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Hapless Peon

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Everything posted by Hapless Peon

  1. From all of us in Australia, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Seasons Greetings. I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable holiday and get some games of Malifaux in. Hope you got all the pressies you wanted :gimmie!: :santaclau From Mark and Juliet
  2. I too use dark flesh as the base coat and then build up through scab red and then progressively add more yellow to the mix. Warning: Adding white will give you pink hilighted hair.
  3. It's a given that I gave it my vote. Very well deserved IMO. I would even be bold enough to say Game Release of the Deacade. Yes, I love this game that much :notworthy
  4. With bases featuring a lot of detail such as the resin theme bases available from may places I prefer to paint the miniature on a regular base and paint the base separately to avoid missing out on detail. I was forced to on my current project as Aus Post were striking and delayed my ebay order of bases.
  5. If you want some practice games to get used to Raspy, hit me up. What side of Brissie are you on? I'd love to see the terrain when its finished.
  6. I laughed, it made me think of the Robot Chicken episode with "Ethnic Cleansing" Bear.
  7. The first of my Rotting Belles is now complete and my bases have arrived so now I can get stuck in and finish the above minis. I tend to steer clear of white fabrics as I have struggled with them in the past. For this reason I decided to have a spoonful of the proverbial cement and just go for it. Rear view, much more palatable than Sybelle's Some and C + C would be apreciated
  8. Can I get the above, in a signed affidavit? I can produce it at tournaments, then proceed to bend the rules with impunity. No one would dare question my integrity then! -Thankee (are you a Steven King fan by any chance Wombats?)
  9. :thrasher: These guys are awesome! Great Idea and execution.
  10. Nah that guy was cheating for sure... You should have argued harder and prevented him from charging out. Maybe then poor my Seamus wouldn't have got his face melted by Rasputina on her next activation. :focus: I would still say that abilities that give you a free charge would still be ok to use as RAI but then again I'm happy to be corrected.
  11. A step-by-step guide to using Teddy effectively. Step 1: Where's Teddy? Step 2: ???? Step 3: Profit! I know Juliet is hangging to rip my face off with Teddy.
  12. Oh psshh! Anyone can win if they focus on completing the objectives
  13. Madam Sybelle is now finished, still no bases though (cry!). I may revisit her at some stage but to be honest I just wanted to get her out of the way. I ended up adding an undone clip on bow-tie to complete the Playboy Bunny theme (thanks for the idea Papa). I pushed my limited green-stuff abilities to their max. And from the rear. (shudder) I may go back and do some touch ups but for now I want to move on to the Rotting Belles.
  14. Malifaux - Seamus and soon Nicodem Warhammer Fantasy - Warriors of Chaos and Dogs of War Necromunda - Cawdor Man O War - Dwarven Fleet Heroquest Want to learn Warmachine/Hordes - Talion Charter
  15. I like the Ramos conversion to tie it into your bases. I see Ramos as more of a tinkerer and think that the cog is better than the flame. Should be good to see these tonight.
  16. I love the effect. Using the limited palette really makes them quite gothic. :clap:
  17. The Copycat Killer is now finished (still no sign of my resin bases :sad2:) Australia Post are having rolling strikes so goodness knows when I'll get them. Tried to keep him looking as close to Seamus as possible, but also tried a heavier wash of blue on the jacket. Reverse Shot I wanted to do something special to Sybelle as I wasn't happy with her as is. I have Juliet to thank for the idea of this one - Playboy Bunny! First proper attempt at greenstuff sculpting, don't think I did too bad a job. In case you were wondering the item on the left is her bunny tail. Whatcha think?
  18. Where can I get one? :bigthumb:
  19. The above actually has it's uses, because if it is as you have said, then your opponent wasn't hitting anything else with that damage. Bad Juju is acting as a damage soak allowing your other minions to do their thing. If he was to die the first time and stay dead then there would be nothing else to distract your opponent and he would target the others. At the least it forces your opponent to focus on him again and waste activations/actions/control cards.
  20. If you find Sybelle so unapealing, what are your thoughts on Zoraida? Juliet was thinking of picking her as her second Master. Do you want her to reverse up the board? :hypnotize
  21. Hey, you didn't read the full thread either! Nah it looks like it is probably a scam, people have placed orders (which they have not received) and he is not replying to emails. Even if its not a scam and he had the best of intentions it looks like the product is unavailable.
  22. I'm currently ripping through the Seamus boxed set and Copycat Killer (finished him last night). Going to sculpt some Bunny ears and tail onto Sybelle, to enthuse me to paint her. Make some terrain (thinking Nightmare Before Christmas style, warped buildings etc.)
  23. I think I may have to use this for Sybelle, thanks for the idea Honey!
  24. Hello everyone, I was hoping to start a discussion on how many Soulstones you feel each Master needs to be effective. Who can get away with their base amount? Who needs their full allocation? How much does the size of the scrap affect your decision? I am running Seamus at the moment and feel that for small to medium (25-35) scraps he needs no more than 6 (2 standard +4 left over). Lend me your collective brain power!
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