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Everything posted by Stupidcow

  1. Its nice to know how the some of the ladies who had beaten me in Iron Painters looked like. Nice feathers you got there there Cindy. :laugh:
  2. If you ask me whether or not military training makes you a more disciplined person, I'll say some yes, some no. I think upbringing has alot to do with self discipline. I've seen lots of different people in the military, and only those who came in good, ends up good. I didn't really see any jackasses becoming any better after they have gone through military training. My 2 years in military makes me appreciate what I have more and realise that it take all kinds of people to make the world go round and that we can never be surrounded by nice people.
  3. Soooo smooth, soooo subtle, soooo clean & heavenly painted. You certainly have your own style developed to its fullest now Wren. I look forward to seeing more of your works.
  4. The chimera didn't quite appeal to me, so does the jurassic park fish (water ele) The minotuar maid I'm getting of cos hehe. The lord of carnage's pose reminds me so much of something I painted no too long ago. Some of you might already know which one I'm referring to.
  5. Does it matters if it gets into the water or the air? They both causes pollution. Decaffeinated coffee sounds more environmentally friendly.
  6. I do prefer most of the 54mm warlord saga range to the 30mm's.
  7. Hmm... I remember filling and stacking sandbags in the army and none of them looked like these. The bags certainly ain't stitched up this way.
  8. A little off topic but apart from his ridiculously high initiative of 11, his other stats are just quite ok. Just thinking he's not that worth the 105ap.
  9. Sorry to say this but it looks like someone in a bear costume.
  10. It looks really good at this point. One problem I can see with the face is that she looks like she had a tan with big round goggles on. Some lining under the eyes followed by shading should help tone down that bright area.
  11. Wow everything looks really cool. The small pool of water to the mosaics are nice additions. A couple of things that I feel might improve it further would be the colour for the scorpion. As you might notice the red bits do stand out from the rest of the scene and it's better if its used on the scorpion to bring attention to the 2 main characters. Another small nitpick would be to bend the vine on the column in some random directions to make it look more lifelike.
  12. I think it looks ridiculous. It has no legs to assist in landing and taking off and the other 2 sets of smaller wings just doesn't make any sense.
  13. Oic. If it isn't too risky to make a cut at the slab to weaken it then clip it off, you could pin it to the cork base and it looks neater. Just have to be careful with models that are weak at the ankles . You might lose their feel in the process.
  14. I wish I could be there for I've never been to any miniature convention EVER! It'll mean traveling half the earth just to get there.
  15. Looking good. If possible some bigger pics so we can see better what you have done. I'm wondering why she's raised above the rock she's standing on.
  16. I meant the historical painters from St. Petersburg generally. Some mind boggling stuff they do.
  17. Stupidcow


    A glaze is basically a very diluted coat of paint which you apply over an area. It has multiple purposes. For eg. it can be used in both creating highlights & shadows through successive layers. It can be use to smoothen out transitions between two colours. It can also be used to change the shade of a colour. As for dilution I'll say about 5-6 parts water to 1 part paint. Some glazing medium can also help to make the mix less saturated. I've been painting this way for the last 2-3 years and is still trying to improve this technique. Hope that helps.
  18. Hiya. You folks do the most killer freehands in the world I feel and your paintings are of a very good quality and nothing to be ashamed off.
  19. Dun worry about a thing, we still have the wartoad right? Have fun dude. I missed my time in Italy...
  20. CMON has been running into lots of problems lately. Wonder if its gotta do with FengShui.
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