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U.S. Male

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Everything posted by U.S. Male

  1. That's a great kit! Is the scale correct?
  2. Rise! Rise my thread, rise! Just cross posting from the days of so'mer contest, since they go with this crew.
  3. If I was starting the water over again, I definitely would try some of the suggestions, like tinting the resin rather than painting. But, you live and learn. Still it came out all right. Except the pictures had a hard time with the resin, they ended up very pixalated. But I got through them and the rest of the buildings! I can't decide if I want to add tall grass and reeds, or leave them simple for easy storage. For the Hooch Hut, I wanted it to look like it was reinforced, so that's why I went with metal banding, door, and window. I'm not thrilled with it and may try a different painting technique, the silver is a little too close in color to the wood.
  4. Brilliant idea, it comes across extremely well. I'm going to have to leverage that for my own.
  5. Well, I thought about the problem and decided to use a little color theory on this one. Since I already put down the resin, I figured a light yellow wash over the top would interact with the existing blue under the resin and give it a green tint, taking it one step closer to swampy. I't's drying now, but I think it helped. I'll take another picture when it's set.
  6. No worries, I wasn't offended. It's a legitimate critique.
  7. Yea, the technique I chose for my bases worked great, the water didn't seem too clear or clean. But when taken to a much bigger size it lost some of it's swampiness. I can't really think of a good way to muck it up at this point, but still keep it similar to the little base stuff I've done.
  8. I painted up the boys' hut. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I had no idea about what I was going to do with the roof or door, so I just started painting and hoped for the best. And I started my swamp terrain. I forgot to take more in progress photos. The small one is a cd with sculpy on top, then with sand and debris glued on top. The big one is foamcore and spackle over hardboard, and of course the standard sand coating. I originally tried sculpy for the big board. It was a complete failure. Sculpy sucks for doing this. Lesson learned. These pictures were just after the last bit of a wash was put on in certain places, so they look a little funky in the middle of the water. Right now I'm letting the Vallejo Still Water set. Hopefully it'll come out. Then I'll add the vegetation.
  9. Those are great ideas! They definitely have the right feel. Good job.
  10. Thanks for the new info! I'm very excited to see how it turns out, once I get the book in my hands.
  11. Good looking minis! I hope my guys can turn out that good. I love the simple scheme with the really smooth paint job.
  12. Train station, industrial quarter, and mining/pump station. But, more importantly, I want them to be compatable with other sets. So includes tiles that transition between city to pump station, graveyard, whatever.
  13. I just assume they stole it from someone else.
  14. I knocked out my paint test on the outhouse. I think it turned out pretty good and I should be able to paint up the rest of the houses easily with this technique.
  15. I haven't seen distillery pieces. But I was thinking of using a dollhouse bathtub for a redneck distillery.
  16. I'm glad you guys liked the barrel. I love that detail. It's actually a barrel of hooch. That's why there's s pipe running out the bottom and down to the window.
  17. Here are the first pictures of my gremlin village. I want to base them up and make a bunch of water features, but leave it all modular. This is the first time I've tried something like this, but I am really happy with my results so far.
  18. I think it's anti-pile coating. That's to prevent when you take a piece of felt, or anything soft and fuzzy, then rub it a bunch. Pieces start to clump together and form little dingle berries.
  19. I like the coal pits, very cool idea.
  20. Your effigies are an f'n great idea! I like them a lot. I'm also curious about the ice pillars, how'd you do 'em?
  21. Great color choice. I like him a lot.
  22. Thanks for the extra info everybody. I liked some of the pirate stuff, but I'm definitely thinking of a flat bottom swamp crawler. Of course, scratch building vs buying is an age old debate. I'll have to hit up the new hobby lobby and check out those boat kits. Even if I kit bash them, it'd be nice to get a good starting point.
  23. Thanks for the links! They have got some great options.
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