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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Piglets, War Pigs, the Sow and Wild Hogs are Beasts. Can anyone come up with a reason to use them with Marcus?
  2. The effigies look absolutely amazing! Really loving all of them (well, the Lucky one isn't quite as good as the others but not bad). I wonder how they'll be packaged.
  3. The problem is that shooty opponents (factions that have a fair chance to feature very shooty crews) is Gremlins, Guild, Arcanists, Outcasts and Ten Thunders. OTOH the 3" melee range is really good against shooty crews, so there is that.
  4. I saw the model in the flesh finally and it seems a bit weird. First of all, it's absolutely gigantic. From knee to shoulder it's as tall as Jacob Lynch is with hat an all. Second, it's head seems to be same as one of the Illuminated's with just deeper hair texture. Anyone else noticed these things? Any opinions?
  5. Aren't the heads identical? You could duplicate the head you do have with instant mold: It won't be quite as pretty and sharp, but when painted it should work ok.
  6. Has anyone ever tried Somer without Family Tree? (And no, giving it to Sammy is not what I mean)
  7. There is, however, supposed to be a point to having a 32" range. We have been packing our tables so full of stuff that it simply doesn't matter whether you have a 12" ranger or 32" range.
  8. Thanks, yeah, that's a good one!
  9. Well, we have apparently been doing it differently the whole time (you and me, that is) since I have always included the horizontal movement while you've gone with Dracomax's style. But then there's also the shooting thing - if a there's a 10" long Ht 2 building and a model is on the roof at one end of it while another (Ht 1) model is at the other end next to the building on the ground, the models apparently see each other, right? Since there are no "shadow" rules anymore. Which is weird but then again I understand the simplicity.
  10. Aye, because Graves really couldn't stop atop the fence.
  11. A couple of questions about climbing spurred by today's game. If you start base to base with a building with a ladder 1) the building is 3.5" high but we decided that it's Ht 3. Will the climb take six or seven inches of movement? 2) Does the climb movement only include the vertical component (and you need to move horizontally as well to get to the roof proper)? Can your base be left "hanging"?
  12. It just kinda hit me. I remember the flame wars and doom and gloom with the edition change but those things really didn't come to pass. M2e isn't dumbed down IMO. AP efficiency leading to the dominance of swarm lists didn't happen. And so on and so forth. It turned out really great!
  13. Probably not a surprise to old-timers here since M2e essentially implemented all the rules changes I had been championing for during 1st ed (as well as lots of others, naturally) - oh the Red Joker flame wars of old, I feel so vindicated! But seriously, after getting now quite a bit of experience with the system, I can say that I really like M2e. It's a very nice system and the balance seems to be pretty good. It's very different from other games (I play lots of different skirmish systems) and it's very charming. There really isn't all that much that I would change right now (some small balancing things, sure, but nothing major)
  14. But that's 22 SS (IIRC, migth be 23) and amounts to a nigh unkillable pig that has an absolutely crazy damage track but Ml 5 - something with a good Df and Defensive Stance sounds like it would have a prime time stopping those 22 SS in their tracks? And even if not, that's 22 SS so it should damn well be amazingly good. My problem is that I kill them first, mostly... that's why people don't like playing against my Ophelia Oh aye, hanging back as support I see the utility, but then he seems like his there mostly for Rami. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm painting him at the moment, so I will see for myself soon enough, but he still looks extremely fragile on paper for such a costly model.
  15. But he dies, or gets dominated, or buried, or is the originating point of three blasts or whatever? I mean, yeah, he's great if the enemy doesn't do anything to him, but since he is so great, they tend to do a lot to him.
  16. Math Mathonwy


