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Everything posted by Spacemunkie

  1. If their stuff continues to improve at the rate it has done over the last year, expect some stupidly good stuff (even better than these!) very soon. They've only been sculpting 28mm for just over a year. :hail: I love the samurai dude. MSB certainly deserve much kudos for going their own way and steering clear of hackneyed cliches. Their Monkey King line rocks. I might just bite the bullet and order the whole lot.
  2. That's going to be a scary Bloodbowl team.... All this talk of Rackham and zombies has reminded me that I've got their zombie dog to paint. Now that is a HUGE mini. I bought it for a HF cyber zombie to have on a chain. It turned out to be nearly twice his size!!! Bloodbowl is my all time favourite game I think. Maybe slightly behind Risk.
  3. Guess I'll have to have a go at this OSL malarkey next!
  4. Too drunk to explain. Cant think.... Tomorrow.
  5. Absolutely spiffing. Top job chief:D
  6. Hehehe! Another filligree hater All nicely done, but there's too many bits I don't like. Those girlies are nice, but the gauntlets really spoil the look of them for me. They look fat-handed.
  7. Lovely, lovely minis. Hope KA makes more of these.
  8. The PP mini is definitely a KW sculpt. Some more beauties there. I can't keep up with buying HF stuff. I've got tons of it that aint painted, but I'll certainly have those KA orcs and gobbos along with Conran and that FF Jo (nice arse )
  9. The guns are ok in the flesh actually - they look like big revolvers!
  10. Their pricing is certainly a little ridiculous. But at least the cash won't be going to GW:D
  11. Stupid hats and rubbish poses spoil what could have been reasonable minis. The colours they've been painted in are also garbage. Nids just suck.
  12. They're only figures! It's not as if they've released a game called 'Jihad' or 'War on Terror' and are starting to release supplements along the lines of 'Death on the Underground', 'Escape From Camp X-Ray' or Al Queda force lists..... Hmmm. Idea for a game..... :imsorry:
  13. Exactly. Nowt to be offended by here, they're just toy soldiers. Kicking children, dressing up as a suicide bomber, torturing prisoners, murdering people because of a cartoon.... There are certainly bigger things to get in a twist over I reckon.
  14. Not enough time to comment on all the stuff you paint This is cool too.
  15. Sold!! Off to order. I want more Heresy sci-fi goodness.
  16. Not just you. Some of their other stuff has been poop. On a stick
  17. Their resin kits are wicked. Got one sat half-painted here, and they are crammed with detail and character. This little fella is bonkers!
  18. I like Andy's stuff. Bags of character and they paint up good. That gun's gonna go though.
  19. Yep Anders! These are the best Rezolution jobbies by a mile. Really well done. This is how 40K IG storm troopers should have looked. Not very often I get the urge to paint up a unit, but these would look fantastic. Sold!!
  20. So many dragons and yet so few that really make me want to part with cash. This one is decent enough if you're a dragon lover, but does nowt for me.
  21. Cracking! That little mini-diorama base is such a cool idea. These little beggars have a stupid amount of detail on them for their size don't they? Sam's face is so well done too, it's just a pleasure to paint.
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