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Everything posted by Scorpio

  1. This mini makes me feel kinda funny, like climbing the rope in gym class...
  2. Yay, muchly appreciated. I know we're still early in the process, I'm just fishing for what I can find out. So sorcerers operate openly? Do they operate openly with governments, or separate from them, or secretively, or replace them, or what? How close to the 'real world' is Malifaux's Earthside? I'd presume, with magic as a known quotient, that technology at the very least would be different...
  3. OK, been pouring over the material we have so far, and I have some unanswered questions I'd love to see answered: 1.) How much do the regular people back Earthside know about Malifaux? I figure they'd get the occasional copies of the Malifaux Daily Record, but would pretty much be left with tall tales of a far-off land. 2.) Magic is pretty prevalent, it seems; we know it existed Earthside before the Breach. How widely is it practiced Earthside? How openly, now? 3.) Speaking of which, will we get to hear more about the Soulstone Wars and the forming of the Guild? I realize it's history to the current residents, but with this much magic floating around, some old vets might still be around...
  4. It's true. Satan has higher standards, and is much harder to bribe.
  5. Didn't they have some action figures/plastic models from Final Fantasy? Any of those close enough in scale? (True fact: I've never played a single Final Fantasy game.)
  6. Scorpio


    Welcome to the forums! Going through the pics on your multiply site now. Love the Dorva.
  7. I *love* that little guy in the hat. So cute!
  8. My dream is that there is eventually some sort of Wyrd karaoke contest, so I have some vague shot at victory.
  9. Well, not-great painters are left out of a painting contest. Someone with no love for making terrain would be left out of a terrain contest. You really *can't* please all the people all the time, sadly.
  10. Agreed on all counts. I'm a terrible painter, and don't have a shot at winning any contests against the competition here. Knowing that there was figs I couldn't get a hold of would only make me (more) bitter.
  11. Yeah, I basically need to rob a bank so I can get more of the Chronoscope stuff. And their other stuff is still quality work. Just not as tempting to my wallet.
  12. This totally makes me want to drag out my old Clan Wars minis...
  13. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLaZ-8IMtt0]YouTube - DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2008 (Viva La Pop)[/ame] Mashing up the top 25 billboard hit songs of 2008.
  14. Whoah! That's pretty saucy. (And just in time for the new Warhammer Lizardmen, I note...)
  15. Bound! Available at your friendly local game store.
  16. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's been gone for an edition or two, at this point.
  17. I'm kind of fascinated by the revival that I've been seeing in Savage Worlds. It's always been a neat system, but I've heard more people talk about it in the last couple months than probably in the whole year before that. Good deal.
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