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Everything posted by DireTrollJake

  1. Yeh, the lack of charge sucks, but he is pretty sturdy, and with your gun lines, they are usually the ones trying to engage you. So, really you could use him as your wave two, or even just meandering up the field soaking up a few threats.
  2. And I understand that part as well, I am sure that there is MUCH more you can do with them. But the dark clips, and flat surfaces...eh... Who knows, in the not so distant future I could change my mind. And I do support them for the people they work for.
  3. I already love the big fella. He has a a sort of Critical Strike that always gives the full+2 and additional benefits.
  4. Well, you made a good choice with Razr. I've nothing to complain about anything from them.
  5. Fantastic. I need to get some paint on some models today! Tomorrow it's the last round of our league and I plan to go out with a bang! (even if it is my own head via WOOPS!)
  6. I was gonna say....my girl hates those too... ...soon too be a dad.
  7. I agree with the OP, on why I don't care for the product. But I had the advantage of seeing them first hand before deciding to purchase. However, I DO see where they would be great for someone who doesn't have room to store "real terrain" and is on the go with it (IE, apartment dwellers, and tourney organizers). Purely from a playing aspect, they are great. Aesthetically, not so appealing.
  8. Well I own a Perdita box that he can borrow out of, and it looks like I am swapping my Killjoy for a Guardian for him (Killjoy is just hangin out til I decide to use him...
  9. I had always considered this for my 2nd Warpig but instead made it bucking and "Throwing its rider".
  10. I actually LOVE that the models are only there for a few rounds at max. It leaves the old characters that we love at the core of the match with the OPTION to manifest later. I can think of much worse things to spend 2 points on, and I can certainly think of times when 2 points was wasted elsewhere.
  11. Book isn't right here but isn't the guardian a bit slow for Lady justice?
  12. How much are the box sets outside of 4 for 100
  13. Just starting a random discussion on lenny for the Hell of it. First off, anyone notice his pants are on backwards?
  14. On the topic of Perdita....just to avoid starting a new thread in Neverborn...what is the point of her "we're all monsters"?
  15. As the title states, my friend wants to start Mali but can't afford to get started right now, so as part of a trade I am negotiating, I have a Lady J box, 2 Guild Guards and Lucius coming in for him. What else will we need to get him for a good 35 or 40 point list?
  16. Nothin exciting ever happens in Michigan (without intoxication).
  17. Seems a bit light on the numbers but fun. Did you manifest your avatar? And was it useful?
  18. Yeh...I really hope that the majority of the character drive of the game is in minions...I hated the endless expanse of warcasters and warlocks in Hordes....every year releasing new ones...ugh made it too much of a clusterfudge in the end. Multiple avatar options for the existing ones to go to would be hot tho.
  19. This was discussed already and I think it was said that it was more worded to intend that only one Avatar could be brought in a brawl. But that could be the beer remembering things...
  20. Good news! Got my book 3 and Young Lacroix today! (and Dead Justice crew to accompany Levi)
  21. While comical....still not sure I like the giant pig on it...it can only send out ht 1...
  22. Damn, this crap gives me faction add all over again. But luckily, it just shows me that I need to play 2 arcanists in addition to my outcasts...ugh. 6 masters and 2 henchman isn't too much right? (7 if you count using dead justice as guild on a whim...
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