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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. Neat survey but I think there might be some issues that makes the Masters results at least a little tenuous. For example a Model taken outside of his crew box or theme might be significantly more or less effective than when utilized with models from it. The addition of one "lynch pin" model can dramatically change how they play as well as the addition of an upgrade. As it sits the survey doesn't account for those adjustments. Not sure how much work it would be to add those factors in, perhaps just a comment box asking for common upgrade choices or crew builds.
  2. For the record this is a very, very new thing for Wyrd. Up until recently (outside of one of the cons they attend) their organized play was heavily tied to the individual Henchman coordinating the event and prize support was what ever they could come up with. Henchman having access to LE models and official prize support is only a few weeks old. Wyrd does a lot of things well but Organized play was not one of them until this year. I am glad to see a lot of the changes that have occurred in the Henchman program in the last few weeks and hope that they will help the communities grow again. I am very hopeful that this will be the case. I am also hope that the company has taken notice of the discussion and will utilize a bit more thought in how they package models (several examples that could be utilized to demonstrate this point) and/or offer them as purchase incentives in the future (perhaps the price reduction scheme that was mentioned earlier in the thread). Again I am a fan of Wyrd, otherwise I wouldn't have stuck around this long (in my 6th year) supporting the games growth (building communities and retailer support) or spent as much as I do on their products (including their non-Malifaux lines which I also promote). This doesn't mean I blindly or quietly accept everything they do as golden or perfect. They will and have made plenty of mistakes along the way, one thing they have been fairly good about (for the most part) is correcting those mistakes in time. Allowing yourself to only hear the yes men that surround you prevents the input that keeps you competitive in this small niche market.
  3. Dont know if I agree Vidd, I think he can do some good work in a Som'er summon Factory build where his high cost is somewhat mitigated by summoning and his card hunger can be fed on low cost minions. Definitely not an auto include or broken in the list but a worthwhile consideration, especially against crews that feature Bury tricks.
  4. This is great, perhaps I can add him to my Pimp Named Levi crew that I have been toying with. Definitely dont think he is broken with Som'er Gremlin Spam, more pointing out that he brings a lot more to the table in that build than 4 Bayou Gremlin's would. Especially against some otherwise tough match ups.
  5. Fair enough. To be clear though, I dont have an issue with the Limited editions, I own most of them going back to the Gremlinette (including a metal Carver and Metal Lord Chompy Bits). My issue is in the offering of Barbaros and the Firestarter in this way (notice the omission of Alternate Francisco and Dr. Dufresne). Currently the only ways in which I may acquire these models from Wyrd are by either repurchasing a plastic crew box at $40ish for the one model (I and many others already purchased the crew in metal and dont have need for the other models in the box) and hoping to recoup some of the cost on a virtually non-existent secondary market or by spending $300.00 during the Black Friday Sale ( a stout expectation even if I didn't already own most of the range that is available). I dont mind giving Wyrd my money (it is why I own so much of their product line already), but the expectation that I repurchase each new plastic crew that was available in metal previously for the single new model that cant be gotten any other way is more than irritating (and I am sure I am not alone in this regard). I do plan on buying stuff this Black Friday from Wyrd, as I have most of the previous ones, but will likely not hit even the $150.00 threshold for the Alternate Firestarter I want for my metal Kaeris crew. I am not asking for it free, I am asking (again) for a method to purchase it (or any of the other models that fall into this category) directly from Wyrd without having to buy $300.00 of translucent crews or take sales away from my local game stores. But since you threw it out there, if anyone manages to hit either of the thresholds and is interested in selling an unpainted, unassembled "much smaller and far less desirable stock version" at a reasonable price (read as around the standard retail cost of a single Malifaux model) send me a PM and we can work out the payment and shipping details.
