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Sliver Chocobo

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Status Updates posted by Sliver Chocobo

  1. I've been looking at the treasure hunter on the crew creator and it's letting me hire snowstorm out of faction

  2. So if your Avatar is the TARDIS and your my sidekick does that make me the doctor

  3. Well done, any Pic's :) I'm doing ok, no snow here

  4. Yep, :D It's also three months till your birthday. How excited are you then?

  5. *eats the cubes and runs away quicky, leaving a note saying Tank you*

  6. Nice new Avatar you got their ratty, but what is it?

  7. Thanks, for good comments, I will be making more in future.

  8. Ha Munkey have you seen my fan guild crew yet

  9. It's quite long process making crews, first just read both rule books and errata's two or three times, you don't need to a good player just understand the rules Second you need a frame of reference a charator from to start from it can be as simple as a flying zombie Next how does this person affect Malifaux and how does Malifaux affect him, what faction is he, let's say this zombie is MS&U that uses undead as union workers at his mine, so he a resser, that has uses MS&U Contsructs he doesn't need to summon zombies, but could summon undead workers Last is the most difficult gameplay mechanic, the master all need something that makes them unique different from what's already been done, so for the MS&U Resser let's say he summon steamborgs by discarding two scrap counter and a corpse counter(which makes steamborgs the undead) you could make more steamborgs as well, the only one we have is the executioner class and that's all the adivice I can think of, it is hard making a master/ crew

  10. Happy birthday Princess, hope you get something good ^_^

  11. LOL Cris Ecclelson (most liky mis spelt) also mention Bananas in the epsode with the gas mask people Appently he destoryed a sonic weapons factory and planted a Banana grove On side note the're also an exlent sorce of potassium :)

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