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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. I will play against Mythicfox on Monday. We rolled for the strat/schemes the following: Reconnoiter Assassinate, Protect Territory, Plant Evidence, Murder Protege, ALitS Deployment; Standard Map; The Crossing It will be an 50SS game against Arcanists. If anyone (who experienced the Belle-spam broken) would like to give me list variants to try to go with, you are more than welcome to PM me the details. Thanks in advance!
  2. It was quite easy. I purchased 3mm x 1mm disk rare earth magnets. I noted the same side of each piece with a pen and glued one on the 30 mm base and one on the 25 mm original that comes with the game. Put them together and it is done.
  3. The file is in the download section. But here is a direct LINK.
  4. Oh, this is a very good package already and people would need to play a lot to get bored with the current once. I just wanted to note that map thing with future updates in mind.
  5. Thanks for the great work! One quick observation: the "Ruined tounship" map is a clear terrain without anything on it.
  6. More maps. The "unofficial" M2E module has very few maps and most of them well.... strange to play on. And the original module would also need some refreshment. HERE it is all the fan made once in one file. Thanks in advance!
  7. Maybe some of you will be interested in THIS.
  8. We are constantly running play evenings on Tuesdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Drop me a message if you would like to participate and learn Malifaux or Puppet Wars!
  9. It is the first question of the FAQ.
  10. All the answers were based on the rulebook's related sections: ie. Charge, Engagement, Disengaging
  11. Neither of those. It is 2x2 points of damage from two separate sources. The distinction is important in case the enemy has Armor, Hard to Kill etc.
  12. Is your perceived problem based on real games or just reading the cards? The reason I ask this is because I think stockpiling Crows is easier to say than actually manage it during the game. The Bete Noire's attacking ability also needs a Crow, animating her ditto. If you bring her with Seamus you don't need the Crow for animations but his damage reducing ability also drains Crows. Healing from the Nurse too. Animating Puppets, making Dodges forces you to drop cards, and sometimes you can't hang on to the important suit since going first or saving a puppet is probably a more useful option. And even if you do have a Crow to use, activating Under the Bed gives up the chance to make the save naturally with her 6 of Crows defence and maybe you can only bring her back to a not so well positioned workbench. All in all in my played games she did not seem to be broken at all.
  13. And as it has been shown in this thread this is a wrong interpretation of the rules. That part only applies when a terrain would be moved or created on top of an already placed marker. I don't think a Scheme Marker would rise on the top of a 2 storey building if you place it under the wall and I can't find anything concrete in the rulebook regarding the interaction of impassable terrain and marker placement. Although we can assume (can we?) that blast markers are not really markers as such but the problem still exists with Corpse, Scrap, Scheme etc. And to make things more complicated here is an issue I stumbled upon thinking about marker placement: A model is standing on the edge of a vantage point and places a Scheme Marker in B2B so that the marker "hangs in the air". What happens? A - The marker can't be placed. B - The marker hovers in the air. C - The marker falls down to the ground level. D - The world ends.
  14. Playing devil's advocate here. The rule you referenced only speaks about the case when a terrain feature would be created or moved on top of a marker. Placing the marker is a different issue.
  15. The rulebook only prohibits models to enter into impassable terrain but I guess it would be strange to see somebody mason a say corpse marker under a wall.
  16. I have the same problem. No icon here that leads me to the most recent post.
  17. Yeah, and a mod should remove these threads pinned during 2012 to avoid this kind of confusion.
  18. I have to agree on this one with the OP. I also see the AR value as some sort of price tag on the model. And since Misaki has a so low, naked AR value AND has a lot of good stats and abilities, the question seems valid: why is she so good?
  19. Good rules lawyering but I'm pretty sure the intent was to give an additional point of damage to Actions that are actually able to damage in themselves. There is no explicit guideline in the book to cover this but we can consider the following part as a close example about the none vs 0 problem: Yes, this is about Model stats and not Actions but I hope you can see the similarity: you can't add +1 to something that does not exist.
  20. Thanks for the encouragement! Meanwhile the Gunslingers arrived.
  21. Csonti

    PW Unstitched

    Pics about my progress with the 44 figures of the box.
  22. Csonti


    From the album: PW Unstitched

  23. From the FAQ: Leap works in a similar way. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I can understand: if your model just wants to go from one side of a say 10" wall to the other side, you can ignore the terrain and measure the distance normally from a top-down view. But if you want to land on the top of it, you have to "pay" the price for moving vertically.
  24. With the new forum up and running I hope it will be easier to upload pics so I thought I would show my progress with my PW box that arrived a few days before Xmass. 44 unpainted figures looking at you is certainly a bit intimidating at first but I could have a good start using the holiday season freetime. A few things about my plans. I wanted to paint all (same kind of) minions a little bit differently than their brothers while keeping them together with certain similarities. So that you can see at first glance that those are say Gunslingers, but the blue is yours and the red is the enemy. In order not to deprive the attention from the models themselves I went with a plain basing method. Simple green with brown rim but I also added random shapes of tiles representing the left-over fabric of making dolls. These were painted to various patterns and with the usual faction colours so that you can tie together the Guild models by the red-brown cloth scattered around them. I also bought 30 mm bases and painted the rims to the basic colors of the player counters (yellow, green etc.) so that you can get a firm visual help to separate your models from the enemy. Finally I magnetized the bases which facilitates setup and playing a lot. So here I stand right now:
  25. Csonti


    From the album: PW Unstitched

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