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Everything posted by Poko

  1. That's a really cool model!
  2. Probably because nothing in her actual gameplay was related to it. I'm sure McMourning makes fantastic hash brownies, but it's not pertinent to his rules nor his character design. Her being a smulggler was only a minor part of the lore. Something she did to support herself and her theater, not what defined her. What defined her character, at least in 1,5v was her magic, her showgirls' dedicattion to her and her willingness to go against the odds to keep her freedom.
  3. And it ends up looking like..well, generic steampunk nr.75. All the quirky designs (like the neverborn grimacing faces) were polished to look like generic gargoyles, all the humans, where possible, are wearing the same old pants, trenchcoat and widebrimmed hat, and ironically enough in what few places they decided to not make it more "realistic" they ended up with "slutty cosplayer" ronin insead of katana-cowboys of 1st ed. Colette is just the most brutally treated victim of the trend, because she was the most flaboyant. I like the 2.0 rules. I like how they got more stremlined. But I detest the new art direction and it's cookie-cutter approach to designs.
  4. Well, given there's still no non-nightmare ed of the Tara crew, it doesn't seem like a big concern.
  5. You know that's deluding yourself. What's obscured is a small part of her legs and boots. So unless they managed to sculpt her with a garterbelt so elaborate as to shame Lady Gaga, it'll be just as bland bottom as it is top. We do see 80% of the mini, and all of the "high visibility" parts- arms, body and head.
  6. Nope. No fun allowed in the wierd and magical land of Malifaux. Only long coats, straight suits and straight edge men and women. Who abstain from premarital sex and only occasionally curse no doubt.
  7. Make her steampunk, goodness knows nothing else is.
  8. Why not overalls then? And hood on her head? I find the argument "but it's less conspicious!"...well, really stretching it. If she's supposed to be predominantly smuggler, why bother calling it a "showgirl" crew? Why have Cassie in her gown and the performers in flamenco dress? Because apparently a bunch of ladies in showgirl outfits would draw attention, but the same bunch of ladies in classy evening apparel will not draw aaaaany attention at all. A redhead chick in a pinstripe dress is practically a ninja.
  9. Your car mechanics' sound way more fun than the ones we get here.
  10. Having been dragged into gothic/rock themed clothing stores a few times. I swear I saw an almost identical dress on display once.
  11. Not Colette. A cute goth chick, but not Colette. That's it.
  12. Do you LIKE the look of the old box? He MIGHT look better. He MIGHT look worse. If you don't like him now, wait. if you love the looks now, then there's no reason not to get him, is there?
  13. And thus you miss the first point of illusion. Anyway..last summer I got the old metal set. I thought to myself "the new Colette may or may not be good, but I know this one is, so I have no reason to wait". And it paid off. As I said in the New Art thread...she's not a magician. She's not burlesque show owner and a star. She's a goth chick with her boyfriend's "steampunk" goggles on cause it looks cute. And if she truly were to be in her "smuggler" attire, I'd expect clothes that protect her legs instead of lacy skirt and something on her shoulders to keep her warm in the catacombs of Malifaux- just like they did with Raspy, who is no longer wearing stockings and flashing her legs but rather has the cloak wrapper around her. Or at least not flash her push-up at everyone. I'm sorry, it's a very nice gothy cosplayer mini, but it's not a malifaux mini.
  14. Actually, on the twitter there's the full page shot, and you can see the dress, while it does drag lower on the backside, is still fairly short. And most definetely modern goth style. I know I'm not the greatest fan of the v2 art direction, but it's the first time I feel actually disappointed.
  15. That's nice, whose daughter it is? I mean, it's clearly a teenager sporting Hot Topic apparel, not Colette DuBois, mage, weaver of illusion and smuggler extraordinarie. Seriously. How do you go from burlesque show style to teen goth? What sort of decisive process took place? And did it involve a lot of vodka to cloud the pain of what they were doing to the poor character?
  16. And as I said very early, I'd be totally fine with them selling the kit as webstore exclusive. To which you (I think?) answered that it's a drain on resources because you have to keep them in stock and they might not sell. Which is always a risk with any product, but they have other Rare units on sale separately and despite ever being allowed to run 1 or 2, they do get sold. If Barbados is unlikely to sell that much, you can just stock less of it. And if you think it wont sell at all..perhaps it's a sign to check it's stats as to why? Anyhow, Barbados is just an example, it could be any of the "rare" models in each starter box- golem, samuel and so on. Oh, I'm so sorry sir. I did not know it's Member's only club. Pardon me. Let me get my pauper-ass out of the door to not break the sacrosanct of your hobby. The hobby IS fairly cheap. Compare it to real hobbies, like car renovation, skiing or even bicycle riding, it's very cheap. It still doesn't mean I enjoy wasting money on product I don't need to get 1 I want. I'm not a charity.
  17. Explain to me the difference between Barbados, which does come on it's own sprue, and say...3 plastic terror tots. Which are also part of a starter, and yet the same magic that precluded Barbados being released separately did not stop them from getting a box and their own release.
  18. So I can pick between cholera and ebola? Can't I have a cookie instead? Or will I also have to get the trots in the shape of a trillby (what some mistakenly call a "fedora" because they're uncultured animals)? Also, I did not notice the neckbeard on the poor demongimp until you pointed it out. Thanks a lot! I know it's hard to get male hair look "good" and not just another short hair cut in a miniature, but the topknot only emphasizes the teenage pop-metal fan look. This Lelu's so hardcore he growls out Colgate commercials when squeezing out his pimples in the morning.
  19. So it's like every other product? Funny how most companies can manage to sell single models either as blister or box, and even Wyrd can manage that with a lot of their items, but miraculously, some of them just won't fit into box. It's Wyrd's right to not sell something, but please don't make it like it's anything but conscious decision to attempt to get more sales on the starters.
  20. In short term, sure. In the long run, you have now a significant group of very disgruntled players who felt forced to buy something they didn't need/want. I can understand not selling it in a box, but apart from a few cases, those modles come on separate sprue- why not have it on sale in Wyrd Store as bits?
  21. The old metal was meh, but the new one is ruined by the doucheknot. No man was yet born (or neverborn) that'd look good with a ponytail.
  22. Nighthater- I have no problem with getting critique, no feelings hurt. The model is indeed meant to stand on wet gravel/semi-muddy surface, so I'm happy that actually worked out. As for the grey on the armor/weapons it's intermediate with white highlight and black wash. Highlights in general are very thick cause it was to be a test model, but I liked the scheme enough to keep it. The next one will have more of the original colour showing under the highlight. As for choice of colours, can't help you there I'm finishing the 2nd one, and my librarian, specialist and trapper (whose rifle turned into a bagel in the transport..thanks god for soft metal) have been delivered. I just need the strongarm and actual Von Schill.
  23. Or rather the 1st model of it for now as the rest is in the mail (no more boxed sets left at the LGS, had to order blisters). The pic is pretty grainy I'm afraid, but shows the colour scheme. Let's just say I didn't want another boring military grey and silver.
  24. Troll Trader has one (exactly one), and while I have no idea if they'll get it to you by 19th, i imagine them being in UK is your best bet. http://www.thetrolltrader.com/catalog/malifaux-the_arcanists/the_arcanists_kaeris_1_wyr3030/3327
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