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About loki13

  • Birthday 04/04/1985

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  1. Alright, about to put an order together for this crew, just had one more question. I've read a couple threads on how to model ice pillars, and there are some great ideas. I was just curious how many I should make, what is a reasonable number of pillars that could be on the table over the course of a game?
  2. Alright, still think I'm going to start with Rasputina, and I will probably go with a few extra models to give me some more of the options suggested. Just a couple more questions before I place the order. I don't have the Rising Powers book yet, could I get a quick rundown on the background/story of Snowstorm? I can't find that anywhere. Is the sorceress or the monster snowstorm? I've been reading any tactica/threads on Rasputina I can find, and I see mentions of "crazy cat" lists with hoarcat prides and the cerberus. I know these aren't optimal, but anybody ever run them just for fun? Have any success or fun stories about using them? Thanks again for all the replies.
  3. Thanks for all the responses! Too bad the golem and cerberus aren't that great in game, those were some of the models I liked the look of the most. It seems like a lot of responses have been setting me up for losing a lot in the learning process (which is fine), but is that to say that Rasputina is not a good master to learn the game with? Would you recommend a more straight-forward master to start with?
  4. I am just starting to get into malifaux, and so far I have the rulebook and nothing else. I play lots of other tabletop wargames, thought it was time to give this one a shot. So my main focus is the models I want to paint, but I would like to make a list that would at least be competitive in games with my group (no tournaments). So my challenge/ question for you is can you make a decent list out of these models, or will it be nigh impossible to win with. I guess I'm aiming for 30-35 ss, because it seems that's what most people play. Rasputina Ice Golem Saber Tooth December Acolyte Essence of Power Silent One
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