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Everything posted by ispep

  1. I absolutely hate any sort of painting requirements, and awarding bonus VP for painted crews is essentially that, a painting requirement. I play games to play games. I paint models to paint models. Sometimes I play games with those models I painted. They are two separate hobbies that are loosely related. You don't have to play a single game to win a Golden Demon, you shouldn't have to paint a single miniature to win a gaming tournament.
  2. A 50mm base on its side is taller than the PACK Mini is deep. If it is a modular base (such as Corphyee Duet, etc) you could lay the base in flat, but the Mini overall isn't ideal for any crew with 50mm bases, and is a questionable fit for 40mm bases.
  3. Does Tuco have a meaning in Spanish, or is it just Turn Coat?
  4. The flesh construct is on a 40mm base, not a 50.
  5. For models I want to paint, its aesthetics first. For models I want to play, its game play first. You don't have to like the rules for a mini just to paint it, and you don't have to like the mini to beat face with it in-game.
  6. Dead hookers for the guys, giant evil teddy's for the ladies. It works every time. I'll usually talk up the cards, the small crew size, the great story, and when the interest starts to wane, hit 'em with the hookers.
  7. I've never had any issues with Battle Foam products, and the issues our customers have had have been promptly resolved. I'm not sure what one's personal persona has to do with the quality of the product they sell.
  8. Tournaments give you something to actually play for. Fun is great and all, but it isn't something you can hold or hang on your wall.
  9. I love my BF Malifaux bag, but I don't think I'd be so keen on it if it had cost another $50. Have you tried contacting local shops/online retailers to see if they can get you a deal on shipping?
  10. Looks like the Micro Arts Studio wings.
  11. I love the model, but I just can't justify $45 for a 4 point model. For less than that, you can get a playable crew box. I'm sure I'll get one sooner or later, but it certainly isn't high on my list of priorities.
  12. Just because a card is banned in one format, does not make it valueless. You can still play Jace, the Mind Sculpter in legacy, vintage, commander, or any number of casual formats. And regardless of what someone pays for a single card, its actual value is 27 cents, 1/15th of the retail value of a booster pack. Even if you only play one format, and a card is banned/cuddled in that format, you still have options for reclaiming your investment, as there are other people who play the other formats. If you cuddle a model so that it is useless, no one will want it, and you have no chance of recouping the cash value you paid in the first place nor the time you invested in assembly/painting.
  13. There is ZERO comparison to CCGs in this case. How many hours did you spend painting your L5R card? If I buy a crew that works out to exactly whatever number of soulstones, and it is completely legal according to the rule book, I should be able to play it. If the game manufacturer decides that something needs to change, then they will make that change. If some dude gets his ass handed to him every week by certain crews and goes out of his way to make sure someone can't play that crew, then that is petty and unfair. I'm perfectly fine with house rules that shake things up for everyone. I'm not fine with picking on certain crews/players because you don't like the way they play. @Guy just because you don't like what I have to say, doesn't mean I'm wrong. I'm sure plenty of people agree with me, they just worry that some one on the internet isn't going to like them. I don't care. I am a Jerk. Deal with it, I'm not going to sugar coat my posts to make other people happy.
  14. I'll post in whatever threads I wish. Especially if they are threads that have the potential to ruin any sort of tournament scene or even local gaming community. If you or anyone else choose to take offense to my posts, that is your problem, not mine. If your ideas were interesting, I might agree. But they aren't. They exist only to punish people who play specific styles of crew. If you don't want to play against them, that's your choice, but don't design your events so that they can't play what they paid for.
  15. Arbitrarily making up rules isn't helpful either. My post clearly defined how I felt about screwing people over. Here, I'll help by listing some other changes that could be made to force people to play specific crews in specific ways, as opposed to how they should be out of the books. Get Yer Bro costs 2 AP Mosquitoes lose Magical Extension. Nino's range is reduced to 12" Kirai can't use Spirit Anchor McMourning doesn't gain corpse/body part counters from killing friendly models. Rotten Belles can only use Lure once per activation. Collodi can not move more than 12" in a turn through any means. Any summoned model does not count for VP purposes. Steampunk Arachnids that have swarmed together may not un-swarm. Marcus can't hire non-Arcanist beasts. Weeee, pretending to be a game designer is fun!
  16. So basically what you mean by "encourage diversity" is "punish people who choose to play certain crews." Seems more dickish than playing Alp bombs.
  17. At the store we've pretty much got anything outdoors covered, but when it comes to "indoor encounters" we are severely lacking. So far I've picked up one set of TerraClips sewers, I think I'm going to get a second, if I start playing more Malifaux.
  18. You mean like the thread asking about comprehensive rules that was locked for no reason? I made a thread in off-topic about things just like this. Willy-nilly locking/over moderation. Whoever locks it should at least give a solid explanation for the action. Or let the nature of threads take their course. sooner or later they will fade and be nothing but a memory.
  19. All strikes are actions, but not all actions are strikes?
  20. I feel the Insidious Madness is the worst model in the entire Wyrd product catalog. I'd say just stick whichever arm wherever you want on it, it will look awful either way.
  21. Comprehensive rules are comprehensive. The rules manual is nice and all, but comprehensive rules would be the size of book 1, replacing all the fluff and art with rules. Your average player doesn't need comprehensive rules. 90% of MtG players probably don't know they exist. Regardless, it would be nice to have as it makes rulings more consistent if there is a resource that specifically outlines every rule in minute detail. While the rules manual gives a working knowledge of the system, comprehensive rules would clearly define every rule.
  22. I usually use the Chessex "Mini Display Boxes" (aka the little plastic cubes their dice come in) and blu-tack. I've also used corks, wooden blocks, soda bottle twist tops, pill bottles, short bits of dowel, shot glasses, pretty much whatever I can find that I can attach a model to and hold comfortably.
  23. Because I don't care what people think of what I have to say, I don't have anything to say? I have an opinion on the subject at hand, and I'll continue to state that opinion as I see fit. As long as there is something to reply to, I'll reply to it. When I play in an event that happens to include best painted, I'm playing to play the game. The best painted is just there to encourage painted crews. Who did or did not paint what is irrelevant.
  24. I've been involved with table top games for 13 years, I started playing WFB in high school. Since then, I've played all of the major GW releases, and a number of other miniatures games. I've painted my own miniatures, I've painted miniatures for other people, and I've competed in actual painting competitions and even won a local one. I've played in tournaments and leagues with a "best painted" component. I didn't care whether the other armies were painted by the people playing or the people who were paid to do it. I wasn't there for the painting/painted part. If thats what I wanted to participate in, I would enter a painting competition. Regardless of my hobby experiences, I don't care if anyone responds. Therefore it is not trolling.
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