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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. I think the cannot be modified part refers to abilities like the Large Steampunk Arachnid who can lower the Armor of a model point by point. So I would say any Armor from another source would stack normally.
  2. Yeah, thankfully the errata closed this nonsense loophole. The idea contradicted the theme of the ability quite heavily since it is named Hunting Partner. Unless of course you have a Shikome with schizophrenia to field.
  3. Altough I didn't have a game with them but it looks like that this spell really shines within Mr. Tannen's Dampen Fate aura.
  4. I'd like to inform you that I'm more than ready to help you out with the first steps into Malifaux. I usually play at Cantina Klub during the evening of Wednesdays but my shedule can be flexible. We can play at another day of the week and even in another club if that's more preferable. I have plenty of crews to demo with therefore you don't even need miniatures to try a game. So if you need some help to get started, just contact me here in the forum or send an e-mail (csontpet@gmail.com) and we will arrange a demo game. Sidenote: If you are interested in what's going on with Malifaux in Hungary you are more than welcome to join our Facebook group. És most magyarul is: Aki szeretné kipróbálni a játékot, azzal nagyon szívesen összehozok egy bemutató játékot Budapesten. Általában szerdánként játszom a Cantinában, de sem a nap, sem a helyszín nincs kőbe vésve. Rengeteg csapatom van, amikkel ki lehet próbálni a játékot, így első körben figurára sincs szüksége annak, aki tenne egy próbát. Demóügyben kereshettek itt a fórumon, vagy levélben is a fent megadott címen. Aki szeretne többet tudni a hazai Malifaux-életről, azt várjuk a népes és aktív Facebook csoportunkba is.
  5. With all due respect, the wording of the ability doesn't support this as far as I understand the terms. Jakob needs to discard cards to get the Darkness, which is neither fliping nor cheating, right?
  6. Looked weird? Seriously I'm also interested in this issue I have the same problem as you have.
  7. It stops when it reaches the other model's base.
  8. The Hall of the Phoenix club from Székesfehérvár organizes it’s next event, the 8th Warlords and Tactics (in Hungarian H.É.T.) wargame competition on the last week of September (on Saturday and Sunday, the 29th and 30th of Sept.). We invite all soulhunters of Malifaux, beast and machine masters of Immoren, warlords of Hyperspace and the generals of the Old World to attend it. On Friday afternoon we will wait everyone at Hall of the Phoenix, but there will be an opportunity to play free or training games on site. Besides, those who ask for accomodation for Friday either can occupy their rooms at the dormitory. On Saturday the 40K players can compete within the new, 6th edition, while parallelly madness and horror unleashes on Malifaux. On Sunday the admirerers of Warhammer Fantasy can show their aptitude and sense of strategy. In the same time the worthy generals will have to face the Steamroller missions of Warmachine/Hordes. In case of Fantasy armies should be 1888 points. At 40k competitors have to build their armies out of 1650 points. In Malifaux 35 Soulstones are available for hiring minions. In case of Warmachine/Hordes the armies should be 35 points sized. In all four systems there will be three turns. Schedule for Saturday Malifaux – 35 SS fixed faction 09:30 Start of the registration 09:50 Malifaux draw, taking place at the tables 10:00 Beginning of the 1st round 12:00 Recording the final scores, lunch break (as before. if someone wishes to order food we will collect these requests and will make a single order) 13:00 Draw, taking place at the tables 13:10 Beginning of the 2nd round 15:10 Recording the final scores, break 15:30 Draw, taking place at the tables 15:40 Beginning of the 3rd round 17:40 Recording the final scores 18:00 Announcement of results, handing out of rewards 40k – 1650 points 9:00 Start of the registration 9:20 40k draw, taking place at the tables 9:30 Beginning of the 1st round 12:00 Recording the final scores, lunch break (as before. if someone wishes to order food we will collect these requests and will make a single order) 12:50 Draw, taking place at the tables 13:00 Beginning of the 2nd round 15:30 Recording the final scores, break 15:50 Draw, taking place at the tables 16:00 Beginning of the 3rd round 18:30 Recording the final scores 18:45 Announcement of results, handing out of rewards Schedule for Sunday Fantasy - 1888 points 09:00 Start of the registration 09:45 Fantasy draw, taking place at the tables 10:00 Beginning of the 1st round 12:30 Recording the final scores, lunch break (as before. if someone wishes to order food we will collect these requests and will make a single order) 12:55 Draw, taking place at the tables 13:00 Beginning of the 2nd round 15:30 Recording the final scores, break 15:40 Draw, taking place at the tables 15:45 Beginning of the 3rd round 18:15 Recording the final scores 18:30 Announcement of results, handing out of rewards Warmachine / Hordes - 35 pont 9:30 Start of the registration 10:00 WM/H draw, taking place at the tables 10:10 Beginning of the 1st round 12:00 Recording the final scores, lunch break (as before. if someone wishes to order food we will collect these requests and will make a single order) 13:00 Draw, taking place at the tables 13:10 Beginning of the 2nd round 15:00 Recording the final scores, break 15:20 Draw, taking place at the tables 15:30 Beginning of the 3rd round 17:20 Recording the final scores 17:45 Announcement of results, handing out of rewards Rewards: the winners can take the H.