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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. I think if the adjectives you use are well chosen, you can lead the average modern reader to imagine worse than the horrors he's already desensitized to, but HPL didn't have to do that, tis true. I learned something about myself from watching porn: I like looking at naked women - but I don't like watching other people have sex. Yeah, I prefer the behind closed doors love scenes - though I think we're beyond the "From Here to Eternity" days.
  2. Actually, HPL had a theory about this which he explains in some of his essays on writing. I think I can quote the premise: "The oldest emotion is fear, and the greatest of fears is the fear of the unknown." He left his monsters mostly undescribed becaus it left it open to the imagination of the reader and the imagined monster is always worse than the described monster. An example: when you hear that a monster towers 20 feet tall, no matter how scary you find that, a tiny voice in your head will say "at least it wasn't 40 feet tall." But if you say the monster stood towering against the sky like an Egyptian obelisk brought to hideous life, then your mind makes it tall enough to be scary enough for you.
  3. I thought the mole men were real. weekly world news I didn't know the Fantastic Four had Mole Men. I thought that was superman: superman and the mole men And then there's the more politically correct but far more deadly Mole People Then of course there's the Mole Men of Thundercats: Liono's bane Eventually even the Tick got in the action: The Tick And of course, mole men make deadly ninjas! Usagi Yojimbo Mogura Ninja I hear they have a record label now molemen records molemen.com
  4. Not surprised FF likes the necromancer as I think she bears certain similarities to a Wyrd mini. I think the dwarves are cool - interesting and well sculpted. I just don't have use for dwarves.
  5. I think you used 4 letters too many. "Use" is such a neat little word, why basterdize it with those extra letters? Oh, you meant the doggie. Very good color sheme and the claws came out well.
  6. Try this http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2287465625500199341
  7. I'm not a zombie fan, but I have to say those are rather nice. I especially like the dead fireman and the Anglican priest with the shotgun. p.s. have you seen the "tunak tunak tan" zombie video?
  8. considering the subject matter, what did you expect other than madness?
  9. You have reinforced my decision to wait to see 2 until 3 is out in theaters. Then I'll rent 2 and go to the theater to see how it ends.
  10. Remember Back to the Future? 2 was nothing more than a filler to get to 3. That totally sucked. At least this filler is supposedly worth watching.
  11. Great job on the glasses of the boss chick. So are you going to post your "fluff"?
  12. Hey! someone besides Hasslefree does an old woman. I like lots of those minis in the freak show! Thanks. wait a minute, should I really be thanking you? You've just pointed me to more ways to lose time and money.
  13. Does anyone know anything about this game? I cliked one of the banners on CMON and it linked to a painter's site which showed in his gallery minis for Chaos in Cairo. It had a link supposedly to the game but the link was actually to superfigs. Googling Chaos in Cairo gave me this page: http://fourcolorfigs.com/cairo/index.html (fourcolorfigs does superfigs) which is very sparse and sends you to Old Glory, but Old Glory doesn’t seem to have anything about it. I like the figs for it, particularly the guy with tentacles coming out from under his hood, but it seems to be at best poorly supported, or at worst dead.
  14. Do you mean the one by John Steakley? Here's a review of that book that compares it to Starship Troopers: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dunes/7470/steakley.html
  15. one of the standards? This one SET the standard. It may in fact be the first, but I haven't researched it. If you like it, then read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Great manual on how to hold an underground revolution. I love that the prisoners on the moon have nothing but rocks for weapons, but a rock hurled from the moon to the earth can do a LOT of damage.
  16. It's funny how you automatically assume the main character is just like you. Thus it may come as a shock that the main character has Protuguese as his first language.
  17. but but but it has Doogie Howser! How can you possibly take it seriously?
  18. First off, Heinlein was writing before the series was commonplace. His books and short stories stand alone, though many of them tie together in his vision of the future (called "a future history") with a couple of recurring characters. Starship Troopers is not part of the future history. Starship Troopers won the Hugo Award in 1960 (Heinlein received 8 nominations and won 5 of them over his career). Very basically, it's a war story. Starship Troopers follows the military career of Juan Rico, who joins the military to impress a girl and because he can’t think of anything better to do. Totally lacking the skills to be a pilot or the intelligence to get into army intelligence, he’s stuck in the infantry where he learns to be a man while fighting a war against the Skinnies (who later switch sides and ally with the humans) then against the Bugs. The military aspect is pretty impressive. It’s structurally pretty realistic as R.H. was a graduate of the Naval Academy. The MI wear these powered suits with shoulder mounted nuclear warheads and other nasty weaponry. The suits are fantastic and enhance human motion to a degree allowing them to jump nearly a mile etc. The MI are put into bullet-shaped capsules and fired out of a gun at a planet from an orbiting space ship. The capsule mostly burns up in the atmosphere leaving the armored trooper to land by parachute (no drop ships here). The other aspect of the book is its political philosophy. If you don’t want that, don’t read the book, or at least just skim it. Philosophy is a big part of it. As a primary example, in this future vision, the only people who can vote or hold political office are retired military. Basically you have to show you are willing to die for your nation if you want to vote. However, use of the military is still controlled by the civilians, just those who used to be military themselves. You will recognize characters from the film, and the story follows it fairly closely except for totally dumbing down the Bugs and giving them no reason to fight the humans. Also, in the book the sexes are segregated in the military. If you want more info, wikipedia has a good entry, and there are numerous Robert Heinlein fan sites.
  19. Although I resent their calling it Starship Troopers - it's connection to the book is extremely stretched - I have to admit they are pretty cool minis. If this is a good game system it's worth looking into. Arachnids - far more variety than in the book, where they were a colony type creature with only 4 types (brain, worker, warrior, queen), it does make for a more interesting army - at least when you have to take away their technology. I never understood why the arachnids in the movie didn't have tanks and spaceships and artillery like they did in the book. Mobile Infantry - decent soldier types. A bit too GWcatachanish to my taste but nicely done general human in body armor types. I like that they've included the K9 units. Also, the "Grizzly Exosuits" are much closer to the "gorilla" suits of the book (that all MI wore). Skinnies - While not like the skinny photographed on the old Avalon Hill "Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers" board game, as an alien species they are very cool. I think they are what the Eldar could have been if they were scarry aliens instead of just space elves. Forth - No species other than the skinnies and arachnids were mentioned in the book. Three is a lot of intelligent species to be in close contact in space as it is. However, the need to sell product and the consumer's desire for variety means we can probably expect the discovery of several more species. I look forward to what they produce and hope the vehicles are creative and original. Overall, Great paint jobs and lots of very cool minis.
  20. I don't see such an announcement on their website. Can you point me to it?
  21. Well, I like the face quite a bit, but the ham-fists are a bit cartoony. Might be good for a game of Toon or something.
  22. I like the idea of using the GW as a statue, and the ground tiles with grass growing between them came off very well. The positions of the figures isn't obviously telling me anything though, and I just don't think the big glass blocks are working.
  23. They do look prone to bending, but how thick do you think a muzzle needs to be? I read a SF story once with a power-armor theme and the suit fired 2mm beebees at near light speed. I assure you it needed only a very thin muzzle.
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