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Everything posted by Magno

  1. Well, with the list of places to fight on Page 92, that'd make it a lot easier to set up a campaign. Make the bonuses reflect some of the events that take place there. That or the player with the bonus get to choose where and how the event takes place if it does.
  2. Aha! There you miss something. If you're forcing your opponent into a lot of WP checks (both Sybelle and Saemus are terriying) and they're having to cheat to win, then you're burning his control hand and soulstones just to activate near you or not be lured. This is when "Slit Jugular" can be pulled off if he's no more cards. Your forcing him to burn all his resources before he hits or defend from you and thus making the Belles that much more affective in Combat. Its a subtle but awesome way of resource control on the table that I've learned to love.
  3. New to painting? :eek: .....like for miniature painting only, not regualr painting, or digital art or art theory. .....new to painting? What the hell have I been doing the past three years? AHAHAHA! But seriously, that is some fine looking work. Good looking base, good color scheme, everything pretty clean and well blended. Great OSL. .....new to painting. I'm flabergasted. Ganz verwirrt.
  4. Yup, just happened to my necro-punks and it didn't seam all that humid out. I think this is the last time I use armory spray primer.
  5. I had some extra photolaminating paper 0.003" thick. They worked great to laminate the cards and they are flat. Taking it to a print shop gets you 0.005" thick hot laminating, but with the cold laminating you can crease the airbubbles out to the very edge of the card and trim real tight. Works great and the card doesn't move around on you so neither does the wounds.
  6. Those eyes! Fabulous. Never really seen an intimidating chick with blue eyes. She looks great. Alluring and dangerous at the same time. Great work for tabletop quality, more on the pro-painted side actually. Going forward and if you're willing to challenge yourself, use thinner paints and increase the stages of blending and start utilizing more zenetal light. THe gold trim is looking super also, which shows that you do know how to blend, just need to take that extra bit of time to sooth things out. Man, those eyes look awesome.
  7. Devour doesn't work on the Undead. Seamus' gun blasts those pillars. But those pillars can also be used to your advantage since you can hide behind them and prevent Rasputina from rapid firing off her spells, using Belles to lure into your range. Belles from the get go are great with their lure. Now here is the question: is Lure a Morale Duel? The rulebook states: " Game effects that target Wp or that require a model to fall back are only morale duels if named as such." Lure isn't stated as a Morale duel. So I believe you should always be able to lure unless the model has "Immune to Influence". Lure, pummel, make Belle.
  8. The largest game I've played so far is 30ss. I want to play a larger game (50ss Brawl) to see what double starter or bringing in the better models will play like. It seems that the game will get pretty slow compared to the 25ss games. Plus, the SoulStone cost for some of those models are 8 and 9 so bringing 4 of t hem against 8 or 9 of the 'grunts' has a lot of balance IMO because there is lots of room to nickel and dime elite crews but not making those high point models seem too expensive. There isn't a lot of bait and rush in the game, since Ressurectionists in principal don't particularly care if they die. A lot of other models cause damage when they die. Power gaming is gonna come down to finding the bargain priced units, since its hard to pull off the retarded combos ala Warmachine since the game is alternate model activation and when you do activate multpile models, it usually has to be in a specific order ala (companion). So it comes down almost to thematic match-ups.
  9. (:malicrows)(:malicrows)Rot to you sir. HHAHAHAHAHA!
  10. Yeah, even without those bases, those Sorrows came out great! Nice balance on the feel between the Sorrows and the bases. Overall nice composition on the colors.
  11. Razorspine baby. :malitome Unfortunately I was almost done painting before I realized that I forgot to glue in the upper fangs. So the bugger looks like it's amout to throw up on you. :
  12. Good call on the base switch. Those look more like they're running around the outskirts of town on the hunt for some locals.
  13. Good looking paint job. The voodoo doll hanging onto the dock, or clambering up onto it is priceless!
  14. Magno


    I do like the base a lot. Good looking model.
