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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. It was wet blending. You paint the lower and upper half with very watery paint. And just mix the borderline. Not that hard. And sure, I'm proud if my idea was stolen. :bigthumb:
  2. My solution: once in a blue moon.
  3. I get your problem but: - it's quite theoretical - Candy is not that good at casting SL - the Flesh Construct does have a chance resist each of the spells - you count on two models' attacks but the opponent usually has a chance to activate a model between those two So the 50/50 odds is a bit of an exageration. On the other hand I got confused about who makes the damage flip? We always assumed that the defending player. It's his model's weapon what does the damage. And the spell doesn't say the caster gets control over the defender. But this could be wrong.
  4. I really don't see in the errata that only the weapon's ability can be used to alter the [-] flip. I just see that the spell's duel difference doesn't matter. And I can see that the weapon's ability does count. But these two things doesn't lead to the conclusion that "hard to wound" doesn't effect it. Maybe it's true anyway but I don't see this from the text. So a little help would be nice!
  5. Without the gloss they will be perfect. Nicely executed!
  6. Joining the "We want close ups" group. Even from this angle and distance she rocks!
  7. I'm glad they've changed it. Lilith was simply broken. Period. So was Perdita. Both got a little cuddle. And the world became a little bit nicer place.
  8. Very solid table top standard. You don't need to be ashamed or anything. Keep up the good work!
  9. Awesomesouce! I would be very sad if I'd have to kill her on the board.
  10. Yeah and I'm proud of it! It's not a shame to borrow great ideas. Is it? Btw amazing work on the little girl, grats!
  11. Here is my review. But maybe you need an encrypter. Eh.
  12. EDIT: Pandy, Candy and full groupshot added Bases are home made effort. More pics here. Thanks for looking!
  13. Actually, it could be 3 in case of a melee oriented model. 1. running away 2. doing nothing 3. running back where it was Aye and with a [-] flip. So that's almost a big 0. Not to mention Pandora's trigger...
  14. The question is still hanging in the air: why do you need a Wp duel shooting into melee when you can shoot/hit/torture your own models directly without any duel? My guess: just because!
  15. Indeed. But the question is not that in this case. Smell Fear triggers when somebody loses a Moral Duel. But the target of Mental Anguish could fall back without a Moral Duel. And that in itself would not trigger Smell Fear. Unless of course said lost WP duel was a Moral Duel in itself, but in that case you don't need Mental Anguish anyway.
  16. Reading the appropriate skills I don't think that works. Pandora's trigger says: After defender loses a WP resist duel it falls back. Smell fear: If a model loses a moral duel... Pandora's trigger forces a model to fall back without a lost moral duel.
  17. Really nice man! Thank you! Just one tiny note: the Reconnoiter mission's wording was corrected in the errata.
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