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Everything posted by Shade

  1. Not Real - Don't believe in Poltergeists! But, I suspect, they believe in me! ~Shade~
  2. Twinkle? That was the helfire - the spark of daemonic possession! Yeah - if I'd planned for it, I totally would have dropped a special care package. You know I was hooked! I just could not stop coming back and pestering you guys. If only there weren't other 'customers'... I want to pre-order NOW! ~Shade~
  3. Straight up - she's my starting Master. Played some demo rules with Eric at ORIGNS and fell in love with her! Her abilities were 'nice'... <weg> It's gonna be good! ~Shade~
  4. Yeah - close one! And I actually like to see that... A mix of votes that comes in close is very indicative of a balanced imagery set (at the very least) and what people like. Can't wait for you to pull out your mad skillz and bring 'em to life! ~Shade~
  5. Again - more stuff to take away my money... Oh well, I was just going to eat - that's all. Heck, I look at it this way... it's like a lifestyle change diet!? Convincing myself...yeah...that's it. ~Shade~
  6. Well - I'm at an APO - and have a crew of my own waiting for the rules... I'll be ordering as soon as you let me. It would be awesome if you did ship by the 7th or 8th because mail does delay a bit in California before hitting the planes to come on over. Hunger growing - Need Malifaux soon... ~Shade~
  7. NICE! Would be awesome to field a Master (who is part Steamborg - possibly) and a whole slew of the beasts! RAWK! ~Shade~
  8. Eric - dude, I'm right there with you. I'm a big Genestealer Cult fan and back in the day I cut my teeth on 'flesh' by giving my Hybrids a unique flesh scheme. Everyone loved 'em. Since then, for example, I sometimes will make a Guardsman look gaunt and near death with a grey or blue/grey base. I almost never paint flesh with just regular browns and tans... Just wait until I get some my minis posted... you all will see! Latez, ~Shade~
  9. Eric - I believe in the wisdom of your choice. In the past I've seen innocent votes cast by developers on polls cause grief even if there was no bias at all. I think it's neat how there's a good spread on the votes as it stands right now... Either way - I voted, but I do like a whole bunch of 'em... Good Call ~Shade~
  10. Just curious - when will Pre-Order begin? And seeing the full models now is just sweet torture! I've got an alternate paint scheme and conversions already lined up! NICE! ~Shade~
  11. I was 9 when TRON came out. It was pure science fiction for me and only fueled my desire to get into computers further. By that time I was already programming in Basic on my Commodor VIC 20 (then to the 64). I'd go into a Sears Robuck and terrorize the place by typing out quick programs and locked all the machines down. LOL When TRON 2.0 came out a little while back I was hoping it was a lead in for a movie. This is gonna be great because they actually got Jeff Bridges to come back. We'll see how this goes - if anything, it's drudged up some fantastic old memories from my childhood (heck, who am I kidding... I'm still a child!). ~Shade~
  12. Ya know - been using the Dead Hookers for quite some time... I run a game called Cold Steel Reign and these came in quite handy. ~Shade~
  13. Vote submitted! But ya know - whichever one you choose, I'm sure you're gonna knock it outta the park! ~Shade~
  14. Dude - I dig your colour scheme. I like black, white, red and when you can combine them into a cool looking crew. I'm sure it's gonna be a real pleasure to play agains those figs. Good Job! ~Shade~
  15. Shade


    Welcome and a mighty congrats on the kids! As you can see - temptation is just a few key strokes away. If you do happen to name them after any of the masters... let us know. I too have played a lot of games and Malifaux is one of the best. Just wish I could have swung by Gen Con, but alas my business trips are taken me elsewhere. ~Shade~
  16. She's so cold - she's HAWT! My painted version will be different but no less 'frigid'. These teasers are driving me nuts! I need the rules 'n decks! ~Shade~
  17. Not worried at all - since I'll be running both crews... Heck, after I bought all the boxed sets at ORIGINS... I just needed to get myself the Ortega's next. On the way! She's gonna be sweet to paint up. Need to model them up a 'shack' or something special as a hide-out/watering hole. ~Shade~
  18. Now that's a great find! And yeah - that still is awesome. Did you see the double-barrel shotgun? My favs are the junk piles. Gotta scrape up some cash...make a group order with the guys. ~Shade~
  19. Shade


    Welcome! Like Eric said - jump right in! This is a cool place with loadz of interesting people. Be Well, ~Shade~
  20. What a nice crisp Ultramarine Dread! Now - if it were only a Crimson Fist... Just goes to show that the plastic dread in the Black Reach boxed set does paint up nicely! Good Job! ~Shade~
  21. Please do not go OGL with anything to do with D20... <sigh> Savage Worlds would be a great stop-gap, however, I'm with those that would want a setting specific system. I'd still get it if it were SW...however, with Deadlands already there - I'd like the rules to reflect the flavor of the unique Malifaux setting. Either way - I've got Malifaux... only a few more weeks! ~Shade~
  22. Very Nice! Wish I had the room for a table that size. I live in Japan and thus have to make due with small living quarters. Malifaux is perfect though - fits well with not needing much space to play. I'm working on a table myself. More of a barren waste land with rocks 'n such (as it needs to be a little multipurpose). Will post some pics soon. Again - good job - want to see more of it as you add the rest. ~Shade~
  23. Nice! Would definitely like to see the rest of the crew! ~James~
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