/4:blast for DG on enemy models. Summer of Love (2) 17/-/12 If cast and two great unwashed are within 12" of Jimmy AND 6" of each other, summon 1 Young Hipster to b2b (with one of the great unwashed). Feel the love(1) 16/-/8:aura Friendly models receive Hard to wound 1 but become easily influenced. Possibly thinking of replacing a spell or just adding another 1. Melodic Harmony as obey. Not sure if he would then have too many spells though? I have ideas for his totem and minions but will wait to see if this thread takes off and edit them in if required. Edit: Totem for Jimmy Undead Groupie SS Cost: 2 Insignificant, Totem, Undead Companion (Jimmy E Quinox) Voice cuts Glass. () 4 1/1/2 Un-natural sycophancy (1) 14/-/6 If cast, raise Jimmy's Cb, Wp & Df by 1 until start closing phase. Please sign here (1) As per Rotten Belle's undress. Encore (1) Magical Extension
  13. I don't know how multiquote works so please excuse the format of this response. "It's predictable, by the numbers" Absolutely agree. "They should have made more of Lawrence Fishburne as he was easily the best thing in it." Absolutely agree. ###SPOILER### "I will admit the Yakuza/Predator showdown was really cool" Yes it was but it was the most predictable thing about a very predictable film. They clearly only put him in the film so they could have that scene. In my opinion the film is better than the AvP films but not as good as Pred 1 & 2.
  14. Hard to Wound for me. Purely Psychological, in that it is hindering your opponent earlier in the process, as opposed to when you are taking the damage.
  15. Welcome along. There is an opponent finder thread which will help in your search so no need to scroll through the introductions. You probably found it already but here it is in any case. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=6986&page=24
  16. Lady J's box set itself will do you just fine to start with as you should still manage to get satisfying games and learn the mechanics. In my area - and I think everywhere else - it tends to scale up in 5's. 25 tends to be the starting level and then going up to 30 and then 35 etc. Others have suggested good models to add to the set but just thought I would pipe up and answer your question in a slightly different way. In that you have enough models for a Malifaux army already. Welcome to the game, hope you enjoy it.
  17. It's another skirmish game, i don't know the background but nothing had been happening for a while. The home page is in French but will give you an idea of the miniatures. http://www.helldorado.fr/index.php
  18. For Neverborn I want to see an old mysterious gentleman who has something just a little bit off.... Anyone who has read The Angel's Game will know what I mean.
  19. There is a regular here who has a great write up for noobs as his sig and I would point you in the direction of. I can't remember who it is though, I thought it was Nerd Elemental but I appear to have been wrong. Can anyone else remember?
  20. A very interesting read as I see Nic as my next master. I notice you mention taking Bete as your hard hitter, whilst I would never see her as a waste, as you can summon other undead for free is she worth spending the points on in a nic crew?
  21. Good shout that. The proper scary Jack of Victorian times...
  22. Possibly old news but I know there are a few former Hell-dorado players on the boards so thought I would post this just in case. http://cipher-studios.com/2010/07/new-hell-dorado-figure-augustinus-raimond/
  23. That Judge is phenomenal! Excellent work.
  24. Edited my entry to include a totem. Also found a potential mini for my master. Although not exactly what I had in mind.... http://www.wargamesworkshop.com/%5CImages%5CProductImages%5CDWM010.jpg
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