  6. He seems reasonably tough to me, above average Df and Wp coupled with high wounds, plus damage reduction for Ca attacks. That is before you consider access to Soul Stones as well. I dont see him falling quite so easily even to some of the melee monsters in the game. I think his biggest balancing point is his cost. Dont know if I agree fully with this, Aionus provides some nifty omph for the faction. His high cost might just be offset enough by a heavy summon factory build as well. Additionally, dumping a card to gain Fast might be a large deterrent in other factions, a Som'er gremlin crew isn't as hampered by that due to the low cost of the benefiting models and the ability to draw extra cards easily. Aionus mechanic opens up the Bayou Gremlin potential quite a bit. I think the biggest limiting factor is Som'er's card manipulation desires more than anything else. I am just glad Aionus can't be used to push the Pigapult for another Bacon Barrage, Sparks still has a place.
  7. There is an easy enough fix for this that companies have utilized for decades, include a shipping and handling cost for the "free" stuff. This keeps money in the LGS (which typically operate on a shoestring profit margin anyway), gives Wyrd their piece of the pie (through distributor sales), and doesn't require Wyrd to pay for the shipping of "free" product (used to motivate consumers to purchase). Honestly, I see the offering of all these "limited" products (which are predominantly just different materials injected thru the same existing molds) as extremely discouraging for the game and community. More so since these are direct sale only items. A LGS can't compete with these products at all, more so since they are the exact same price as the normal versions that they offer (minus the shipping cost, which is largely offset if you purchase enough to qualify for the free stuff as well). Aside from the ardent "take my money now" fan boy or "collector" once a crew box is purchased (regardless of color/ materiel flavor) there isn't a strong impulse to repurchase the same product twice (especially since I can show off my "connoisseur" or "elite" status by playing with the "limited" stuff). Having helped build a few communities over the years, I have talked with more than a few LGS owners that are extremely gun shy about stocking Wyrd products because of things like this. Many of them with existing stock of metal crew boxes that dont move even when deeply discounted. Unfortunately this is a niche market with a very long memory.
  8. Lenny can also use Bayou Gremlin's that are circling the drain (CTD) for his Piglet summoning trigger as well, they are such a useful commodity for Som'er's crew.
  9. I would agree that 8 is probably the sweet spot unless you are really pushing the summon factory and your opponent isn't killing them quickly. I suppose in this circumstance or if you really wanted to spam the Bayou Gremlin's in a skew list 12-16 could be desired. Dont think you would ever need more than 16 though.
  10. This would also be a hell of a lot better for the Local Game Stores that will be losing out on the sales due to the price threshold for these limited editions. $300.00 in miniatures direct from Wyrd is a huge loss for brick and mortar retailers. I know more than a few stores that wont carry brands because of things like this. Seem to recall this being one of the stated reasons Wyrd started utilizing receipts from brick and mortar stores for some of the more recent model promotions. Without the support of Local Games stores miniatures games dont tend to last very long.
  11. What brand of paint are you using? I only ask because it is a bit easier to offer suggestions if we know what you have available. My recipe is fairly simple and utilizes all citadel paints. Base coat is Bugmans Glow or Ratskin Flesh Layered with Bestigor Flesh and Ungor Flesh or Cadian Fleshtone and Kislev Flesh (one or the other pairing) Then I will Shade the piggies with either Seraphim Sepia or Reikland Fleshshade, you could also try Agrax Earthshade if you want a bit darker piggy. It is an easy process and provides a good range of color offerings, especially with the Shades.
  12. No more so than just photocopying them out of the book or from another persons cards? What would be really nice is if you could select your crew from the websites official crew creator (when it comes back up) and then had the option to print the model cards and upgrades from there. Might make errata's easier too.