    If he is doing something else besides standing in the backlines giving Rami rams and summoning Piglets his Wp seems like a giant liability. At least in my meta almost all crews seem to include nasty tricks that are resisted with Willpower and, well, Lenny isn't very good at it. I mean, sure, he won't be paralyzed but he really is rather squishy for a model of his price. And due to his abilities he is a prime target. Have you had luck with him in the frontlines?
  17. I've been using Tara twice now without the Dead of Winter as a Resser. Suddenly you don't need to throw away your hand, which is pretty nice. And Ressers have enough stuff to take that you can forgo Void stuff and Death Marshals. The biggest thing about Resser Tara IMO is the access to a crazy good Lure from Belles allowing you to get one enemy model close in order to make your stuff and that one model Fast. Another big thing about Tara is giving out Slow to enemies. In one game I made Lazarus basically useless by giving him Slow every turn. There are many models which are utterly crippled by Slow and Tara's ability to activate twice can make sure that the enemy model will have that Slow every time it activates.
  18. But isn't the book for the second wave going to be on offer at Gencon? Also, Tormented, right? So Mah isn't impossible - just rather slim of a chance to say the least. Agreed, as above. Warpigs (in plural) would surprise me quite a bit. One is a definite possibility with an alt version to be released as its own box (similar to Flesh Golem). Though the Sow would be another possibility, I guess. Agreed. Seems like a no-brainer, really. This would be a strange box in that it wouldn't have a Master. A completely new style of box - I find it rather unlikely.
  19. I'm guessing that Mah's box will be Mah, Little Lass, Trixiebelle, and three Bayou Bushwhackers. We have seen the art for all of these, so it seems likely that they would be the first Gremlin box of the second wave. There is a (really) slight chance that this would be on offer at Gencon.
  20. Ropecon, the biggest non-commercial con in Europe is held at the end of July and on Sunday July 27th there will be a Malifaux tournament from 9:00 to 14:00. Forces must be painted and the format is fixed faction. You get Tournament Points (TP) and the VP difference from the games is used as a tiebreaker. First Round Schedule: 9:00 - 9:45 Size: 20SS Strategy: Turf War Schemes: Assassinate Deployment: Close deployment Tournament Points: Winning nets you one TP Special: Hardcore rules - four minis exactly, no summoning Second Round Schedule: 10.00 - 11.45 Size: 40SS Strategy: Squatter's Rights Schemes: A Line in the Sand, Assassinate, Bodyguard, Cursed Object, Make Them Suffer Deployment: Standard deployment Tournament Points: Winning nets you three TP, a tie gives one TP Special: - Kolmas kierros Schedule: 12.00 - 13.55 Size: 50SS Strategy: Reckoning Schemes: A Line in the Sand, Protect Territory, Distract, Plant Evidence, Plant Explosives Deployment: Flank deployment Tournament Points: Winning nets you three TP, a tie gives one TP Special: - Winner is declared at 14:00. --- There might be some adjustments still, but this is the preliminary version. The goal is a relaxed, newbie friendly tournament, which explains the HC round at the start to get everyone in the mood but with fewer TP on the line. You can enter here or on Sotavasara (see below) - comments are also welcome. Who's in so far: 1. Math Mathonwy 2. Norjanpaavi 3. Molja 4. Fiend 5. Zarathustrian ... 12. In Sotavasara in Finnish: https://www.sotavasara.net/keskustelu/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=108703
  21. That doesn't make any sense. You could, of course, just stop answering it. Especially since your contribution wasn't very useful.
  22. Wait until you see the Young LaCroix! Huuuuuge! I heard from an inside source that Wyrd are considering moving them to 50mm base size. Mostly due to the hats, though.
  23. Neither dead nor unhired models can be in a state of "has been activated" or in a state of "has not been activated". Buried models do have these two states.
  24. Math Mathonwy

    Ulix art

    Not bad - that should make for a nice mini. Though I must echo the sentiment of being surprised by the look. He doesn't look like a Master-level mover and shaker (other Gremlin Masters with the possible exception of Mah look like they could be Masters - this one not so much IMO). But yeah, I will likely be buying this one.
  25. Yeah, they don't activate but they can be in a state of "has been activated" or in a state of "has not been activated". Whether they can activate or not doesn't affect Tara's ability one bit. But as Justin clarified, there is an implied "in play" in the rules text of Eternal Moment so it's a moot point.
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