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Everything posted by kbdrand

  1. I understand, but until we have an errata on this I have to go with the interpretation that doesn't hold up the game. Constantly being able to recast the spell even in the face of a resist to me is just broken.
  2. Here are some additional angles and comparison shots:
  3. In my opinion (just my personal opinion) if a spell is resisted then it is not successfully cast. Sure you got the spell off, but if it is resisted then it was not successful but rather it failed to affect the target, therefore the spell as a whole failed. Until I hear an official ruling, that is the way we play it in our gaming group. So yes, it is a good combo, but not endless since all you have to do is resist it.
  4. Our first few games we did not understand how the difference in duel totals affected the damage chart so we were always doing straight damage flips. Really changed the game.
  5. He is a perfect size for Malifaux. I will take a comparison shot tomorrow.
  6. Yep, the base is from Ironhalo.net. I will try to take some more shots if i get the time tomorrow.
  7. Hmm. I guess you could infer that from the box shot, but I still don't think that the model (to me at least) looks like he is putting on skin gloves. The gloves are way to thick and not nearly bloody enough to be freshly cut human skin. I much prefer to think of him as putting on normal medical gloves (thick, heavy rubber). But that's just my personal take. Anyway, I can't see how human skin gloves would even be practical in his line of work (yes, I know he's pretty much crazy, but still, crazy doesn't mean stupid and human skin just wouldn't hold up for his work).
  8. Hmm. I've never noticed that. The model certainly doesn't make it look like he is putting on skin gloves. Where is the concept art?
  9. The McMourning model has always bothered me. I get why Sebastian would be bloody, but McMourning is just now pulling on his gloves. He should be clean (like he is about to start his work). I did my Sebastian as bloody, but left McMourning clean.
  10. Just finished up my first Gunsmith Proxy (model is from Freebooter minis). I'm not super happy with this, but I wanted to get something out quick so I could play him this weekend.
  11. Go read the Wanted graphic novel. Perdita is just like that. Of course not so much after the errata.
  12. I actually use a magnifying lens and light combination that I got from a local Michael's (craft store). I do not use it all the time, but for fine detail like the eyes, it works wonders. And I second the tip about a brush with a sharp tip. A sharp tip on a brush is very important for things like eyes.
  13. Army Builder for 40k will even print out you roster with individual unit abilities (with a page reference for more details). So I think they would be safe as long as they didn't completely reproduce the entire unit information from the book. Of course in the United States you can pretty much sue anybody for anything.
  14. I am pretty sure Lone Wolf and Wyrd had some talks on this subject. I remember when it was first announced there was some discussion about Wyrd approving this, but not 100% sure.
  15. I took a break from 40k for Malifaux because I got tired of painting whole big units of figures. I like the small scale of Malifaux and the models are just awesome. Now if they can just squeeze in Werewolves and Vampires we will be set!
  16. So, you are casting the spell twice then? The first Grow spell grows them to a Young, then you have to cast Mature (and have enough blood tokens) to get them from a Young to a Mature. If that is the case, then sorry, just doesn't seem clear in your steps that you are casting two different spells.
  17. Agree. The Rule of Equivalency will probably prevent some of this kind of stuff. But, where in your steps do the tots become Young Nephilim?
  18. There is a company called 'Mantic Games' that sells pretty cheap undead (used for Warhammer Fantasy). I haven't bought any of their stuff but supposedly it is a pretty good quality to price ratio.
  19. Yes, as stated above, the rules clearly state that this is possible. I would challenge the other player to show you where it is not allowed.
  20. The Terraclips sets will be really nice for Malifaux once they are released. You may want to wait for those.
  21. Very nice, what paints are you using for your flesh tones on McMorning and Sebastian?
  22. On the D6 Generation podcast Eric said that book 3 would be out before next Gencon, so mid to early 2011. I do not think they are going to wait to release all the models in book 2 before releasing book 3.
  23. How are you base coating? Are you mixing your paints with water? If so, how much water to paint? I use mostly Reaper paints (Reaper is local to me and no one around here carries Vallejo, but I get Vallejo when I can), and Reaper works quite well. I prefer it to GW, not because the paint is any better, but because with dropper bottles it is easier to mix paint and water. I use some bottle water and a pipette on a piece of white tile for my mixing. Make sure for your base coat that you are doing a 1:1 or 1:2 mix of paint to water and do at least 2-3 but preferably more thin coats of paint for the base color. For your first models I would not even worry about blending. Just focus on a really good base coat, then depending upon the color you could follow up with a light wash and be done with it.
  24. Well, I wanted to focus on simple one main color scheme to work on my blending. didn't want to get caught up in multiple colors. Plus I'm working on color shades/color theory/complementary colors so I kept it simple. Yeah, she would be better if some of her stuff was another color but one step at a time for me.
  25. I am no great painter or anything, but it looks like you are still using metallic paints. With all the awesome blending you are doing on the rest of the minis, the metallic paints tend to draw away from that. The only thing I would suggest is doing some non-metallic metals for the weapons and armor. But I love the minis either way!
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