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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. My wife really freaks about electricity. I was replacing a chandeliere in my place. When I took the old one off I could see 3 sets of wires going to it. Aha! me thinks. That explains the light switch that does nothing. This is a 3-way light but the idiot just put all the wires together. But when I try to figure out which is the real live wire, the wife gets all upset and insists on calling an electrician (have to turn the switch back on to find the live wire after all). Well, domestic harmony is more important than me standing on a table with my toolbelt so I consent. The new idiot just binds all the wires together again. :heeeellll
  2. Add some colored ink or paint - usually black but I like to use blue - to some "stained glass medium" from a craft store. It makes a great primer.
  3. May sound strange, but I could easily see adding that top guy as a champion to my GW High Elf archer unit.
  4. Ringmasters do sort of wear hunting pink, don't they. This looks fabulous. I love the color of the pants.
  5. Fiendish Celestial: I will be totally honest. The first thing that popped into my head when I saw that pic was the word "Sa-wheet" - with that exact pronunciation. Geisha: I just watched Zatoichi last night and she looks so much like the geisha assassin I'd have to copy the kimono from the film. Very nice. Indian Maiden: The first must have for me. I've been looking for good native american stuff for a while.
  6. Yeah, they really screwed that up. She's fighting on a vat of lemon custard gone bad.
  7. I think if I played the game, I'd have my human power suits carry big cans of raid.
  8. some fun pieces in there, but I really don't like that they put lettering on the can the guy is drinking from.
  9. I've made this same comment many times. There are so many good painters willing to paint for swag, why ever advertise your wares with a bad paint job? Not that SF has bad paint jobs - there are far worse out there - but they could have better.
  10. Why is it, when I log in, in the upper right hand corner the message sayse there are 6 new posts, and has a link, but when I click on it I get a page that says "sorry, there are no new posts"?
  11. I may buy the flute player, but that's it. Do it just for my girl band set. The spider is kinda cool, but not my taste.
  12. I didn't think people actually made that joke. I thought that was just on TV. Well, gotta go, someone just asked me if my refrigerator is running....
  13. I was hoping word wouldn't get out so I'd have a chance at this one while everyone else was doing pirates.
  14. Being the medievalist snob that I am, I feel compelled to point out he's too young to be a squire. He'd be a page. Hate the body pose. Kids are flexible, but I dont' believe their spines bend backward quite that much.
  15. Hey, I didn't know there was a harbinger of Fury smiley! :flaminghe
  16. Same for me on the first part, but not on the second. The last thing I painted was Iron Painter, and before that was a local group contest, and before that...it's been so long I don't remember. Probably Rotten Harvest. I haven't gotten much painting done this year. I love contests as they force me to actually paint, but I still do it so rarely. This one looks interesting and I've already got a pirate project on the back burner, but having spent some money on buying the parts for the H/H contest, that takes priority. Though the prate one will kill 2 birds with one plank so to speak....
  17. I guess pirates don't eat very well then.
  18. I'm not even sure I'll enter as I have already said I'd enter the Heresy/Hasslefree diorama contest and I've never done a diorama before and have a lot of work ahead of me. Why do they all have the same deadline?
  19. I'm beginning to think Opacity is not really that great a quality. I already get amazing coverage with vallejo paints. Problem now is sometimes its too much coverage. If I want real gradual and smooth color transitions, I will sometimes pick a GW paint instead because I lay down a layer and can't really see that I've done anything. Good for very gradual build up. I put down a layer of vallejo yellow and I have a sharp line where it ends and the base is uncovered.
  20. thick paper well soaked with acrylic medium works pretty well.
  21. I asked because I agreed to do a commission of a squad of zombie pirates. So theoretically, you are correct, I could. Realistically there's no way I'll get them all done by the deadline. Besides, only a couple actually look like pirates. Corpse in tattered clothes only screams pirate when it's on a ship with the jolly roger. The couple wearing hats or frock coats though would work.
  22. Well, for 30 & 32 that makes sense, and as most 28 are actually taller than 28 it still works. But if your army is 25mm and you add a 32mm figure, that figure is 28% taller than everyone else. Given the average man is 5'10", the new guy would be 7'6". Sure, people are different heights, and some are around 7'6" (I think that's Wilt Chamberlain's height) but it's extremely rare. Going the other way, if most of your army is 32mm, then a 25mm mini would be like 4'6" - again, such people are out there, but other than children, they are rare (Danny DeVito is 5'2").
  23. Are zombie pirates considered Salty Dogs or Bilge Rats?
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