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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. I don't think anyone knows more than you do. Well obviously some people do and hopefully the people in the know might post something sooner rather than later....:notworthy
  2. Tor Gaming have created a whole race of dolls. Freebooters Fate have utilised a card mechanic. Granted it is supposed to be sufficiently different and be a good game. Can't think of others off the top of my head but I had previously created a thread asking why there was suddenly so many voodoo doll miniatures everywhere. So there are definately companies tapping into the themes at the very least. NB. I know voodoo dolls and such have been around for a while and everything is somewhat deriviative of something else.
  3. The cake idea is absolutely great. Another potential mechanical dove source may be at the house of significant ladies in your lives. Musicboxes often have little birds on them. Would have to be very careful on price and scale. http://www.antique-clocks.co.uk/singing_bird_music_boxes_automata.asp?stocktype=32 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Singing-Bird-Wooden-Cage-Clockwork-Music-Box-/260394684026?pt=UK_Collectables_Household_RL&hash=item3ca0bb8e7a Also, cuckoo clocks?
  4. Well we have the release schedule to October and he is not on it. After October there are only 2 masters - Hoffman & Hamelin - still to come. So hopefully pre Christmas. Although I'm hoping Hamelin comes first.
  5. I really like them. Not a colour scheme you see often but it works well. What colours did you use for the hair on the mature?
  6. All of the Guild boxes are reasonable for beginners. Really depends on what you think your preferred playstyle is likely to be.None of them would be a mistake. Not too sure about the mercenary box set so won't comment on it. Anyway, welcome to the game and the forums.
  7. Obviously it is up to you how you would go. The one thing I would say though is that McMourning probably needs more purchases in addition to the box to really make the crew work to it's best. Edit: Beaten to the punch.
  8. Cheating does count, I think tenebrae was just pointing out that there may be times a control card is played other than cheating fate. I can't think of any off the top of my head but surely there are some out there...?
  9. He is an Arcanist and he very much is for Rasputina. Also a spirit so could be for Kirai. :crazy:
  10. I don't think discarding a control card would count as playing one. If it did, then you would be drawing two cards every time your opponent plays one in a duel. One when he plays it and one when the cards are subsequently discarded at the end of the duel. Still we would be getting some advantages whenever they try any tricks on their own models or summoning and such. I really like what they have come up with for Hamelin in this sense. I hope he is out sooner rather than later so I can see this in action.
  11. Ninja'd me on the actual topic, but you can discard cards in the order of your choice, pg 34 of book 1 when talking about the discard pile. Edit: sorry for the double post.
  12. Hmmn, just re-read the It's all in the cards section of book 1 and have to say I think we both have this wrong. "After you resolve a game event in which you use cards, immediately move the cards used during the event to your discard pile" If you classify a duel as a game event, which I would, then after cheating fate, there is still the opportunity to use soulstones and then the calculation of the final total and the application of triggers kicks in. At that point the cards are moved to the discard pile. So the card you cheated with has not made it to the discard pile at the point you can draw a card. Still glad I re-read that section, cards moved to the discarded pile can be placed in any order, nice to know the answer to something that may come up when placing the Red Joker on the top of a pile of 3 or 4 discarded cards...
  13. I'm no authority but that is exactly the way I read it. The fact it is no longer in the discard pile makes no difference, the duel total has already been determined.
  14. Welcome to the boards. Is good to hear your wife likes the game. Still working on my lady friend but I think it's time to give up, or find a new one...What crews do you both play? Anyway, hope you find the time to visit.
  15. Not so much a comment on Aarklash, but Malifaux certainly does seem to have provided 'inspiration' for a number of games companies both in terms of the mechanic but also some of the miniatures involved. As with everything though, I imagine the gamers money will only end up flowing to those who have something unique and worthwhile to them.
  16. Don't know about the game itself but have one or two of the min.'s and they are high quality. Definitely in the top 3 manufacturers I have recieved from.
  17. I could definately see that happening. Something along the lines of what Colette escapes from.
  18. I think it must mean or. As zaqir says, there are so many cool combos available, really looking forward to trying him out when the models arrive.
  19. Boy did I get a shock when opening that first link. I pretty much have a phobia of anything even looking remotely looking like something from the Dark Crystal. Needless to say link 2 and 3 went unchecked. Given the rate my heartbeat leapt too I would say it was good work and looked like it could come alive at any moment.
  20. Stirling Wargames Club now added.
  21. Also love Sodapop. Saw a few pictures of the game you mentioned, looked interesting. Also interested to see the game they are developing for their normal figs. As to the models on show, I prefer the not sooo out there stuff so quite keen on Suicide Queen from the 3, the other two don't do it for me really. Has reminded me I have an Ayu Beat to get back to painting....There is always too much stuff to paint.
  22. You don't need to run Madame Sybelle with the Belles, she is good and does help them somewhat but no requirement whatsoever. Canine Remains only cost two stones each, you would probably be best to get just one pack at first and see how you go. Also, don't worry about them dying, at 2 stones they are amongst the cheapest friendly models which can create corpse counters to summon more Belle's. Welcome along, hope you enjoy the game as much as most of us around here.
  23. I still see a lot of good stuff in the hounds, if you take two the only thing you lose from being a non guild master is the cashback in terms of soulstones. Of course if Hamelin is not close enough to prevent corpse counters etc from being generated then they can get a 1 action charge which will be useful against quite a few masters The good thing is that there are plenty of choices for people to choose from, very much looking forward to trying him out.
  24. I have given up all resistance in terms of staying in faction, just too many cool concepts and crossover opportunities now. As for LCB, very much looking forward to the box set, I have the Nightmare version but so far have resisted even opening him. Need a proper painter to do him justice. @ Alemon, I would guess you are correct.
  25. I'm also very intrigued by him and the playstyle that he seems to use from reading. As Woodschow mentioned Canine remains, Candy and Kade should work well. I definately intend to take them in my Rat/Dog/Child swarm along with some Guild Hounds. I had originally got it in my head that he could hire Alyce as she was soulless and thought that would be excellent back up but unfortunately Hamelin is not a scavenger master. One question about his hiring insignificant models, not that I intend to do so, but I assume he can take general faction totems such as the Drill Sergeant? Edit: Some giant rats for anyone interested until the proper ones are out. http://www.otherworld.me.uk/dvseries.html
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