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Everything posted by gi6ers

  1. don't forget to get the Major too. Great stuff..!
  2. CMON linkage Great sculpt from Andy at Heresy Miniatures Comments and feedback appreciated, thought she might be a change from all the Testosterone.
  3. I took a month off a while ago and the break did me good IMO. I'm enjoying it a lot more after my break.
  4. Thought about it but decided against it, I've got one entry in for that already that I'm happy with. If anyone does want to do a diorama with these guys, these might be useful: Bases
  5. Tamiya clear red mixed with a bit of thinned black paint and flicked at the mini with a cheap nylon brush.
  6. Feedback appreciated! CMON Ed CMON group shot
  7. Looks good mate, well done on your honorable mention!
  8. Malebolgia is the first one through to the next round of the tourney...
  9. gi6ers

    new guy

    Best way to advance is: a) Enjoy painting!!! Post something and ask for brutal feedback. c) Ignore your CMON scores d) Enter a Wyrd contest - some of the best feedback out there IMO. e) Learn the basics - removing mould lines, smooth basecoats and tidiness will always give a good result. Looking forward to seeing your stuff, get painting!
  10. You can get a totally matt finish but you need to shake the can like a loon for a few minutes. I really like the stuff and it can smooth out the odd dodgy layer...
  11. Thanks, only changes I would make are an optional hatch component for a driver and/or weapons..
  12. Very cool! When can I get one? Do you ship to the UK?
  13. Happy brithdday, you are a topp bloke! (I'm very drunk so would probably cuddle you between my man-boods in real life)
  14. thanks all. Will be getting drunk later! @Supervike - Guy-gers? (It was my old uni username that I was given for the system so there isn't really a way of saying it).
  15. that's the one Ritual, same as Cindy's too.
  16. Cool! Looking forward to seeing something. Why don't you take a pic of an existing paintjob and compare it?
  17. http://www.coolminiornot.com/161427 :ahhhhh:
  18. Great stuff, just ordered some of their new stuff. Will be watching with interest. Will be interesting to see how you approach painting too Cindy,
  19. Excellent, I really like the sculpts too! The only thing I would add is some tamiya clear green and yellow dribbling from the wound..
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