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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. I nearly made the same mistake a while back. Some of their stuff is stunning. As for this mini, I really like it too!
  2. He potentially does, if you are set on taking canine remains. Use him as a packmaster of sorts, and he can raise further dogs (IIRC). As for the more zombie flavoured things, have you considered the samurai punks? They are combat powerhouses, especially when receiving Nico's buffs. Would certainly also help to have a blister of Mindless Zombies, the reason for this will become clear when you get your book. Other excellent ress models include crooked men, who would fit the zombie theme nicely, and Bete Noire, who really doesn't but I think is too cool not to mention and I think also benefits from Nico's buffs. :clap:
  3. Coming in a bit late her but my Rising Powers arrived Thursday, and probably would have been slightly earlier if it hadn't taken till the evening of the 5th to place my order on the Wyrd store. The option to buy Nightmare LCB and receive a Miss Pack on large orders placed during Gen Con week I thought was excellent as it gave us worldwide people a chance. I agree that the game seems to be taking off very quickly here in the UK, the trouble I see is that it doesn't seem to be supported very well in the LGS's. Of the 3 that I can get too (within an hour) 2 have token efforts (2 to 3 starter boxes), the third stocks more but has no gaming area. Until the gaming stores see increased custom I see things staying as they are. A bit of a viscious circle - that I admit I contribute to by ordering from the Wyrd site.
  4. Sums up my views too, excellent work.
  5. I could definately see this happening, possibly creating Lilith's Avatar form in the process.
  6. I'm sure Sonnia mentioned something about when he would be a leader in one of the early book 2 stories. In addition I think it could work thematically in terms of him getting a crew of explorers/trackers etc. I may have got the wrong end of the stick, but those were my reasons.
  7. Very nice indeed. Really like both the Alice teddy and the one with wings.
  8. That is some very nice work. The wooden hands are excellent.
  9. With or without the Book 3 tease it seems apparent after Hamelin became a master that there are other opportunities for minions and such to be upgraded. Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts (baseless speculation) as to who may get promoted in the future? The obvious 2 being Samuel Hopkins & Nekima. Who else can people see as master material?
  10. Between Terraclips still to come out and the news of Book 3 not exactly being away a lifetime away all is looking well. The more enthusiasm for the game the better.
  11. Also, on the flipside, if you already have a few crews with mini's that fit then you may be able to get a whole new crew with the purchase of just a Master.
  12. It's definately happening but I don't see it as a bad thing as such. Even in book 1 most of the masters played very differently, even within faction. Given the Character nature of the game it seems very justified in fluff with a lot of political machinations and such. An example of why I like it so much will be the Dog/rat/child horde of Hamelin the Plagued.
  13. Bit of threadomancy but thought it best instead of starting a new one. For all of those who have played a Kirai crew, how many seishin did you find you needed? I see it is rare 5, did you often find 5 seishen on the board? Basically is it a 1 clamshell or 2 clamshell purchase on top of the crew box? Thanks
  14. In simplest terms You go the Ortega's He brings at least one waldgeist and a cherub to the table (and you make sure there is some forest terrain about, the more the better for him). As you send Papa forward he keeps transposing him back or with an outlying model - preferably with the Cherub to allow Lilith to smack face. Realistically though she is a little one dimensional and as you know how she works you can limit that further. As long as the game is fun I don't think your opponent should mind the challenge. I lose a lot - particularly with Doctor M, it's why I tend not to post in tactic threads - but I still love the game as it is fun and my opponents are good people. (I didn't even realise I always lose until someone pointed it out)
  15. http://www.arcaneminiatures.co.uk/demons-miniatures.asp The miniature at the bottom is puppet themed at least. Melnibonean of these very forums also has a puppet miniature over at Fiendish Fabrications. http://www.fiendishfabrications.com.au/html/gothica1_6.html The bottom two mini's on this page may also have a place in a proxy collodi list for now... http://www.arcaneminiatures.co.uk/freebooter-miniatures.asp?offset=80
  16. I can't gve you ideas as such but as a member of a local club I can run down a few things. We operate out of a local hall £3 a visit for non members, there is a membership fee of £10 which subsequently drops the single visit price to £2. It also gives some other benefits, 10% discount at the closest Games store. The hall used is unusual for clubs round our way in that it has lots of storage for scenery and the like. People do seem willing to come from a fair distance so a website would obviously be a good idea. Also, speak to the store in Monterey and see whether they will put your details up there, if that is the closest store then you can be sure others from near you travel through. (That is of course assuming King City and Monterey are anywhere near each other, American geography has made a fool out of me before.) Good luck in any case.
  17. Good to know, thanks guys. I was really only needing a gentle push as I want to paint another teddy anyway, but I buy to play not to paint, so as long as there is genuine use in multiple teddies then i'm happy.
  18. Welcome aboard indeed. Think the game is much more recent than you even give it credit for. Either way though, I am having a similar experience to you in that my gaming club seems to have taken it to heart very quickly indeed.
  19. Given that I am about to receive my rising powers and LCB I was just looking for the opinions of those who have played the Dreamer, either in the beta test or since the release of book 2. How good is Teddy with the dreamer? Does he fulfill a specific need or do other mini's do the same job for the dreamer crew. The short question is, will it be worth it to pick up more Teddies for the crew?
  20. I will second the questions above. I really like the effect you have created there.
  21. I really like it, I think your lighting effect looks absolutely fine. (Take that from someone too afraid to try it)
  22. I wanted to vote Hamelin as I can see me actually buying him but for some reason I just couldn't do it. Hoffman seems to be a very interesting character and I look forward to seeing him.
  23. I agree with you on Paranoia Agent actually, it did not quite live up to the early promise. Good shout on the parade also, a great piece of music, as was the whole soundtrack. I would say that about most of his films, but the pop stuff in perfect blue (my fave of his films) - which granted was part of the story - still makes me shudder.
  24. Given the sad news of the passing of Satoshi Kon, I was wondering if any others here had been fans of his work. He was one of my favourite directors and I have all his work. It's just a pity there will not be more. For those not in the know he was an anime director of the following. Perfect Blue Tokyo Godfathers Millenium Actress Paranoia Agent (TV) Paprika
  25. Haven't received my LCB yet, I had bought him to play but not sure about breaking him out of the box now.
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