  15. Thanks fellas. Here is probably my favorite Master of the game; Nicodem. This was my second attempt at OSL and I'm pretty stoke with it. Now if we can just get the hanged man and the vultures released. Prep time: 1 hour Paint time: 11 hours
  16. Very true. Not very often I've had thrilling and suspenseful games of 40k beyond round 3 or 4. That's simply a flaw in unit based games especially I Go You Go format. Whenever you allow one person to act with impunity for multiple chosen activations and altering each activation's action based on your previous activation, it becomes easy to maximise the strengths of your army and exploit the weaknesses of the opposing army. There are some imbalances in the game, but they aren't insurmountable nor are they autopilot and they don't occur all the time. A combination of the location, the army match-up, the strategies and the possible events at the location can make for some lopsidedness, but this is a pretty small price to pay for a set-up that makes for very refreshing gameplay. Example: Playing in the Quarantine Zone and the Event "Alone in the Dark" occurs (Models who fail a morale duel are killed). Now if you're playing against Seamus or Pandora, two Master's that can force a lot of morale checks and at unfavorable circumstances, then you're in for a tough fight if you're not Undead. But the probability of that set-up is less than 0.5 percent. I've played with Seamus about 20 games against Lilith, Lady Justice, and Rasputina about 4 times each. So far I've gone 50/50 and mostly to gameplay. The best thing I've liked thus far is that the games are always pretty close, go down to round 5-6 almost everytime and are always suspenseful at 25 soulstones.
  17. For the longest time I used Reaper Brush on sealer watered down. This was ok, but tended to make things a little darker and flatter. I recently switched to Testers Dullcote and I love it.
  18. Pretty dam good for getting them out on the tabletop.
  19. Thats a good article, but I prefer the reverse of colors. The flame tips are the coolest so would be the darkest. Thats a good link though.
  20. hahaha! We were just talking about what the Teddy should look like Thursday. That's about what I was envisioning. A big ol' Teddy.
  21. Ah, enhancing the light by making the shadows more prevalent. Good call.
  22. This is my first attempt at Object Source Lighting. Painting and blending is one thing, but then adding in light to potentially contrasting under colors is a whole new skill. The same dilution and brush applications are something different and I think I messed this up by going over the reflected areas with a diluted light yellow ink. Any feedback, as scathing as it may be is welcome and beyond that I hope you guys enjoy. Prep time: 1 hour Paint time: 7 hours
  23. Less of a battle report, more of a comical reminisce of a ressurectionist quarrel. Seamus vs Nicoderm starters Seamus Strategy: take and hold center 5"x5" Nicoderm Strategy: Slaughter. Seamus Scheme: Army of the Undead NIcoderm Scheme: Army of the Undead (what else) So essentially both of us are inclined to meet each other in middle: Seamus crew has to hang around the middle, Nicoderm oblidged to meet him there. Slaughter in this case is a nigh impossible task since, unless you out ressurect Seamus; i.e. steal the corpses before Seamus can. Take and hold is also difficult, since he too is looking to use the corpses to maintain his center presence. So we meeat in the middle, Seamus creates a wall of Belles to block LoS to him. My Zombie Punks run in and engage, while Mortimer walks and Exhumes, walks and Exhumes. Turn 3, there are a few corpse counters on the table. Seamus makes a Belle, Nicoderm makes another Zombie Punk. Turn 4, more Corpse counters, Seamus and NIcoderm exchange some damage to each other, Nicoderm going first, makes a 3 Zombies, Seamus kills a Zombie and makes a Belle. Turn 5, you guessed it, Seamus goes first, kills a Zombie, makes a Belle, Nicoderm goes second, kills a belle and makes another Punk because Mortimer successfully exhumed. Turn 6, Nicoderm goes first, makes 4 more zombies out of the corpse counters, and kills two belles with Decay, Seamus ressurects one and kills a Punk. Tunr 7 game ends, Seamus wins 4 - 2. By game's end, I killed 7 Belles. Seamus killed 4 Punks and 5 Zombies. We couldn't stop laughing at the situation and folks were walking by wondering what was so funny, only to laugh themselves at the idea of two Ressurectionists recycling corpses over and over. "THat's gonna be one ugly Belle if you made it out of a Zombie Punk's corpse." "That corpse has got to be a bloddy, pulpy mess by now." "At some point these guys are gonna have to sit down at a table and negotiate over the corpses." Yeah, Nicoderm vs Seamus is an awesome fun match-up.
  24. Great work holmes. Love the aged NMM gold. Great blending work.
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