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New Player with Wong

Lucky Loser

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really like the look of Wong, and read a little about here in the forum.

Explosive Solutions Box seems not to be the greatest point to start off, so any recommendations what to get when building on budget nowadays?

Totally new to this game, and would like a flexible list pointing at 50ss, able to take most of strats and schemes to get into the game and expand from there on, if appealing.

Or might Somer might be the better starting point?

Otherwise (completely different) I´ll start presumably with Ramos´ Box, simply cause he looks a lot like Count Olaf (watched a series of unfortunate events the last days =]), and there´s not so much to get in addition to the box itself it seems, although that seems a little boring.

Sorry for my english and so long...

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If you like Wong, then his box does just fine.  Lightning Bugs are good for whatever you need them to do, generally.  Mancha Roja is a good beater, though not always the one to take for Wong.

With Wong, I'm a big fan of Old Cranky and Sammy LaCroix at least.  Sammy allows you to take both of his limited upgrades, one of which works extremely well in the crew without being attached to Wong himself.  Old Cranky is just a much better totem than his specific totem.  Especially for Wong, since killing stuff is what Wong does, so you'll regenerate soulstones.

Burt Jebsen is another great model to pick up if you plan on being a gremlin for a while.  He fits into most crews, but works especially well as Wong's Magical target, as well as very well in a crew with Som'er since he can get so many extra rams easily.  Can't go wrong with Burt.  He even has one of the same tactical actions as Wong's totem, so you can still have it in the crew even if you replace the Assistant with Old Cranky.

Generally speaking, simply because of how many Bayou Gremlins you can end up with, Som'er will be more flexible for most games.  However, I'm a huge fan of our resident 3 Demon friend, so I'll always push for him over Som'er.

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Once they actually hit stores: swine cursed. They really shine('glow') in a wong crew


The wong crew I usually go for is either a glowy mctavish or burt jebsen(both do fine, but i've found i prefer mctavish vs ressers and eat their corpse markers

A box of slop haulers is never a bad thing no matter what gremlin master you play

As others have mentioned:old cranky is the totem to go for.

Some other choices worth looking into for more choices are, merris lacroix(excellent scheme runner) sammy lacroix(works well with wong if you give her oo glowy and wong his other limited upgrade)

A solid box to have is creative taxidermy. Taxidermists are awesome. But what you really want is the stuffed piglets(ammo for a pigapult. Sammys summon etc).

While playing wong i've often found myself using stuffed piglets to grant lightning bugs extra actions by blowing up near them


Good luck

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15 hours ago, EpicWaffle said:

The moment Swine cursed are gonna release, Wong power will rise over 900 :D I guess they're kinda broken as models, this I never tried them out.

They are alright, I mean They heal alot and have nice offensive triggers... but once they have activated they are not tanky at all. Anything big will destroy a swine cursed before it gets another chance to activate with regenerate + (0) heal. 

Or you can bring franc and have him chainactivate with another model and nuke them down before they get a chance to activate. 
Master + franc, Trixie + franc or burt + franc will kill a swine cursed without any issue what so ever. 

I would call them good, but not broken

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That's my main concern, but as I said in the zipp post, they look awesome on paper, on the field that might change quote fast.

I'd say tho that 7wounds and 6df isn't that squishy, unless is a master or huge henchman/enforcer like Langston, they shouldn't go down in 1 hit. Considering they cost 7ss, as long as they beat down something meaningfull before going down, it's still worth to me (and, if the planets allign, you can get up to 5 attacks from them).

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