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Everything posted by Chameleon

  1. Ooooh, me likey! I may have to get hold Frankenstein's Monster...
  2. Chameleon


    Helloha! Welcome to the world of Wyrd!
  3. Looks nice. Her face look a little weird though. From the side view she looks really like a man...
  4. Welcome to Wyrd. :party: He's definitely one of the nicest Mad Hatters I've seen. Good job!!
  5. Nice job. I'd watch out for a couple of the thumb/finger marks that you've got (on both the arms/appendages). I like the fact that he's got loads of character and should really come to life when you paint him. Have fun!
  6. I think that the blending is really excellent on the skin. I'm not personally a fan of the skin tone, but I do like the fact that you've tried something different. For me the hair at the back lets the mini down a little. Black is very hard to do without making it turn grey and people suggest putting a few strong highlights, but I think you've perhaps gone a little over the top regarding the very strong highlights on certain bits. Overall a really great mini though and I look forward to seeing more!
  7. Hmmm, not that I'd probably bother to do it each time, but I'd never thought of getting around it that way. Genius!
  8. Looks like a fab conversion. Sorry I can't help you with finding the model either. Hope you get it though so that we can all see the finished product!
  9. Haven't come up against any of those, but I came up against a bear today and that wasn't much fun!
  10. Congratulations on your baby girl! The mini is lovely. For me I think this is the best mini of yours that I've seen. I just hope all of those sleepless nights don't let your standards slip
  11. That's some awesome base work! Congrats!
  12. What a funny, well painted and fantastic diorama! :clap: It's great how you've really captured the colour that I imagine ice cold water would be. Plus it's made all the funnier by the smug look on wupprecht's face! Would love to see some closer pics if you've got them.
  13. Thanks for the suggestion. I've had a look at that one but it just uses kommando kharki and graveyard earth so not quite what I'm after.
  14. So, any thoughts peeps?
  15. I've just requested to join (or at least I think I did as I pressed join and it just took me back to the previous page without any update on my cell.) I think I'm quite lucky with my brute as I started out with a club so seem to be doing ok!
  16. I'd like to do some ogres for a regiment and was wondering if anyone has got some good recipies for how to paint ogre skin? Preferably the greeny/bluey skin kind rather than the more natural skin colour. Cheers!!!
  17. I've only just spotted this, but it's fun! Level 2 and on my way up! http://wyrd-chameleon.mybrute.com
  18. Hello and welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Very nice work. I love the back of the brown coat and his face is wonderfully shaded with pink/purple. I agree with FF about the metal, could probably do with some shading. My personal comment would be on the right leg of the trousers. It may be the angle of the photo not letting me see a crease that's there, and if so ignore it, but it stands out as a little strange because you've got the highlights at the sides of the leg and the darker colour on the top, but normally I would expect it to be the other way round. Can't wait to see the rest now!
  20. Ooooh, very well done. I didn't notice the join either, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm sure it will be a fun piece to game on though!
  21. I always remember this advert. I was fairly young at the time and I just remember it leaving me in fits of laughter. I think it also only lasted about a week on the TV due to the number of viewer complaints... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCzsEgUcWfU]YouTube - Levi's Advert - Kevin The Hamster (1998)[/ame]
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