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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. Great re-purposing of the figs dude! Well done!
  2. So the inmates wouldn't bite them. I have this crazy old medical book that talked about practices in pre-industral Mental Institutions with illustrations of those dealies. Anyway, here are my next two; The Governor's Proxy and The Judge. As always, more about them on my Blog!
  3. I look forward to the painting days all month long. Its how I rewatch 80s and 90s movies.
  4. Ah; well I'm still hoping that my Zuzzy 3x3' gaming mat shows up in time. Shipping is always crap around the Holidays. I've got that and a huge Infinity order on its way from the Warstore that I'm still waiting for...
  5. Might as well bring both so we don't run into Mirror Matches.
  6. Agreed; and they only have images for about 40% of their products.
  7. Seconded on the bases... they're nicely built so that they're not 'contrived'... the junk looks like it's actually settled into the ground.
  8. Great Morgue floor! Love the blood splashed around too. Where's the second nurse from?
  9. Absolutely! I'd love to see some 'cage on the head' minders too. An insane asylum is a pretty good idea for some scenery....
  10. Sorry, for the peanut Gallery... why?
  11. I'm considering doing some stripes on just the pants... I love the insane asylum bits in Bram Stoker's Dracula and may try for something like that. Thanks for the kind comments all. I've got Judgey and the Marshalls along with a Proxy to paint and then Pandora will get primed and some paint on her. There's a Malifayx GTG here in Toronto on the 14th I'm going to try to attend and I want an alternate force.
  12. I can't seem to find Hobo Jungle on their US Site...
  13. Barring some Calamity I'll be there.
  14. Thanks guys! I wanted to go for a 'Zatoichi' Blind Swordsman sort of a look, hence all the white. Glad you like her! I'm going to try using her in my next game.
  15. So I painted my Lady Justice! More about it on my Blog!
  16. The french in me can't help but pronounce it Mah-Lee-foe
  17. Forum Handle:Achilles City/Metro Area: Toronto, Ontario Game Shop (if you have one): Any and all in the city. Preferred days/times: Monday/Tuesday are best, but I can make it out most evenings provided I know in advance. Other comments: Have Guild and Neverborn forces on the go.
  18. Pandora is interesting because of her way of killing off opposing crews. She's a de-buff/grind at wounds kind of caster who doesn't directly damage stuff... instead paralyzing and weakening stuff with her spells and effects. For your second... take your pick. Someone more 'standard' will be a good foil for her abilities. Maybe one of the Guild Masters like Sonnia.
  19. Sure... but you're spending 17 stone to do it (Loco 7, Nurse 6, Student 4). And that move will be Telegraphed as soon as you activate the Nurse + Student to juice pops. You're gonna get to do it once and then you'll just see your opponent spread out. And by the by... what else would you put in this force at 30 Stone to make it effective once Pops is dead turn 1? Are the Student and Nurse just going to stand around winning the game after this?
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