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Everything posted by AoM

  1. That's right, folks. The next expansion will feature Eric and Nathan as models, and Avatar Pandora. Err... wait. something's not quite right there. Of course, Eric probably would end up as a Neverborn.
  2. He said HEAT. You threatened you turn off our heat, Mr. Ramos. Geez, this guy is so evil he doesn't even remember his own threats. (nah, it's all good TBK, I totally understand) And while NE is leading the deck customization speculation, I'll just warn you that you might want to check Kel's and TBK's decks to make sure there is a black joker in there, and not a pair of red ones. They're dirty cheaters, they is.
  3. What? I didn't mention the Dumbledore cameo bef... oh. damn. shouldn't have said that.
  4. I'm too eager. I'm making my own.
  5. Hold strong, Eric. He's too cool for a spoiler/preview. That's like telling everyone that Optimus Prime makes has a cameo appearance in the new G.I. Joe movie. It ruins the surprise. Oh, damn. I probably shouldn't have ruined that for anyone going to see it. Sorry about that.
  6. Kel, Eric signed you on for that one before he had confirmed what time he'd show up. He figured he'd stick you there while he finished up at Aces. He was kind enough to shanghai TBK too, though. Besides, this is Malifaux. We don't attract rabble. That's left to other, less savory games.
  7. Vultures only give you 2 models. Raspy can use any Frozen Heart model in her crew, and she's got ways to hand that out if you don't have it already. Honestly, as much as I like Perdita, Seamus (oh, how I love Seamus), the gremlins, and the twins, Sonnia and Rasputina are probably my favorite Masters. They just ooze character, and they can be brutal on the table. They also make for one hell of a battle when they clash. santiago might be my favorite Minion, but the fire and ice women are the top of the Master pile.
  8. oops, I meant years of indentured servitude in the Soulstone mines. Yeah, I always get those two confused.
  9. once again, must... keep... clean...
  10. AoM


    I've got to keep our rivalry going somehow, sir. BTW, no offense was meant to any other Arcanists reading this thread. This was all for TBK.
  11. with all the red tones in there, the goggles really pop. Hans is fun, if he's not abused.
  12. She's got tricks, but if you want mean, just wait until you see Santiago. He's probably my favorite Guild character. He just begs to be played right along with the way I always saw him in my head. not that I'm putting Loco down, or anything. I'm still his #1 fan.
  13. Oh, I have self control. i set a budget, and I'll stick within it. It's just easier to have variety when everything you own for the game is smaller than a single army for others. It makes the whole demo thing easier, too.
  14. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  15. You make Loco sound so cunning and devious. The man smack people with lit sticks of dynamite. He hasn't even changed out of the tattered remains of his straight jacket. As much as I'm his #1 fan, I don't think he's thinking that far ahead. This terrain is awesome. Now I need to keep this in mind when it comes time to get the club to go in on building some new Malifaux terrain instead of all those boring "gothic ruins."
  16. Luckily that's just 2 decks for me, and 1 deck for T to pick up. I'm gonna be so broke, even with some Wyrd credit.
  17. I love when you throw fluff teasers out there, Nick!
  18. they're little elemental constructs. they are just lurking about having run at other people's expense. They're similar to Terror Tots in my eyes, only their existence is much more tolerable.
  19. Poor, poor Ramos. Don't you know that shutting off the heat only makes you look bad. Sonnia will make sure our baths are warm (remember the old thread), and then people will just think even less of your doddering old fool of a Master.
  20. Eric, haven't you figured out by now that I'm just following behind you nitpicking.
  21. Peacekeeper is sweet! I really hope he's ready for Gen Con. Me want!
  22. Dangerous Beans is now my second favorite Brit.
  23. AoM


    We got another Master card. What did you get? Oh yeah, that's right. You got another Rams card previewed during Arcanists Week. We told you Guild was the way to go. I kid, I kid. The playtesters will tell you, I loves me some Rasputina.
  24. Eric, Faster 'n You has a ghosted Ram, but that's still not technically in her stats. Also, is Immune to Influence now a universal thing that will be in the rulebook? I know what it does, but how will other people know? You said you added the suit for Faster 'n You, so is this another on of those cards that you've posted to older graphics for?
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