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Everything posted by Wodschow

  1. It lets you do damage with disengagement strikes. If you want the full wording there's a couple of models in Book1 and Book2 that have it aswell - Lilith, Mechanical Rider, Lilitu, Lord Chompy Bits..
  2. I still wonder when other people on these forums will begin to see the potential of the Desperate Mercenaries in Hamelin lists.. They're disposable rockets that can be killed after use to get a rat/heal or sacrificed for Hamelins spells - if your enemy kills them before that, not a big deal, you still gain healing, a rat and have had more flexible movement and activation control up to that point. 3~4 of them wouldn't go amiss with me.. Mind you however that this is coming from a guy who likes to take a full cache with Hamelin and who prefers not to include any rats/ratcatchers from the beginning of the game as you'll almost inevitably get those later on as the game progresses anyway. So yea.. Cheers for the atypical approach to things in general. Because vanilla was ruined for me long ago.
  3. Why do you think it should necessarily be a benefit? It does various stuff.. She's immune to Black Blood, Killjoy can charge her from 10" away, etc. ...
  4. Well in case you hadn't seen her already.. Kaeris was put up on their twitter some time before Gencon:
  5. It helps to the confusion that North Wind says it affects abilities, when in fact there is no ability that has a Rg value. I'll be the first to admit that I made the wrong assumptions the first many times I read the rule. @Mentat_Canis: Rg is an abbrevation for range, abilities however don't have ranges, it's just that most of them only affect something within x inches.
  6. Wasn't Assimilate Edict actions only? =x (Also.. CAN I HaZ RasPy NEXT? PLIz) :thimble
  7. And also Nekimas (0) Nephilim Heart.
  8. To be honest I think you'd be better off using Wracked with Pain or Scalpel Slingin' on the first turn so that you gain an extra Body Part token (and with the Slingin' you get some extra inches movement aswell). But yeah, the desperate mercenaries work well as cheap and disposable minions (and are clearly designed as such.. =x).. Especially for the Ressers, Nephilim and Hamelin who benefit from their deaths aswell.
  9. Hmm.. Back when all we had was Book1 the Cerberus found its way into many a Rasputina list, simply because it was one of the fastest options for her and she really needs that speed to compete in some of the strategies, as she is herself quite abysmally slow.. The Cerberus has of course retained it's speed through to this day and as such is still a viable option, we however have been given multiple altenatives in Rising Powers. Personally I'm not that fond of the Cerberus, mainly because it'll drain Rasputinas :masks's to move its maximum distance, which translates directly into her Overpowering her curses less often.. As such if I feel the need for speed I'd rather take the Mechanical Rider (proxied as it is currently unreleased), the Coryphée (a substantially more expensive alternative as you'll want two of them 99% of the time) or even Von Schill (who is quite fast, but not as fast as the others) - it all depends on the strategies, the board, the opponent and most importantly my mood whether I bring any fast models at all and which ones they are in case I do. I have also seen some funkier suggestions such as the Razorspine or the Steamborg (at least back when he could trigger Knock Back on friendly models), not sure if I'd recommend any of them, it's more to emphasize that you should try to find what works for you. One point of advice is to put some extra thought into list building - strategies, board, enemy are all important factors. At least universal lists seldomly seems to work for me. Finally.. The only reason I think some people used to play a crazy-cat-lady-list is that way back in time (before Malifaux), Rasputina was supplied with a Hoarcat as a familiar.. From a playing perspective it is beyond me why anyone would field such a list.. =x
  10. Ah.. This is good! People with book3 access should spoil each Avatar more in depth like this.. So yeah, thanks and.. MOAR PLIZ!! :happypuppet1
  11. ... Emphasis mine.. Edit: Also @Rhellion: if another time your models are damaged or missing anything (like the stat card in this case) just go and send the guys at Wyrd an email, they're usually very willing to help sort such stuff out.