É.T. trophy home and also, together with the 2nd and 3rd places receive a money reward that can be spent in our webshop. Deadline for applications: Midnight, 23rd of September. Because of the size of the place the limit for each game system is 24 + 4 people. It can change according to the registrations, if any of the days becomes full we will inform you! You can send your application to: info@fonixcsarnok.eu Application fee: 1500 HUF/game system In case of late application it is 2000 HUF/game system (if there is still free place), and in case of applying on site it is 3000 HUF/game system (if there is still free place). If you wish to book accomodation after the deadline you can do it by writing to info@fonixcsarnok.eu. Painting and proxy: the miniatures should be at least undercovered. Proxys should represent the figures unequivocally. If not sure that your proxy meets the requierements please show it to us before the start of the game. Location and information about the accomodation: 8000, Székesfehérvár, József Attila Dormitory, Széchenyi str. 13., Theatre Hall The dormitory has rooms with 3 and 4 beds either with or without a private bathroom. In a room for 4 without bathroom: 2000 HUF/person/night In a room for 3 without bathroom: 2500 HUF/person/night In a room for 3 or 4 with bathroom: 3000 HUF/person/night Plus everyone has to pay the turism tax which is 450 HUF/person/night. Questions: You can contact me here on the forum or send your questions directly to the local organizers (again it is: info@fonixcsarnok.eu).
  9. Maybe the confusion comes from one of the FAQ's answer that has nothing to do with the issue about targeting yourself with an attack but it can be mixed together easily. From the FAQ: Spells are not Abilities (RM p18) so in regards of Decay or Transposition this answer is irrelevant. The key to those - as some of you already quoted - is in the RM on page 18. The last sentence of the Attacks section says: In Decay's description you can read: Friendly Undead... Meanwhile in Lilith's Transposition you can't find any Friendly reference. Of course the spell can be cast on (other) Friendly models but in question of self-targeting this is irrelevant. You need to have the words of direct reference in the description of the spell to be able to cast it on yourself. That's why Lilith can't do it and that's why Nico can. (And not just with the blasts but with direct targeting too.) Hope that helps. Edit: And to answer the original question: yes, you have to flip when you target yourself but in case of Resist flips you can choose to tie the total and therefore lose the duel without cheating.
  10. Thanks! I didn't want to duplicate things but IMO this kind of sneak peaks deserve a separate topic here instead of a post in a 10+ pages long thread or in the faction specific section where some of the readers rarely wander.
  11. I didn't see it here anywhere so I think it's better to share the link: Oiran fluff and stats on BoLS.
  12. This doesn't work. With Sisters in Spirit you can only push the not moving Vik to the just activated one. So in this case Vik #2 can push #1 to her within 3" but not the other way. However what you can do is to first use Sisters in Spirit to switch the two Victorias and then you can push #1 to #2. But not a single AP left to move further. You will be still quite up there with two fast Victorias in turn 2 but not so much as you described. (Or alternatively you can leave #1 behind - at the spot where #2 started her activation. And move up with #2 with her last AP.) Anyway even with this not so agressive setup you have to be very careful with placement, activation etc. since you are near the table half already and a Nino or other nasty thing can ruin your plans quite easily.
  13. I just would like to give a healthy thanks to our wonderful hosts for inviting us to this fantastic event. I attended several international events during the years in many different systems but by far the Croatian one was the best organized tournament. The little touches like the welcome package with accessories give the event a big boost. I'm just sad about the lack of players from other countries. Zagreb looks an ideal place to meet with guys from at least Central and Eastern Europe. So fellow Malifaux players around those countries: consider participation next time, you won't regret it! Again, thanks for the invitation and the hard work you invested in this Marko. I guess next year we will come in even greater numbers. So prepare for the Hungarian invasion.
