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Posts posted by katadder

  1. 9 hours ago, Barmution said:

    This is what makes Swine Cursed with Inferiority Complex a good counter if you're playing Bayou: You get around Terrifying with Ruthless from the upgrade, Butterfly Jump with Frenzied charge and do irreducible damage if you've got some glowy tokens and/or high tomes to spare.

    remind me to kill them if I see them :D 

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  2. everyone says chompy is easy to deal with, which is true in theory if hes in the middle of your crew.

    but early game he tends to be shielded from dreamer, plus he has terrifying 12 (so for most people a 7 to hit) and I know I play him with butterfly jump. on top of all that he has soulstone use, regen 2 and can heal everytime you fail a WP check engaged with him. 

    so to take chompy down you have to have a good hand and some really good damage plus concentrate on him alot, preferably after he activates.

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  3. carver is not worth his cost tbh.
    I am taking more versatile stuff but do have a central core. panodora, candy, a sorrow. then fill rest as needed.

    my problem with kade is he is so easy to kill for his cost and manipulative just isnt a defense. he dropped from df7 in m2e (where nobody took him) to df5 in m3e with a defense that is no defense when focus carries over

    • Like 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, Jesy Blue said:

    Yeah, 10 points... that's what I said <looks around nervously>.

    You can take both, but I honestly am finding it hard to find a place for Lazarus.  His Move is so low it's almost a detriment.

    Not when you give him rocket boots. Surprises people. Either do it with trigger for von schill to let him leap straight away it use the trunk to give them so you can free them up for the beaters

  5. 8 minutes ago, Nathillien said:

    @Kyle ,@Nathan Caroland  - we need cards for unreleased models as well. Or some bands will be unplayable. Dashel without his totem? No thanks.

    We understand you don't want to spoil arts or smth, but since a lot of players made their conversion of unreleased models in beta, they need to play somehow until those models will be released.

    Or can we use the beta stat cards for them?

    seeing as almost no changes since last beta then probably using beta stats for those couple of models shouldnt be too bad

  6. 2 hours ago, gamesnookOwnber said:

    OK this is completely ticking me off. We have just talked to our supplier Lion Rampant Imports in Canada. Lion just contacted me, and stated Wyrd has yet to ship from their warehouse any 3.0 Wyrd product. We have our release event on Saturday, and we now know there will be no 3.0 product. Further to this, we just had our henchmen quit as he feels the company has let him down way too many times. If the product has not left Wyrd warehouse how in the world would I get the product for out event, and why would they put that it is out of their control and it has shipped.

    Seems distributors and stores in US and UK are getting m3e stock so maybe need to speak to your distributor or even talk to wyrd privately if having issues instead of airing it all publicly. 

    Yes we have had issues in the past not down to wyrd as nathan explained before and they have always been good with contact.

    Let's not kick off a new edition with negativity already

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  7. Dunno what's happening over there but  here in the UK stuff is getting shipped to distributors over here as my usual place has my order (m3e cards) in ready to ship to me Friday.

    So I would like to say that Wyrd are obviously doing everything they can to help this release of their core game and I would look at other reasons to why you store isnt getting stock.

    So I would like to say thanks to @Nathan Caroland and its not all negative. Really looking forward to m3e

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  8. I use Soldier for Hire as i like even when levi is reduced in wounds it costing the enemy 2 actions to try and finish him (and thus also getting unmade, which if close enough can heal him up above HtK).

    Basically with this upgrade going into melee you have to attack wp and hope Levi has no tomes or have 3 actions or stun him or Levi is literally unkillable.

    as hes always wandering around with less wounds I am happy with this plus hodgepodge healing to keep levi going

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  9. 2 minutes ago, SerZaka said:

    Yep . Torakage and Oiran were a rare pick too (and I don't even talk about the Samurai and Fuhatsu ). I'm happy to see them on the field now xD

    I must be a glutton for punishment as I had an oiran in my misaki list every time. also had a nice gunline list with fuhatsu and a samurai. never ran torakage though

  10. I must be the only Levi player who doesnt take servant of the dark powers.

    Ook models I like:

    Taelor- reach 2, min 3, stat 7 what's not to like. Also pretty mobile.

    Nothing beast - similar role to taelor 

    Other than these I tend to play fairly within keyword. Mad dog has seen use instead of taelor/nb but once opponents shut down shooting hes not as good, same as alyce really

    Also depends on what crew I am using. Parker I like fully in thene, same as von schill. Its only Levi or the viks that I sometimes take ook models

  11. 40 minutes ago, Figgyfigs said:

    I'm inclined to agree. The way it's written, you can declare an action, but then if you don't have a target, the action goes off with a failure.

    The result is that Archie can discard to heal seemingly at-will, so long as he attacks first, which is something that I feel like shouldn't be happening, but...🤷‍♂️

    well on this theory he can attack thin air, but it fails, then he can flurry.

    so for that reason I would have to say you cant flurry without a target to attack

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