  12. That would make for a rather boring game to be honest.. Unless you impose some more limitations on how you can place your pieces whoever goes first will always win.. In an infinite two-dimensional grid the one who starts will always be able to connect four pieces, which is why there's been added sides and gravity to Connect-Four to prevent this or alternatively you play connect-five instead. If you just added two more dimensions (or even one for that matter) to a regular Connect-Four you would have to make more limits to balance the game out.. Edit: One way could be to add more players.. But it'll probably just turn into a constant fight to prevent whoever got the first move from winning untill one of them makes a mistake and they all lose.. lol
  13. I'm sorry, but there's a ton of reasons as to why this is a bad map.. The distance between the Workbenches being a very minor issue.. Here's some of them: - There is about 50!!(!!!!!) tiles between the start locations, that is a ludicrous amount to say the least - having more than 7 generally proved to make for long games during the playtesting. - You have to place your Master in front of your starting Workbench meaning you're very limited as what to do in the first many moves of the game. - The game is alot about outmanouvering your opponent, you can't do that on this map - at all. You'll just be trading puppets on a more or less 1-1 basis. You can't even move around your own puppets.. - Molemen are incredibly good at this map as it's the only way to go about some of the above points. Generally you'd want to avoid too many 1-tile gaps on your board to keep the game flowing and keep the neutral Workbench number fairly low.. (There's 10! on this map..).. But sorry for coming across so bluntly, I just don't see it working..
  14. Eh.. Rather unbalanced and extremely tedious to play on.. I think it's a very bad map to be honest..
  15. Not necessarily.. If the models are from Book2 then there is no 'V2' of them and you have up to date cards, if they're from Book1, then yes you have an outdated card. You can look in the pdf on the left however to see what the actual difference is, they're usually fairly small (and if it's not in the pdf then there is no difference at all).
  16. I like both Malifaux and Infinity. Both games are very rules-heavy and have some innovative and refreshing mechanics in them. Infinity has a serious set of core rules and I doubt anyone can learn them from just reading through them, whereas the core of Malifaux is so much simpler, but each model has a bunch of unique talents. I suppose there's pros and cons to both of those approaches. Hmm..A final random comment would be that I'm really not sure whether I'd credit Infinity for the hyper-realism that some people like to point out, mostly due to how free you are to spend your orders - spending ten orders on one guy while doing nothing with the rest of your force is -not- realistic in -any- way. Still an enjoyable and great tactical game though.. Another final note would be that there's actually no scenario system for Infinity at all (albeit one's coming in the next book, whenever that one will be out)..
  17. That's not right, you are free to use the one if you so please. Which for instance can be advantageous when it's critical for you to go first in an animation round (few Puppets have/can get ARs that low, but you can still discard the ace to move a puppet or perform a free action). Or when you're performing an action and already met the requirement, flipping another card usually just means you can be unlucky enough to get the Black Joker and thus fail the action.
  18. That limitation is only actions causing Wd on itself, not instant kills, sacrifices or Dg.
  19. Quoted myself for relvance: Anyway:
  20. I'm not sure whether you're agreeing with me, attempting to correct me or simply repeating what I said..?
  21. Don't think Dead Justice will necessarily be unique.. Being a stand-in for another model in itself suggests otherwise I think, also 'Dead Doxy' sounds fairly generic (although so does the Riders and.. 'Lost Love', similar name there and they're unique). 'Dead Doxy' is probably a new type of Belle? No idea what the Drowned is, but don't sound particularly like 'Horrors', but really, could be anything (so could the Doxy btw). Useless speculations.. Yay.. Edit: Almost certain that she's not a Master (EricJ said no more Masters in the d6g interview) and don't think Henchman either (listed contents of Twisting Fates suggest otherwise (only Avatars and Minions)).
  22. I don't quite get "403: Forbidden" error, but once in a while I get another one (forgot the name.. "BAD -something-"). Clearing the cache for Wyrd-games.net helps for me when I get it, so maybe you could try that out first. Otherwise it's probably something with your connection yeah..
  23. Well this use of her was discussed before aswell: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19456 To be honest I don't really think it's worth it outside a Marcus crew who can include Raptors from the beginning though, having Myranda go through all the trouble to make something a beast doesn't seem worthwhile to me. Also most models with good spells to steal already have a Ca of 6:tomes.. =x
  24. I'm fairly certain alot of Imperial Guard commanders would if they could.. Orks, Tyranids, Chaos probably aswell..
  25. Actually you should leave severe terrain markers in their place when they're destroyed. Edit: As always with breakable terrain.
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