  14. While I'm 100% in the "Jokers are just fine" camp, this poll's wording is so one-sided that the result will yield nothing serious.
  15. So most of the "haters" say the RJ is a bad thing because it ruins all the hard work of a tactical genius when it comes up in a negative flip and therefore it should be changed. While I can accept that there are situations when you can feel the game was lost/won in a single flip without a real fight, it's not the RJ that has the most random impact of the game. Not even the second one btw. The perception of the player here is easily biased because of the dramatic (and mostly rare) appearance of the Jokers. However in the real world (ok, in the fantasy world of Malifaux) the random element that has the most impact in a battle is the Initiative Flip. You can simply just lose outright in case your opponent steals the initiative at the most important turn or two. Especially versus chain-activated companies. It just doesn't look so unlucky, nor that memorable and therefore couldn't be hated enough that I fliped a 6 and my opponent won the initiative with an 8. But since it is more frequent and has much more influence on the outcame of the game than the appearance of the RJ we should ban initiative flips first, right?
  16. I wanted to note exactly the same thing but resisted the temptation. At least now I can believe in reincarnation.
  17. This is strange because I don't see any problem at all in Calmdown's example. Games between even strenght players should be decided by luck and nothing else. Strong players take (almost) the best crews they can have, make (almost) the best decisions in the game etc. So the only REAL difference must be the luck factor. Which is just fine in a wargame. (Yes, play Chess or Go if you don't like luck.) It's very strange that Calmdown find it very frustrating that his opponent fliped an RJ on prevention after he won the duel with SS flips (that's a bargain so he was actually LUCKY there, and yes, no BJ surfaced, and yes he got the trigger etc.), made a decent amount of damage (again, no BJ surfaced) and then his opponent saved the day with an RJ. Sh.t happens, but the result would be the same in case he simple lost the attacking duel, which is roughly a simple coin flip between SS user models. Yes, sometimes you lose a close game on an unlucky flip. And so it should be. If you are much better than your opponent you can't lose the game on a single flip. If you do, you are doing it wrong.
  18. Nice writeup that needs a very deep study before someone can make any resonable comment. The only thing I could point out right now is your first problem which I don't think exist at all in the game. Luck should be part of a wargame to keep tension high in most cases and give an unpredictibility factor. I also think the Malifaux has a system that relies the least on luck compared to any other game I encountered. As for the Jokers: I do love the Joker's interaction with the game. I hate when I KNOW that I will succeed because BJ has a known place (Hand or Discard Pile) and in the upcoming duel I have +2 stat difference and a 13 in my Hand. I also think that the RJ damage on flips is a good compensation for people who hunt down undead with HtW. I consider that a lucky head shot of some sort in between the sea of Weak damages all over the place. You would like to implement changes to tone down luck factor so that skill and strategy can be the dominant factor in games. Meanwhile in your signature there is the stats of your games (McMourning - 17/1/0 | Nicodem - 5/1/2). According to you the first Master is at best a mid tier one while Nico is at the bottom of the pack. I think these stats in themselves confute the need to change the magnitude of luck in the game. Anyway great and thorough article from you. Looking forward to read the ensouing conversation. Thx for your effort!
  19. I don't know whether it's simpler or not but this is a weaker cuddle than the originally proposed version since you can play with activation order in case you have some paralized Rats. Btw MP's proposal is quite nice.
  20. Hi All, We start a 4 weeks long league paralel to the worldwide Dead Heat event here in Hungary. Everybody who is interested (and speaks Hungarian fluently) can check the event's kick-off post here. For all others, I can help you out. So if you stay in Hungary for a few days/weeks during summer, you don't need to suspend your Dead Heat activity. Cheers, Csonti
  21. Just give them what they deserve: utter humiliation by annoying little green t.h.i.n.g.s. with guns and teeth!
  22. Yeah, I know that but the post is not about this. Rather about the wording which IMO makes the issue more confusing to a begginer instead of making it clearer, especially so close to the answer about moving and Movement effects. In this case a simple "NO." would be better than mixing things up with referencing to Movement Effects - half of which (pushes, falling) do not generate disengaging strikes at all.
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