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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. By the way, did anyone get my eegah clue?
  2. 2 - if you haven't seen the movie, there's no way in h e double hocky sticks you'll get it. But if you have seen the movie then you'll know that if Staples sold underwear they would have just had to show a big pair of "granny panties". 15 I haven't seen but got it because someone said it's a line from a Bogart movie. It's not a line Bogart says though, or even a line said to him, though he is in the scene were the guy in uniform says it to the other guy in uniform.
  3. Okay, the canine clue gave me #9, but I was just guessing. I never saw it and know nothing about except who directed it, and that's enough to make me not see it. 18 I had to do some google image searches until I found the pic because I remembered it from the poster, but I would never have remembered the name. I still need clues on 2, 8 and 14 [edit] okay, I got 8. It was what I thought originally, but I misspelled it. Apparently enough people misspell it the way I did that it shows up on Google without any comment that the spelling is wrong. [edit 2] I just got 2. Don't know why, but it just suddenly hit me. I guess I started thinking about what the black book could represent then rememberd who daniel was.
  4. 16 is quite literally a quote from the movie. Think - what is it, and what does it do?
  5. Thanks, Jim. The Bogart clue gave it to me. I never saw movie #15, but I remember hearing the title. Actually, that's true for most of them. Duende: I'd love to give you a hint for #2 but I'm clueless about that one. Can't get 8 either. Stumped on 9 as well. :-( 10 should be easy if you think about the position the man's hands are in. 14 I'm drawing a blank on too. 19 you either know it or you don't really. Hinty hinty hint.... Eegah! I already gave a hint with the Happy Gilmore comment, but perhaps that's too vague. (actually I made an even more vague hint in that last sentence!) [edit] don't mind me, I'm just one of the happy breed.
  6. You're over-thinking it. And getting confused by the "II". Can someone give me a hint about 15 though? I can think of several movies with line-ups but nothing is working. Oh, I just got 6. I finally figured out what the one on the left is supposed to be.
  7. How could you not get #16? That's one of the most quoted movies around - at least in my circle. The line they are referencing in particular. You'll get 11 soon. You have to. The ones I haven't gotten are 2, 6, 8, 9, 14 & 15
  8. I got number 19 on the first try and was very surprised. Of course, several options could have worked - possibly even Happy Gilmore.
  9. I remember years ago sitting in a movie theater with my sister. A trailer came on and I said "wow, that looks good; but then traiers can make anything look good." I was immediately proven wrong by the next trailer - for "Elvira: Mistress of the Dark."
  10. Ah. I think I may have found the trailers on NBC.com. Could someone who sees it on TV tell me if the trailer is included in the "2-minute" wrap up on the web site? Looked to me like mom is gonna fight it out with the villain - what was his name? Silas, Simon, Sturgeon...? Okay, so I just spent too much time trying to cut freeze frame images of the 2 bald black men to show that they are different. Then it occurred to me to go to IMDB and look up the show. The villain is played by Hatian actor Jimmy Jean-Louis. (Monster-in-law, Phat Girlz, etc.) The husband is played by Leonard Roberts (Drumline, Buffy the Vampire Slayer [tv]) Oh, and for all those potential pedophiles out there, the actress who plays the cheerleader, Hayden Panettierre, actually IS 16 in those shots. She turned 17 last August. One more year before you can drool over her with a clean conscience. Funny cast trivia: Flying brother is married to one of the Dixie Chix Mom was a sorority sister in Legally Blond Cop was the pilot of the plane that crashed in Lost Rapist was the President's son on "Commander in Chief" Dead Indian Geneticist was played by Erick Avari (Planet of the Apes, Stargate [tv & film], Independence Day, The Mummy)
  11. They are NOT the same person. That is perfectly clear from the online comic. Also, beyond being dark skinned and bald, they don't really look alike. As to using Peter so the artist doesn't "have to" shoot up, I don't think the artist has to shoot up at all. He's an addict. He has convinced himself that he can only paint when high. That's a common enough association used to justify an addiction he knows is wrong. With counseling he can learn that he has simply made up an excuse for himself as to why he needs the drugs. I actually found that to be a realistic element. Think of this, if he only has the power when high, then how could Peter mimic it when painter didn't have the power?
  12. I mostly agree with your rankings. Older brother I would put above the cop, which is a shame as the cop would have been #3 last week. Older brother I move up because the effect of him taking off and leaving a vapor trail was cool. Painter hasn't been very exciting for me though. I think I'd put him below the mom.
  13. Could be something simple, like the off switch is protected by a trap of lasers that will cut anyone passing through into pieces and she has to pass through, get cut to pieces, reassemble and turn off the bomb. Or perhaps she has to be there at the end to convince daddy to change his evil ways. Why do people from the future always act so cryptic? Why didn't Hiro just say: here's her name and address. Save her and you'll prevent New York from blowing up.? And what's with Hiro all of a sudden being able to speak English? He has zero English skills up to this point, then he has a conversation with fly by night. I know, you may be saying he speaks it choppy, with simple words and no verbs etc. But that doesn't explain how when Fly by night says "wher ya from", Hiro immediately knows he's being asked where his home is. Heck, I am a native speaker and I couldn't understand some of what fly by night was saying because he mumbled too much.
  14. Zenit? as in zenit before, nothing new here? That said, I really like the elf and orc, and they have got a damn fine painter there.
  15. I sorta skimmed it. I'll try to watch it later. The cop did turn into a pretty lame story. It was going great with him talking to the crook, but then it just went dumb. Read the on-line comic. It is short, but gives a LOT of info on the dad.
  16. welcome. Know a guy in Kansas, but that's as close as I can get to helping you. Oh, wait, doesn't vike live in Iowa?
  17. Well, the elephant has obviously just smashed a scarecrow - the bait of the trap - but it appears the dwarf wasn't ready with his gun. It also appears the door is pointed the wrong way. The elephant could not have just come through that arch.
  18. Satyrs are male for the same reason Incubi are male. I think a female minotaur could be very cool or could suck teets (semi-literally). I'd love to see someone try it though.
  19. why do women of the "frozen north" always have bare bellies?
  20. Me too Wren. But I couldn't help thinking bad things when I noticed all the minis are female and the one unnamed is "the crab".
  21. Okay, now I see them. The female satyr is odd, simply because they are all supposed to be male. The amphora is missing a handle, and I'd have preferred it without the zig-zags as it's a great opportunity to imitate Grecian pottery styles, but I suppose they can be easily filled in. So when do we expect the Chinese Zodiac?
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