  13. Greatly appreciate Wyrd releasing the Black Friday offerings however can't agree with the above more. As a 1st ed player that already owned most of the available crews in metal (along with a healthy amount in plastic) prior to the edition switch, the offering of the Fire Starter and Barbaros as purchase incentives irks the hell out of me. Wyrd made a conscious decision to offer previously unavailable in metal models only in the new plastic crew boxes instead of singly. It was irritating but something I could accept due to possible high manufacturing costs. Offering these as purchase incentives for Black Friday blows that defense out of the water though. I will again ask Wyrd to extend an olive branch to the first edition players that are still around or returning to the game (as well as those new players that purchased metal crews due to lack of option in plastic early on, and retailers that still have metal stock to try and move) and consider making these available singly without having to purchase $300.00 worth of other stuff. I am not asking for them free, more than willing to pay for them, but think it is unreasonable for Wyrd to expect us to either purchase an entire crew box for the one model we need or hope to find them on a non-existent secondary market without having to pay as much as a crew box. It makes it extremely difficult to support companies that consistently do things like this. I guess the only bright side is that perhaps these alternates may create an otherwise non-existent secondary market for the regular Barbaros and Fire Starter models. Realize it is probably to late to do anything about Black Friday but perhaps in the future as a Wyrd Store direct option.
  14. I posted an answer over in your other thread.
  15. For Lynch (and other Masters that have card drawing potential) it is worth becoming intimately familiar with the turn sequence. When and what you discard is a very important part of their crews potentcy.
  16. The Crossroads book has them listed as: Valedictorian 50mm Student of Sinew 40mm Student of Steel 30mm Student of Viscera 50mm The FAQ Errata doc doesn't list any as changed from that. I do seem to recall reading threads when the first version of the University of Transmortis boxes were released (released during the edition change in a largish yellow grey box without M2e badging) that they had some incorrect bases shipped with it.
  17. You can look over at Pullmyfinger, there is one there for both the current edition and the last (most of the last editions tacticas are still good though might require some small modification in order to function in the new). Other than that you can also do a few forum searches. One thing you might want to look up is the Truffle Shuffle and then the pigapult. To your list up there I would look at adding a pack or two of piglets and a Hog Whisperer, then a Pigapult. I find that Som'er really prefers vanilla models over those more elite builds but know there are those that would disagree.
  18. Seem to recall something like that being stated with Terraclips sets long before they were officially declared dead by competent authority.
  19. I have a brick and mortar store in Cleveland that is willing to ship world wide and am fairly certain they have both of those in stock. PM and I will send you the details.
  20. For those that need Wave 1 Arsenal Decks (and are in the US or willing to pay for overseas shipping), one of my local game stores has quite a few (along with the older metal models if you prefer them) in stock. PM and I'll will send you the details. What is a bit funny to me about this thread is how much the forum opinion about the Arsenal Decks seems to have shifted. It wasn't that long ago that they were being rather fervently defended as a worthwhile buy for everyone, now it seems that they are viewed as only marketable to returning players.
  21. Punches in bunches is my standard gremlin answer (for the non-elites anyway) to Armor and Incorporeal. Even the hardiest tank will fall to a fusillade of enough Bayou Gremlins or cavalcade of Pigs. This also has the added advantage of opening the margin of success window a bit, as you no longer need to really be concerned with hitting well, just hitting in general (and ties succeed).
  22. A bit off topic but I might offer the following suggestion if you are going to make the "crows nest" inaccessible or impassable. Add something to the top so you cant place a model base on it. Perhaps a heroic looking spare or re purposed figure painted up to look bronze or stone like. Also perhaps fill in the windows with something to clearly show players that the open space is impassable or closed. I would recommend either some clear plastic material (such as from an empty blister/ clam shell) or perhaps wax paper, or you could go really fancy if you have access to a color laser printer and print some stained glass images on acetate paper. If you include plenty of terrain, i.e. other buildings, then it can work out fine. The key is to insure that the building heights allow for a LOS blocking for models that hug and traverse along the "shadow".
  23. I agree with you a bit but it didn't successfully reach its target audience because it alienated the core group of players that had bought in heavy to the original version of the game (the one with the extremely crappy thin card board box, devoid of any real indication of the contents) and were actively promoting it without offering any real recompense instead. An upgrade pack of cards and rule book was never offered and the revision came fairly quick off the start. A lot of communities were just starting to feel out the game, when the rug was pulled out from them. I have a few good theories as to why this rapid change was made but I will keep those to myself. What is unfortunate is that the game still languishes because of incomplete development. Each passing year the possibility of new development becomes more and more unlikely.
  24. Would love to see this resurrected, if for no other reason than to complete Unstitched.
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