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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. Did Gremlin's Liquid bravery and Raspy's BJ = RJ upgrade change?
  2. What is that Misdirection stuff? I couldn't find it in the beta cards.
  3. I would like that option. Side effect: he can't absolve the Vendetta scheme like a breeze.
  4. Please, post a better resolution, sharper pic. I want this as my desktop wallpaper.
  5. Hi Guys, If anybody wants to try the new (beta) rules we will be running test evenings on Wednesdays and/or Thursdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Drop me a message if you would like to participate. Csonti
  6. Yeah. Old SS system turned SS users invincible vs the rest (while stones lasted at least) and made any duel between SS users a game of who draws better. The new system brings much more predictability, a thing that I welcome warmly in a wargame. But I guess there are many others who prefer the wild nature of unpredictible luck.
  7. But you can pack it with other goods ordered and then there is no plus cost on shipping for a single card or 10. So this is not a very good argument against single cards. Better would be: With so many cards in Malifaux, the logistic costs associated with this would be so horrible for us that it is really a no go option businesswise. We could do it for the first book but now the system is too big to handle this.
  8. So this will be my last post: Posting in pink is a crime against humanity. (Good bye and thanks for all the fish!)
  9. Actually, there is some inconsistency in the rules. Page 40 from the last version It's a pity, nobody spot this typo during the playtest.
  10. Now back to GenCon preparations and spoilers! :1_Happy_Puppet1:
  11. Besides that you have brilliant straw man argument skills this tone is absolutely uncalled for. So no, you are not doing this right.
  12. I think you can still consider these models as a choice. Maybe they cost 1 SS more than their real value is. But giving up 1-2 SS in a 50 SS game for the sake of fun and variety doesn't look unbearable to me.
  13. This. 100%. Hope these kind of extra models remain a little pale compared to the "official range" so that they can't inflate the power level and alter the general status quo.
  14. Hi Guys, If anybody wants to try the new rules we will be running M2E evenings on Thursdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Feel free to show up or drop me a message if you would like to participate in a different day. Csonti
  15. Hi Guys, If anybody wants to try the new rules we will be running beta test evenings on Thursdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Feel free to show up or drop me a message if you would like to participate in a different day. Csonti
  16. I have not played previously in any Vassal league but if it is not an excluding thing I would love to join with whatever master you think needs some more testing players. GMT+1 here.
  17. I nominate this topic for the Most entertaining trolling attempt of the year award.
  18. So you guys just started to form a judgement and/or debate on M2E rules and even suggest changes to them WITHOUT even seeing a single line from the new rulespack? This will be an interesting beta test when it finally will be revealed...
  19. You misunderstood my notes. Under A vs. B I didn't compare two things that could be done in the same moment of the game but two different situations that lead to the same conclusion under your system. For example making 1 Wd on a model doesn't worth a 7+ card in your system whether it is from 10 to 9 or 1 to 0. However "real life" is usually much more complicated. In my book the later case would even justify burning a 13 if that model is a serious threat with its upcoming activation(s). And there are many-many more subfactors (strategic goals, placement, activation order, needed cards for spells/triggers to go off (X+ numbered and/or with a certain suit) etc.) that you should take into account when you need to decide to use or not to use certain cards from your hand. So all in all I just have a feeling that this base system needs so much in game tweaking that it is probably a waste of brain cells to bother with it. Or to put it in other words: I think your good results are more about your game knowledge, tactical skills, intuition and stuff than this calculation method. Please don't take this as a malicious critisicm or something. I just wanted to share my thoughts with you.
  20. Very interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing! I need to digest this a bit but I think Malifaux has so much complexity that in many cases this clever but simple algorithm of yours would yield false results and finetuning it all the time just kills the point of having a base calculation system. For example bringing a model from 10 Wd's to 9 can't be compared with the case of 1 Wd to 0. Or hurting a key support model vs an avarage all-around minion. Or causing 2-3 wounds vs pushing the model from a key territory without inflicting damage etc. I would like to hear more from you regarding these "problems".
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