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Everything posted by Omenbringer

  1. Just wanted to share a site I stumbled along. Unfortunately it isn't in English but there are some absoultely awesome pictures. Anyway Here you go, enjoy.
  2. Agree and disagree with Lalo's recomendation above. I would pickup 2 skeeters vice the 4 he suggests and in place grab another blister of Gremlins to start. After that I would add another Hog Whisperer before another Warpig then the other 2 skeeters.
  3. Mali Pho and Pho-Shizzle are absolute gold. Almost shot soda out of my nose...Thanks!
  4. Funny when I first saw this thread I thought it was going to be the one you were working on.
  5. Would definately like to see Misaki's friends come to Malifaux.
  6. Dont get me wrong I like the cracked earth look (I use it on all my Protectorate of Menoth models) but on a larger (3' X 3') terrain piece I dont think it will look quite right. I am guessing that the pictures above utilizing the crackle medium are not what you are going for, in which case I would look at either the thinned dry wall mud (cheaper though not super durable) or possibly a thin layer of apoxiesculpt (expensive but a bit more durable) with the lines/shapes pressed in using a scuplting knife over a sturdy (non-warping) base. Would recommend working in small sections (floor tiles might be your best bet) I dont know of a quicker way to do this on a large scale. Edited After thought: Two additional ways to do this, first the long one (that I know works); Start with a sheet of thin posterboard, use a sharp craft knife and cut the design into the top layer of the posterboard (basically you are just cutting the top layer of the poseterboard). Once your design has been cut use a big paint brush (sponge works better) and wet the top layer. It will curl slightly. Once dry use a wash of your desired finish color. I used this for flooring on a protectorate themed building piece. Second method (should be shorter but I haven't tried myself) Start with a sheet of cork board (like this ), apply a heavily watered down wash and wait for it to dry. This should cause the lines in the cork board to raise slightly more then the centers and produce the desired sun baked mud effect. Disclaimer I haven't tried this myself for terrain but I have accidentally done this to some cork kitchen heat pads.
  7. If Wyrd does a malifaux Circus there wont be any klawns (I think Nathan hates them and they are on the band word list). As for me I would like to see a Gremlin Preacher and a crew built around him (sober gremlins and a 50mm lynchmob for a start). Basically a non-hillbilly gremlin crew from someplace other then the bayou that emulates a pious god fearing settlement nearby. And for their hillbilly bayou cousins a sow that births, matures, and perhaps boosts (sorta like the res nurse) piglets. Already have some ideas sketched out if any one is interested (hint, hint :poutcha:)
  8. My question is why would you want to do an entire desert board with cracked Earth? Most of the deserts I have been to (Arabian peninsula, South Western US, and Mid-West US) dont have huge expanses of cracked Earth. It is mainly found around dried water areas like wadis and oasis. if you use it to accent a desert board it will look more natural (and be a lot easier to do). My recomendation is to either use the cheap floor tiles like Dozerdozen above suggests or start with something similar to what you see here. You can see example desert themed boards by both TheBugKing and further down myself. Once you have the basic board done go back with some dry wall mud (dont use spackle it is to thick for this) and create the cracked earth accents where you want them. Two ways to get the drywall mudd to produce a craked earth effect; 1) Put it on thick and let it dry naturally (doesn't always work but when it does it looks real good). 2) Put it on a bit thinner (adding a little water to the mix helps) then pull out the sculpting knife and start pressing and connecting lines to form random shapes and patterns in the mud(definately more work but produces a more consistent result).
  9. Jmp_mydog thanks for the assist on the GW page layout recommendation, never thought to print them on full page adhessive paper (i just used paste on regular paper).
  10. Aside from the above request, perhaps a quick start rules set that comes in the starter boxes (or the older GW approach of pre-formated print and paste book inserts to replace the errated items) might help with this. Eric beat me to it! move along nothing to see here.
  11. one word Stilt houses. OK thats two but you get the idea.
  12. These are very well done. Safe to assume you play Gremlins? Consider the Creepy structure stolen.
  13. Holy crap that is awesome!!! All it's missing is a row boat, and a few houses on stilts.
  14. Add a bit more to the outer side of the cheek bones and build up the nose/ forehead a bit.
  15. Great inspiration for the water tower my Gremlins are building on there farm (pics forthcoming).
  16. Nice and dark... I love it. @ Baron M, love the Gremlin sculpt.
  17. It is difficult to control that many pigs without the hog whisperers and skeeters, orchestrating the charge. And without them assisting the Pigs aren't as nasty.
  18. Good catch, had to look that one up again in the FAQ and Errata.
  19. post deleted so as not to confuse future readers. As noted below Page 24 states that only models which can use the counters may pick them up.
  20. Dont forget fallen decomposing trees and reed beds
  21. Just remember that models lose fly when carrying the treasure counters.
  22. Flames aren't that much more difficult. I sculpted a custom Wall of Fire for Feora seen Here quite easily. All I did was mix the green stuff, let it sit a bit, then jab and twist into shape over and over unitl you get the look your going for. Aside from that adding the flames from the Wyrd accessory pack to the MAS wasteland base (or the brushthralls custom cracked Earth ones) might give a similar look.
  23. if you are just looking for the cracked earth effect, it isn't difficult at all (it is what I use on all my Protectorate of Menoth bases). Brushthralls used to have a great Faction in 10 days article with lots of pictures showing exactly how to do it. Found the article but no pictures here the instructions are still pretty good.
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